Negative Posting

My son has all he needs to be successful academically, we put no obstacles in his way and he has the talent to perform at a high level. If he begins bringing home grades lower than he is capable of he will know that I am not pleased. He will still be my son but he will know that he must improve. If, in the 8th grade he brings home an "F" report card, I will not pat him on the head and say "It's okay son, seven years ago, in the first grade, you made all A's ."

It isn't being negative to have high expectations when the program has all the $$$ and physical assets necessary to succeed.
Accountability dang it!

(volinasheville @ Jun 13 said:
My son has all he needs to be successful academically, we put no obstacles in his way and he has the talent to perform at a high level. If he begins bringing home grades lower than he is capable of he will know that I am not pleased. He will still be my son but he will know that he must improve. If, in the 8th grade he brings home an "F" report card, I will not pat him on the head and say "It's okay son, seven years ago, in the first grade, you made all A's ."

It isn't being negative to have high expectations when the program has all the $$$ and physical assets necessary to succeed.
There's a very good piece on Mark Cuban in the NBA section of It attributes a great deal of the Mavericks success to the fact Cuban provides the Mavs with all the resources necessary to win, then demands that they do so. What a novel concept. Maybe Mike Hamilton could go to Big D and take some lessons in the application of accountability.
HatVol....they need to use the monicker of Chairman for you, instead of all sec, and proletariat for the rest of Volnation...............

We are all working to be Hat.......... :p :bad: :banghead: :p :blink: :biggrin2:

(OrangeEmpire @ Jun 13 said:
HatVol....they need to use the monicker of Chairman for you, instead of all sec, and proletariat for the rest of Volnation...............

We are all working to be Hat.......... :p :bad: :banghead: :p :blink: :biggrin2:

Thank you for the kind words.
HatVol....they need to use the monicker of Chairman for you, instead of all sec, and proletariat for the rest of Volnation...............

We are all working to be Hat.......... :p :bad: :banghead: :p :blink: :biggrin2:


One good thing about this board is you can be yourself and express your own opinions .
Whether a post is negative or positive is completely relative depending on your P.O.V. Criticism can be constructive or deconstructive. Contructive criticism is by its very nature positive. Similarly, sometimes you have to tear something down in order to build something new; therefore, deconstructive criticism can be a catalyst for positive and necessary change. What I hear when someone characterizes posts that are critical of Fulmer, or any other aspect of the program as negative, is that said poster is perfectly content with the state of the program as-is based on the following conclusions:

(1) Constructive criticism is not warranted because nothing needs improvement; and
(2) Deconstructive criticism is not warranted because nothing needs to be torn down and replaced.

IMO that type of thinking represents nothing more than blind homerism and I for one simply cannot go along with it. Now, as the season nears I fully expect that I will orient the tenor of my posts in a direction that some will find more palatable as I am a UT fan and I want to see our team win every last game we play. Once the games begin there will be an opportunity for the us vs. them mentality to kick-in as we focus on our opponents from week-to-week. Until then, I'm just going to call it like I see it.
A few comments on this debate:

1) a by-product is further entrenchment. As other posters draw sweeping conclusions about one's position, they begin to define you as that position. As a result, one is often compelled to be more extreme in their statements thus reinforcing the image.

In short, there are very few (if any) true Fulmerites or Anti-Fulmites on this board.

2) the discussion intensifies since there is no new evidence (e.g. next season) on which to base opinions. More and more mildly useful facts and analogies are presented as support for one extreme position or another.

Hopefully, once the season begins we can analyze individual games for the games themselves rather than their (the game's) support of any given position.

(volinbham @ Jun 13 said:
A few comments on this debate:

1) a by-product is further entrenchment. As other posters draw sweeping conclusions about one's position, they begin to define you as that position. As a result, one is often compelled to be more extreme in their statements thus reinforcing the image.

In short, there are very few (if any) true Fulmerites or Anti-Fulmites on this board.

2) the discussion intensifies since there is no new evidence (e.g. next season) on which to base opinions. More and more mildly useful facts and analogies are presented as support for one extreme position or another.

Hopefully, once the season begins we can analyze individual games for the games themselves rather than their (the game's) support of any given position.

Well said . . . errrr . . . typed.
(OrangeEmpire @ Jun 13 said:
I do not like it when people are reasonable......

If this continues we will have no need for this board!

Fulmer is fat and anybody who says he's not hates the Vols :crazy:
(85Destiny @ Jun 12 said:
I agree with bucksnort. The negative comments on this board have to go. Of course when I call some of these posters out they say I am ignorant or that I shouldn't question their loyalty.

I didn't know it was your job to call anyone out. How could you possibly know, with only 42 posts and a very brief history on this board, who to call out?! No one elected you the loyalty police. Barney. We have mods to police everything else. Leave the self rightoeous soap box in the corner for all the Sunday Baptists. I would rather be entangled in a war of opinion with Hat than to read your stuff.
I'm amazed that anyone would get so offended by someone's opinion.If you can't take the heat , stay out of the kitchen, or if you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.Cliche,trite, yes, nevertheless true.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 12 said:
It is my most sincere hope that the bashing of Phil Fulmer will end after the Kentucky game this year.
Are they taking your computer away from you? :angel:
(OrangePappy @ Jun 13 said:
Are they taking your computer away from you? :angel:
No. But fewer than eight wins will remove any reason to criticize the King of the Peach Bowl Hospitality Buffets.
(utfantilidie @ Jun 13 said:
You walked right into that HV. :biggrin2:
If that's the best the opposition has, I'm even more certain of the intellectual and factual superiority of my position on these issues.
(voldaddy77 @ Jun 12 said:
LOL, that is funny... Dont get it twisted, Im not the biggest Fulmer fan. But I would love for the king of VolNation to give me some insight on Peyton though.
See post number 334112 for the most thorough presentation of my feelings regarding Peyton Manning.

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