New Nationwide Lockdown Coming?

Would you listen to our government and comply with a lockdown?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 27 20.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 91 68.4%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 15 11.3%

  • Total voters
@1972 Grad ...
You might want to delete that.
He did steal an election in Texas and Illinois, according to common knowledge at the time. Plus, he wouldn't have been killed if he had stayed in the Senate. Also, I certainly don't wish any ill will toward Biden. He would be the only thing standing between us and Camel Toe Harris.
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I wear a mask at work and I wear a mask into businesses that require it. I social distance. I still got it. Masks aren’t going to stop it and neither will draconian lockdowns.

Propaganda Fear is hard to overcome . It’s the fastest way for a government to get the masses to give up their rights . It looks like we would have learned our lessons from history from the Japanese internment camps, through 911 and Homeland security, now Covid . The vehicle may be different but the outcome is always the same .
Actually if he didn't give Bobby the AG post
The most plausible theory that I have read was that Oswald acted alone and fired the shot that went through his neck, but that the fatal shot was fired by Secret Service accidentally from the car immediately behind , when the agent lost his balance as the car accelerated.
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how healthy was this person on the vent to begin with ?
That's another debate I'm sick of. My coworker is very healthy and is in ICU on oxygen. I don't how healthy his family member is, other than they were elderly.
My mother is elderly, and IF you think it would somehow be a "oh well" moment if she got it and died, you're a frigging idiot.
Not to mention that New Zealand, New York, Australia and California are 4 entities that have had the most stringent lockdowns and their numbers still spiked.
Uh, New Zealand has had 25 total deaths and less than 80 active cases. WTF are you talking about?
New York is population density. When you cram millions on top of each other, it's a petri dish. California was hit early, but you still have people completely ignoring the protocols.
🖕🏼I’ll wear a mask when I choose to do business with someone that requires it . If you are afraid of catching something from me , stay away from me . If you are sick of hearing about it stop listening .
This is the dipshit mentality that pervades our society. Your ignorance doesn't merit any further response. You're the reason Trump lost. I
Thank you!

The PF has a number of full-on that would debate the color white if Trump said it was blue.

Fortunately, kids' time in the White House is over. The adults are coming back to drive the bus, per usual.

I get it man, you hate Trump. Still not sure when that made Biden good though. You people can't seriously think this dementia patient, who has sucked off a government salary and deals under the table for 5 decades is a good thing. Lord help us.
The most plausible theory that I have read was that Oswald acted alone and fired the shot that went through his neck, but that the fatal shot was fired by Secret Service accidentally from the car immediately behind , when the agent lost his balance as the car accelerated.
The mob got him elected and he did no favors for them like they were promised by Joe Kennedy
I get it man, you hate Trump. Still not sure when that made Biden good though. You people can't seriously think this dementia patient, who has sucked off a government salary and deals under the table for 5 decades is a good thing. Lord help us.

Tell me what "plans" Trump has that you like.
Tell me what "plans" Trump has that you like.

Once again, immediate deflection. I say something about Biden, and immediately your response is Trump. Trump won't be the President in 2 months so I'm not too concerned about any of his plans. What makes you think Joe "come on man" Biden is going to drive this bus correctly?
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This is the dipshit mentality that pervades our society. Your ignorance doesn't merit any further response. You're the reason Trump lost. I

I watched you tell Luther about your 2a rights then come here and tell people they should bend the knee to the government on mask mandates . Beside being a hypocrite , you don’t get to decide if I wear a mask or not Jim Jones . I’m not in the business of making you feel safe by giving up my rights . My ignorance has caused me many problems in my life but my intelligence has never allowed me to mistake fear for logic . You can smell it on people like you and Monty. Covid has 98.00 survival rate , its worst demographic is 94 .00 survival rate for people 70 and over . Like I said if you are that afraid , stay home , wear a damn respirator or just stay away from people like me .
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Tell me what "plans" Trump has that you like.
I'm not a Trump supporter but I'll bite. I trust him with the economy. Also putting America first when it comes to foreign policy and defense. Especially when it came to China I feel he attempted to reverse decades of poor trade policy and outright theft.
I'm sick of hearing this ****. I have a coworker that's in ICU now from this crap. He was exposed by older family member who wouldn't wear mask and that person is now on vent.
Wear a frigging mask. If it helps even moderately, so be it. I'm not surprised to see rise in cases. I've seen the lapse in caution and people outright throwing caution to the wind.
I'm sorry about your coworker. I can't speak for where u live but around here every single place i go people are wearing masks consistently and have been for months. If masks work so well why are cases going up
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Non Sequitur.

If a pregnant woman sneezes on you, could that result in your death? No.

If an infected person sneezes on you, could that result in your death? Yes.

Ergo, your analogy between a pregnant woman's choice to end the life of a fetus INSIDE her and your choice to end the life of a person OUTSIDE you by not wearing a mask defies logic.
Don’t go near anyone that might sneeze on you..... it’s really that simple and it’s not that hard to do.
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Once again, immediate deflection. I say something about Biden, and immediately your response is Trump. Trump won't be the President in 2 months so I'm not too concerned about any of his plans. What makes you think Joe "come on man" Biden is going to drive this bus correctly?
if he puts Bernie and Warren in high positions this country is fawked
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I'm not a Trump supporter but I'll bite. I trust him with the economy. Also putting America first when it comes to foreign policy and defense. Especially when it came to China I feel he attempted to reverse decades of poor trade policy and outright theft.
Agree on all these. It's a shame that he had to be such an idiot with Twitter and the media and how he dealt with Covid. And I'm not talking about policy, I'm talking about some of the stupid **** he said. Had he only been able to modestly manage his ego, he'd have won in a landslide.
I'm sorry about your coworker. I can't speak for where u live but around here every single place i go people are wearing masks consistently and have been for months. If masks work so well why are cases going up
same in Illinois - its mandated in every business and cases are way up, but deaths are not
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People who refuse to wear masks and social distance are spreading the virus. That's reality. If everyone had just worn masks for two months, our nation would not be in this mess. The most ignorant and stupid people among us will keep the pandemic going until millions are killed and the economy is thoroughly wrecked.
No it wouldn’t.... this virus flairs back up anytime someone pokes their head back out..... we should have the freedom of choice on how we want to handle it

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