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Breaking news out of Georgia. My wife's sister that left her husband in Texas and moved here may be going back to him. Wife said she changed her name back on Facebook to her married name, and won't respond to anybody in the family. She asked her what was going on, and she won't answer her. I honestly wish she would, it's a headache when she's around, even little things.
She tried to get my wife to have the girls quit swimming so they'd be free on Saturdays to hang out with her. It's always something like that with her.
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Breaking news out of Georgia. My wife's sister that left her husband in Texas and moved here may be going back to him. Wife said she changed her name back on Facebook to her married name, and won't respond to anybody in the family. She asked her what was going on, and she won't answer her. I honestly wish she would, it's a headache when she's around, even little things.
Covenants should be taken very seriously
Covenants should be taken very seriously
Agree. I honestly think she just left him for attention. The evil twin was getting a divorce and all the "poor baby's" from the inlaws. She fussed with her parents about it, then up and left her husband.
I believe she thought she'd come back and they'd help her like they do the evil twin, but they don't work that way.
This is the same people that refused to help us, not with money just time, when my wife was going through chemo. They lived in Gainesville, chemo lasted till 4. We asked them to pick my wife up cause I had to come get the kids from school, they were too young then to come home alone. They literally told my wife they were too tired to pick her up till I got back, I mean they lived 5 mins from where she was getting chemo.
Yet, they went to help the evil twin for 3 days because she stepped on a piece of glass. Not a cut anywhere, but a tiny piece got in her foot and hurt, so they took vacation so she wouldn't have to move.
Tbey don't help anybody but her, the other sister should know that by now.
That is a strange situation. Couldn’t imagine a parent not being willing to drive all night if that had to for a daughter or son having chemo much less 5 minutes
True story- the evil twin got so angry at my wife several years ago because we wouldn't quit our church and go to hers, that she began to accuse my wife of lying/faking having lupus. So, in the natural order of the family, the inlaws did also. They literally told my wife she'd never be as good as her sister. Even told my wife they stopped getting together for Christmas because we'd get jealous if we saw the nice stuff they bought her sister's kids compared to ours. I've posted a lot of this, but that's just a tad of the ignorance we deal with. I bite my tongue more than I probably should, but have went off on them several times. There was a near 2 year span they didn't come around because I lost it, and told them I wouldn't hit a woman, but if I saw them I was gonna beat her dad till he couldn't get up. It was wrong to lose it like that, but i was truly mad. I don't get legit mad much, but when I do I'm likely to do what I say, or get whooped trying.
True story- the evil twin got so angry at my wife several years ago because we wouldn't quit our church and go to hers, that she began to accuse my wife of lying/faking having lupus. So, in the natural order of the family, the inlaws did also. They literally told my wife she'd never be as good as her sister. Even told my wife they stopped getting together for Christmas because we'd get jealous if we saw the nice stuff they bought her sister's kids compared to ours. I've posted a lot of this, but that's just a tad of the ignorance we deal with. I bite my tongue more than I probably should, but have went off on them several times. There was a near 2 year span they didn't come around because I lost it, and told them I wouldn't hit a woman, but if I saw them I was gonna beat her dad till he couldn't get up. It was wrong to lose it like that, but i was truly mad. I don't get legit mad much, but when I do I'm likely to do what I say, or get whooped trying.
Yeah my wife is a twin her mom made her quit school as a freshman and get a job so she wouldn’t have to work. She died 15 years ago life has been a lot better. Yet her favorite uncle use to work where I did years ago and they fired him he showed up the next night and they had to fire him again. I had suspected he would run his mouth about me to her cuz I could always tell when they spoke. One night I knew she was on the phone with him and I picked up to her him bad mouthing me to my wife. So I told him he ought to be ashamed and he let into a profanity laced rant. Only words I told him barring a funeral next time I see him I was going to stomp a mud hole in him and walk it dry as calm as I could muster and hung up. Saw him at her mothers funeral and before hand he asked if I was coming. I told the wife he needs to come it’s his sister and it’s a funeral so he was safe. He died two or three years ago. Her aunt calls now and she is certified schizophrenic thank YHWH she lives in Indiana. The whole family is poor. The only time u hear from them is wanting money. Or to buy them something. Her twin sister is great tho. I have more respect for my wife and her sister than I do most my own family members. They had to scratch and claw out of a generational curse that was horrendous. So when she said she wanted to go to college. I made it happen. She’s a college graduate and that is a success story if there ever was one.
Anyway, I've got some key lime pie for after church tonight!!

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