New Nationwide Lockdown Coming?

Would you listen to our government and comply with a lockdown?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 27 20.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 91 68.4%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 15 11.3%

  • Total voters
Agree on all these. It's a shame that he had to be such an idiot with Twitter and the media and how he dealt with Covid. And I'm not talking about policy, I'm talking about some of the stupid **** he said. Had he only been able to modestly manage his ego, he'd have won in a landslide.
Now that I agree with -- Twitter was his downfall
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Was talking to a buddy about this and mask mandates last night. We both agree that we don't support either, and we also don't really understand the hate of wearing masks. Yeah, they're uncomfortable, I don't really want to wear it. How is going to benefit me or anyone else to not wear one? It seems clear to me that there are likely a significant amount of asymptomatic carriers. Just speaking personally, if I know I could possibly be a carrier, why would I not wear a mask when in public? I don't want my liberties treaded on, but I definitely fail to see how this a political issue outside of the fact that it's mandated almost everywhere. For me, the existence or absence of a mandate is not a factor in my decision to wear a mask.

America is only as good as its people, and I see a lot to gain by striving to keep Americans healthy. At the same time, I would not want to support an overreach of government. I find it difficult to make a strong argument for not wearing masks.

I think a lock down would be effective in combating the spread, but there is a line in the sand for me, and I will not support that idea. I think if everyone actually masked up and made a conscious effort to distance, a lock down would not make a difference any faster.
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Was talking to a buddy about this and mask mandates last night. We both agree that we don't support either, and we also don't really understand the hate of wearing masks. Yeah, they're uncomfortable, I don't really want to wear it. How is going to benefit me or anyone else to not wear one? It seems clear to me that there are likely a significant amount of asymptomatic carriers. Just speaking personally, if I know I could possibly be a carrier, why would I not wear a mask when in public? I don't want my liberties treaded on, but I definitely fail to see how this a political issue outside of the fact that it's mandated almost everywhere. For me, the existence or absence of a mandate is not a factor in my decision to wear a mask.

America is only as good as its people, and I see a lot to gain by striving to keep Americans healthy. At the same time, I would not want to support an overreach of government. I find it difficult to make a strong argument for not wearing masks.

I think a lock down would be effective in combating the spread, but there is a line in the sand for me, and I will not support that idea. I think if everyone actually masked up and made a conscious effort to distance, a lock down would not make a difference any faster.

So you will be wearing a mask the rest of your life?
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I was in San Diego this past weekend for a wedding, and I have a somewhat interesting story.

The wedding was on Saturday, and if I understand correctly, SD was slated to elevate their COVID threat level and protocols the following Monday. The wedding was at a small indoor venue downtown. The wedding planner had a spiel at the rehearsal dinner saying something to the effect of "use discretion when you go outside - wear a mask, don't gather in groups. You don't want to draw any attention over here. Now when you're inside, you can do whatever you want. I'm not your mom, I'm not the police, I'm not telling you what to do. I will ask you to be conscious of the environment and respectful to each other. You are welcome to wear your mask inside. That being said, use discretion with taking photos and posting on social media. Please don't post a photo with 50 unmasked people on the dance floor with a timestamp and geocode."

Honestly, nothing too interesting or surprising so far. What surprised me was on Saturday, at the actual wedding, in San Diego, there were probably 5-10 people that wore a mask inside the small venue with 50-60 other unmasked individuals. My fiance and I masked up, and the only other people I distinctly remember wearing one were some of the groom's family from the Philippines. Just for the fact that we were in CA, and most everyone there were also native to CA, I was shocked that there were so few people wearing masks.
I'm not a Trump supporter but I'll bite. I trust him with the economy. Also putting America first when it comes to foreign policy and defense. Especially when it came to China I feel he attempted to reverse decades of poor trade policy and outright theft.

(1) Sacrificing environmental protection for a 'better economy' and spending our kids' and grandkids' money running up huge federal deficits is stupid;
(2) "America First"... do tell what policies were beneficial here;
(3) China... Donald "Tariff Man" Trump FAILED. His efforts (not a plan) failed even before he started. Why? As any economist knows, tariffs only hurt our end consumers - WE paid for them.
(1) Sacrificing environmental protection for a 'better economy' and spending our kids' and grandkids' money running up huge federal deficits is stupid;
(2) "America First"... do tell what policies were beneficial here;
(3) China... Donald "Tariff Man" Trump FAILED. His efforts (not a plan) failed even before he started. Why? As any economist knows, tariffs only hurt our end consumers - WE paid for them.

1) I never mentioned the deficit, that is one area I would agree he was far to liberal and not conservative enough with. You are conflating two separate issues, environment wasn't mentioned. He didn't improve the economy by destroying the environment. That is a separate discussion which I would not count as a success or failure but further discussion is warranted at another time.

Under Trump we saw great economic gains. He did well in that respect, you asked the question and it was answered. Now you are pointing to other areas attempting to move the goalposts and deflect because a contrary argument is a non starter.

Numbers two and three go hand in hand. America first is never a bad thing, or at least it shouldn't be unless you hate this country is the president. In which case I would tell the person there are remedies. Reversing the tariffs or at least attempting to is only a bad thing to those that wanted failure... Or they just have a simple mind. At least he attempted to do something about America being raped and stolen from unlike Obama and the many before him who simply bent over and took it up the rear willingly. Doing something is better than grinning and pretending to like it.

Getting America off the hook for one sided tariffs was the entire point.... How could one possibly be this dense? Hate, that's the simple answer.
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Biden Covid advisor says U.S. lockdown of 4 to 6 weeks could control pandemic and revive economy

Shutting down businesses and paying people for lost wages for four to six weeks could help keep the coronavirus pandemic in check and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed, said Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden.
Osterholm, who serves as director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said earlier this week that the country is headed toward “Covid hell.” Cases are rising as more people grow tired of wearing masks and social distancing, suffering from so-called “pandemic fatigue,” he said Wednesday. Colder weather is also driving people indoors, where the virus can spread more easily.

A nationwide lockdown would drive the number of new cases and hospitalizations down to manageable levels while the world awaits a vaccine, he told Yahoo Finance on Wednesday.

“We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments. We could do all of that,” he said. “If we did that, then we could lock down for four to six weeks.”

Osterholm was appointed to Biden’s 12-member Covid “advisory board” on Monday. The panel of advisors is co-chaired by former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner David Kessler and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith of Yale University. Other task force members include Dr. Atul Gawande, a professor of surgery and health policy at Harvard, and Dr. Rick Bright, the vaccine expert and whistleblower who resigned his post with the Trump administration last month.

# # #

What say ye? Would you listen to our government and comply, or if not, why?
Revive Economy?😂🤣

More like kill it for good.
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1) I never mentioned the deficit, that is one area I would agree he was far to liberal and not conservative enough with. You are conflating two separate issues, environment wasn't mentioned. He didn't improve the economy by destroying the environment. That is a separate discussion which I would not count as a success or failure but further discussion is warranted at another time.

Under Trump we saw great economic gains. He did well in that respect, you asked the question and it was answered. Now you are pointing to other areas attempting to move the goalposts and deflect because a contrary argument is a non starter.

Numbers two and three go hand in hand. America first is never a bad thing, or at least it shouldn't be unless you hate this country is the president. In which case I would tell the person there are remedies. Reversing the tariffs or at least attempting to is only a bad thing to those that wanted failure... Or they just have a simple mind. At least he attempted to do something about America being raped and stolen from unlike Obama and the many before him who simply bent over and took it up the rear willingly. Doing something is better than grinning and pretending to like it.

Getting America off the hook for one sided tariffs was the entire point.... How could one possibly be this dense? Hate, that's the simple answer.

I don't even know where to start with this clunker of a post.

Just so I try to understand your perspective... what exactly did Trump do differently than Obama to create these so-called "great economic gains"?

Here are the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) annual change 1960-2020. Do tell how Trump was so "great" with the economy.

[I'll answer for you: STOP DRINKING THE TRUMP KOOL AID. He was an average President when it came to the economy.]

I don't even know where to start with this clunker of a post.

Just so I try to understand your perspective... what exactly did Trump do differently than Obama to create these so-called "great economic gains"?

Here are the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) annual change 1960-2020. Do tell how Trump was so "great" with the economy.

[I'll answer for you: STOP DRINKING THE TRUMP KOOL AID. He was an average President when it came to the economy.]

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I don't support Trump, nor sip Kool ade. Both political parties suck. But I can look at the good and bad of both the left and right with a unique perspective because I cheer for neither one like some slurping fanboy.
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Non Sequitur.

If a pregnant woman sneezes on you, could that result in your death? No.

If an infected person sneezes on you, could that result in your death? Yes.

Ergo, your analogy between a pregnant woman's choice to end the life of a fetus INSIDE her and your choice to end the life of a person OUTSIDE you by not wearing a mask defies logic.

This is the dumbest argument I have ever heard. Maybe you can answer this. If masks are so successful then why are countries that have had draconian style lockdowns with mask mandates. Still seeing positive cases go up?

Do you really not understand how viruses work?
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Great, thanks. You've certainly answered my question.

Guy is like most when asked real questions. They falter badly. It’s so funny to see people like the OP talk about basically bowing down to whatever the government wants. If Biden is elected, then it seems as if he will try and institute things like an authoritarian would. The same thing the left accused Trump of being.
I don't support Trump, nor sip Kool ade. Both political parties suck. But I can look at the good and bad of both the left and right with a unique perspective because I cheer for neither one like some slurping fanboy.'re retracting the statement that under trump we saw great economic gains?

Interesting to note that the last time we were above the 4% GDP growth threshold was back prior to 2000. Who would've been president then?'re retracting the statement that under trump we saw great economic gains?

Interesting to note that the last time we were above the 4% GDP growth threshold was back prior to 2000. Who would've been president then?
When you don't make any money for yourself and you're reliant on stealing harder working peoples money it's easy to tout statistics and policy. Eff you, make your own damn money you leach.'re retracting the statement that under trump we saw great economic gains?

Interesting to note that the last time we were above the 4% GDP growth threshold was back prior to 2000. Who would've been president then?
No, the economy was humming before covid. I didn't say it was the best, just that I trusted him with it. Why does everyone want to move the goalposts on my statement? Damn.
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