Needing prayers.

I was knocked out for my colonoscopy. With my liver issues, I was scoped in almost every conceivable way.

And prostate exams suck.
A friend of mine let me know today that his wife has been diagnosed with gastric Lymphoma yesterday.
If y’all could keep him in your prayers I’d appreciate it.
He’s got it. And so does she.
YWHW we ask for healing in our friends wife we ask for strength for both our friend and his wife. And we ask for complete and total restoration while keeping our faith and eyes on your. Amein
So, first of all I would like to thank Slice for posting on Friday. All of this has come on so quickly that we are really still in shock. Jan 16 my wife of 35 years was fine. Had a physical with some blood work and only had a very slightly elevated platelet count. In less than a week she looked 6 months pregnant. On Jan 25th we started trying to get in to see my Gastro Intestinal Doc. We finally got in on Thursday and he ran some tests plus a CA-125 marker. On Friday we were back in to talk and he was discussing Ovarian cancer. The pain got so bad that instead of waiting until the following Thursday for a CT, we pulled it into Monday 2/3. Wound up going to the ER on Saturday to get something for pain and the Doc there ordered the CT. Got the results of these back and with the high CA125 marker he got us back in for a consult on Monday. All of her internals looked good except her stomach on the CT so the rest has been a downhill bobsled run. Tuesday we were in for a sonagram to further check her liver....all good. Wednesday was colonoscopy and endoscopy with only places in her stomach showing. Thursday was pericentisis (sp?) to drain her stomach so that she could get some rest and the prelims from the biopsies came back Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. Friday was the PET Scan and we got back the diagnosis that it was mostly in her stomach with a few cells showing in her abdomen causing the swelling. Essentially that is where we are now and are headed into the next chapter of our lives today. We see an oncologist to discuss treatment. We are both scared but relieved that is is Lymphoma and can be cured.....yes, the doc said cured. I thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts as we push forward into this new experience.

You may see her pop up here, her name is GoVolGal. Trying to get her account started. I'll fill in more as we know.

Thanks again.
So, first of all I would like to thank Slice for posting on Friday. All of this has come on so quickly that we are really still in shock. Jan 16 my wife of 35 years was fine. Had a physical with some blood work and only had a very slightly elevated platelet count. In less than a week she looked 6 months pregnant. On Jan 25th we started trying to get in to see my Gastro Intestinal Doc. We finally got in on Thursday and he ran some tests plus a CA-125 marker. On Friday we were back in to talk and he was discussing Ovarian cancer. The pain got so bad that instead of waiting until the following Thursday for a CT, we pulled it into Monday 2/3. Wound up going to the ER on Saturday to get something for pain and the Doc there ordered the CT. Got the results of these back and with the high CA125 marker he got us back in for a consult on Monday. All of her internals looked good except her stomach on the CT so the rest has been a downhill bobsled run. Tuesday we were in for a sonagram to further check her liver....all good. Wednesday was colonoscopy and endoscopy with only places in her stomach showing. Thursday was pericentisis (sp?) to drain her stomach so that she could get some rest and the prelims from the biopsies came back Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. Friday was the PET Scan and we got back the diagnosis that it was mostly in her stomach with a few cells showing in her abdomen causing the swelling. Essentially that is where we are now and are headed into the next chapter of our lives today. We see an oncologist to discuss treatment. We are both scared but relieved that is is Lymphoma and can be cured.....yes, the doc said cured. I thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts as we push forward into this new experience.

You may see her pop up here, her name is GoVolGal. Trying to get her account started. I'll fill in more as we know.

Thanks again.
We've been praying man. It's a horrible feeling watching your spouse hurt, and feeling helpless. We're here for you to vent whenever you need to.
So, first of all I would like to thank Slice for posting on Friday. All of this has come on so quickly that we are really still in shock. Jan 16 my wife of 35 years was fine. Had a physical with some blood work and only had a very slightly elevated platelet count. In less than a week she looked 6 months pregnant. On Jan 25th we started trying to get in to see my Gastro Intestinal Doc. We finally got in on Thursday and he ran some tests plus a CA-125 marker. On Friday we were back in to talk and he was discussing Ovarian cancer. The pain got so bad that instead of waiting until the following Thursday for a CT, we pulled it into Monday 2/3. Wound up going to the ER on Saturday to get something for pain and the Doc there ordered the CT. Got the results of these back and with the high CA125 marker he got us back in for a consult on Monday. All of her internals looked good except her stomach on the CT so the rest has been a downhill bobsled run. Tuesday we were in for a sonagram to further check her liver....all good. Wednesday was colonoscopy and endoscopy with only places in her stomach showing. Thursday was pericentisis (sp?) to drain her stomach so that she could get some rest and the prelims from the biopsies came back Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. Friday was the PET Scan and we got back the diagnosis that it was mostly in her stomach with a few cells showing in her abdomen causing the swelling. Essentially that is where we are now and are headed into the next chapter of our lives today. We see an oncologist to discuss treatment. We are both scared but relieved that is is Lymphoma and can be cured.....yes, the doc said cured. I thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts as we push forward into this new experience.

You may see her pop up here, her name is GoVolGal. Trying to get her account started. I'll fill in more as we know.

Thanks again.
I'm praying for you all.

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