Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan



Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
The left want to live in George Orwell's 1984 world. They are nanny-state authoritarians who want to censor free speech because someone might possibly be wrong about something that has literally changed every other week (the science)

First its don't wear a mask, then its wear one.
First it was don't wear N95 masks, now they are recommended.
First it was the vax stops the spread.
Now it won't, but it reduced symptoms.

What's next?

And just forget about '2 weeks to slow the spread'. That was 2 years ago.

'The science' has been politicized and the politicians are bought and paid for by the same evil ones who created the opiate epidemic. Yet the left wants us to trust them and make their experimental vaccine mandatory?

The left has gone completely off the rails with this.

Joe Rogan's podcast is nothing more than him interviewing people. They sit around having a long discussion about topics, including vaccines. Some of what they say is wrong, just like how 'the science' has been wrong over and over again.

I paid to see Neil Young and Crazy Horse perform live back in the 90s. It was a great show. Unforgettable.

But his stunt to censor Rogan is anti-American. 'Keep on Rockin in the Free World', right Neil? Right lefties?

"I hope Neil Young will remember!
A southern man don't need him around anyhow!" ~Skynyrd

If you haven't done so, download Spotify and start streaming Joe Rogan's Experience. The left are trying to cancel him and Spotify, the app that refused to censor.
I wouldn’t be so quick to glorify Spotify. I assume their interests were financial. Which is fine, but I wouldn’t necessarily believe that censorship is something they are unwilling to be a participant.
Well, maybe so, but Spotify's employees have called for JRE to be censored in the past as well, but as far as I know Spotify has refused.
Spotify: $4b devaluation overnight.

And for the record, I believe they know who butters their financial bread. My only issue with Spotify is how little they pay their artists.

Idk anything about Spotify and their policies. Truth be told, I don't care about any of that.

However, I do get some enjoyment out of watching Neil Young issue some ridiculous ultimatum to Spotify and then essentially being told to kick dirt.
Spotify: $4b devaluation overnight.

And for the record, I believe they know who butters their financial bread. My only issue with Spotify is how little they pay their artists.
How much should they be paid? I can listen to artists play their music on a couple of dozen of websites every minute. Should each of them pay a premium price when someone can tune into another provider and listen to the same music?
I wouldn’t be so quick to glorify Spotify. I assume their interests were financial. Which is fine, but I wouldn’t necessarily believe that censorship is something they are unwilling to be a participant.

I’m sure they’re as “woke” as the rest of them but there has to be a “wokeness” to bottom line ratio. With diversity hires, affirmative action, etc all companies have shown they are willing to take some sort of financial hit.
I’m sure they’re as “woke” as the rest of them but there has to be a “wokeness” to bottom line ratio. With diversity hires, affirmative action, etc all companies have shown they are willing to take some sort of financial hit.

Who has really taken a financial hit? I think brand loyalty is hard to break with people.
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