Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

Breaking news per CNN anonymous source(s):

Can you prove they are not leftists who want to censor speech?

In establishing cause or fit, the onus is on the person making the claim that somebody is something, not the person who says they are not something.

Innocent until proven guilty. The American way.
In establishing cause or fit, the onus is on the person making the claim that somebody is something, not the person who says they are not something.

Innocent until proven guilty. The American way.
They are also free to dispute the claim and prove they are not leftists.
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I did not assign them a political tag. How are they left or right or centrist?
Once again. Can you prove they are not leftists? This is the Volnation political forum. If I want to assign a political tag to some leftist celebrities I can. I've had many assigned to me on here.

And by the way. Which group wants Joe Rogan censored the most. The left and democrats.
Once again. Can you prove they are not leftists? This is the Volnation political forum. If I want to assign a political tag to some leftist celebrities I can. I've had many assigned to me on here.

And by the way. Which group wants Joe Rogan censored the most. The left and democrats.
Once again, I didn't assign him a place on the political spectrum so I don't have to prove anything.
Asking to be removed from a media that spreads a view you don't agree with is not right, left, conservative, liberal, etc. It is not political.
I suppose the group that wants Rogan censored the most as regards covid are those who want to use known facts and best practices to fight the pandemic.
Once again, I didn't assign him a place on the political spectrum so I don't have to prove anything.
Asking to be removed from a media that spreads a view you don't agree with is not right, left, conservative, liberal, etc. It is not political.
I suppose the group that wants Rogan censored the most as regards covid are those who want to use known facts and best practices to fight the pandemic.
And yes it is political wanting Joe Rogan to be censored. It's mostly totalitarian leftists and democrats that want him censored too.

Do you think he should be censored?
What was the misinformation he spewed?
„Misinformation“ is a term the left uses now to avoid debate. Since they have no factual or rational arguments that will stand up to rigorous examination, they throw up the laughable claim of misinformation and walk away and go hide in one of their like minded „thought bubbles“ with other leftists.
Once again, I didn't assign him a place on the political spectrum so I don't have to prove anything.
Asking to be removed from a media that spreads a view you don't agree with is not right, left, conservative, liberal, etc. It is not political.
I suppose the group that wants Rogan censored the most as regards covid are those who want to use known facts and best practices to fight the pandemic.
The left used to believe in the „marketplace of ideas“ where opinions could be debated freely and truth arrived at through dialogue. But in the last decade or so, they see that they are losing the debate on a regular basis so they now want the marketplace shut down and for their progressive views to be the only game in town. It is not an accident that Tredeau used the phrase „unacceptable views“ to refer to the trucker convoy. They want to dictate thought unopposed amd unquestioned now. They are intellectual cowards of the highest order.
„Misinformation“ is a term the left uses now to avoid debate. Since they have no factual or rational arguments that will stand up to rigorous examination, they throw up the laughable claim of misinformation and walk away and go hide in one of their like minded „thought bubbles“ with other leftists.
Trendy words like “widespread” to validate and acknowledge voter fraud just not big enough on a set number deemed worthy.
„Misinformation“ is a term the left uses now to avoid debate. Since they have no factual or rational arguments that will stand up to rigorous examination, they throw up the laughable claim of misinformation and walk away and go hide in one of their like minded „thought bubbles“ with other leftists.
There are some more reasonable leftists out there. Not all of them have this totalitarian mindset where people must fall in line.

I've also had some democrats tell me privately that they are beginning to question the effectiveness of these vaccines. Of course they don't share this publicly as they are afraid of any criticism they might receive.
And yes it is political wanting Joe Rogan to be censored. It's mostly totalitarian leftists and democrats that want him censored too.

Do you think he should be censored?
I have not kept track of who wants him censored. No I don't think he should be censored but it's close. I really like free speech.
Rogan plays to the detriment of our public health by giving a platform to Malone and his false anti-vax agenda. Ideally I'd like to see him understand and communicate the science but maybe that's too much to ask. I guess when we start seeing lawsuits for 'because of JRE et al grandma didn't get the jab and now she's dead' we'll see fewer such snake oil salesmen.
I have not kept track of who wants him censored. No I don't think he should be censored but it's close. I really like free speech.
Rogan plays to the detriment of our public health by giving a platform to Malone and his false anti-vax agenda. Ideally I'd like to see him understand and communicate the science but maybe that's too much to ask. I guess when we start seeing lawsuits for 'because of JRE et al grandma didn't get the jab and now she's dead' we'll see fewer such snake oil salesmen.
You do realize Malone has papers published on the NIH website? One talking about the benefits is famotidine in treating Covid. He also helped in creating the Mrna technology. Furthermore, he's been a well respected medical professional for years.

What in the interview do you disagree with that Robert Malone said? Can you tell me the hour, minute, second mark of each statement that you disagree? I'm assuming that you listened to it and you know what all he said and what questions were asked.

I want to make sure you are simply not repeating what you are hearing on CNN or what you have been reading on Mother Jones.

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