Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

I am not sure if this has ever been posted. But this is Dr Robert Malone speaking from 4 years ago. I also find it hard to believe with over 150K views that this has zero comments.

This guy has time and time again thoroughly explained his stance calmly and given us enough info to look up the truth for ourselves. The doctors that have attempted to discredit him have posted links to magazine articles, not actual unbiased studies. He has said that studies done on rats/mice with mRNA resulted in cancer. The people trying to discredit him say that’s not true and that no studies were ever conducted on animals. If he’s correct, we are going to see a massive, massive cancer outbreak in a few years.
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This guy has time and time again thoroughly explained his stance calmly and given us enough info to look up the truth for ourselves. The doctors that have attempted to discredit him have posted links to magazine articles, not actual unbiased studies. He has said that studies done on rats/mice with mRNA resulted in cancer. The people trying to discredit him say that’s not true and that no studies were ever conducted on animals. If he’s correct, we are going to see a massive, massive cancer outbreak in a few years.
I've stayed away from this topic, because there really is no information yet, but it's a terrifying possibility.
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If you are an aging rocker from the 1960‘s, there are only two things you can do to draw attention to get back in the news, latch onto the latest hysterical virtue signaling campaign on Twitter, or pass away.
Cause Heaven know, no one cares in the least about your latest album.
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When your career is over, and you’re not selling concert tickets or memorial tshirts you make the decision to punch up hoping it will incite revenue. The thing is, well, between Azoff and David the entirety of the Southern California “sound” was propped up by fake sales and performance numbers. Really nobody has cared about CSNY since the hash wore off in 71. Why they though anyone cares is lost on me. “Even if you were good, this is too much”

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