As if he could read it. He'd spill mustard on it and use it to wipe the mayonaise off his face.(voldaddy77 @ Jun 12 said:I would love to sit here and sulk with you, but I wont. I am a die hard UT fan, always have been. I dont like losing any more than the next UT fan, but It is what it is. You should write Phil a letter....
These new guys would run crying into the street thinking that God had forsaken them. They're not ready for that yet. Let them sit at home with their Fulmer/Mini-Fulmer shrines, wearing their faded #16 jerseys, listening to Kenny Chesney. They're really harmless. They mean well.(volinasheville @ Jun 12 said:My father in law, a former player for the General, always referred to CPF as "Iggy."
By the way Hat, some of these guys might really enjoy your thoughts on Peyton Manning sometime soon.
There are a couple of old threads that have beaten that topic into submission. Suffice it to say, I don't hold Archie and Olivia's middle child in as high a regard as many UT fans.(voldaddy77 @ Jun 12 said:LOL, that is funny... Dont get it twisted, Im not the biggest Fulmer fan. But I would love for the king of VolNation to give me some insight on Peyton though.
(85Destiny @ Jun 12 said:Of course when I call some of these posters out they say I am ignorant or that I shouldn't question their loyalty.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 12 said:There are a couple of old threads that have beaten that topic into submission. Suffice it to say, I don't hold Archie and Olivia's middle child in as high a regard as many UT fans.
Why in the world would UT want a head coach that Ole Miss fired? If you can't cut it in Oxford, you certainly have no business running a real program.(voldaddy77 @ Jun 12 said:He couldnt beat Florida...Id say there isnt too much more to knock the guy on. But im sure you have a list, and thats cool. All in all I do agree with what you have been saying, losing isnt fun. If I would have seen Randy Sanders out anywhere even before this season I would have beat him with a billy club, mainly because thats how I roll. Fulmer isnt the best coach out there, and IMO if he has another season like this one, DC will be making the 2 mill that you mentioned earlier. I cant say that would hurt my feelings any....
It is my most sincere hope that the bashing of Phil Fulmer will end after the Kentucky game this year.(OrangePappy @ Jun 12 said:I'm proud of the fact that I coined the phrase NegaVols. Yes, I am originally from Winchester, Tn. and yes I may be a homer (for some reason sheep and Hat go together so I won't use that term) but I agree with the hope of an end to the bashing. It is not so much that we refuse to see reality but every day ordinary life tends to stink at times so why would I want to come on here and listen to so called experts say what should be done when realistically they don't have any better shot at changing things than I do. I feel better and no, I don't care what a few of you think! :shades:
Glad you've enjoyed yourself. I look forward to some spirited debate.(voldaddy77 @ Jun 13 said:Without DC, we wouldnt have won the NC in 98'. Gerry DiNardo..are you kidding me with that? Im gonna make it a point to get on here from now on just to argue with you...this is great. HatVol, the man...the legend.