We just had to help a lady who got caught in a rip current and passed out and drowned trying to fight it. We were actually leaving because tiffany and the girls got in it, but thankfully were all on floats and got out pretty easy. The lady went limp and literally washed up, and her daughter (bout little bits age) was screaming for help. Thank God there was a nurse right there, and she started CPR. Me, my buddy, another young lady, and another man held towels over her until she got to breathing. We held her, and kept putting ice on her neck and under her arms, that's what 911 had instructed us to do. It took them about 15 minutes to get there, and worrying for her, and her daughter crying and yelling "mommy be okay" got me. I broke, and still in tears. Her name is Michelle is all I know, pray for her and her daughter.