New Nationwide Lockdown Coming?

Would you listen to our government and comply with a lockdown?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 27 20.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 91 68.4%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 15 11.3%

  • Total voters
I don’t even know how this is a debate. Look at the fatality rates. If you are compromise or old do what you have to and shelter in place . Everyone else go about your business.
It's a debate because of the ramifications both from the disease and the methods used to try and control it. Control being the key word in more ways than one.
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Was talking to a buddy about this and mask mandates last night. We both agree that we don't support either, and we also don't really understand the hate of wearing masks. Yeah, they're uncomfortable, I don't really want to wear it. How is going to benefit me or anyone else to not wear one? It seems clear to me that there are likely a significant amount of asymptomatic carriers. Just speaking personally, if I know I could possibly be a carrier, why would I not wear a mask when in public? I don't want my liberties treaded on, but I definitely fail to see how this a political issue outside of the fact that it's mandated almost everywhere. For me, the existence or absence of a mandate is not a factor in my decision to wear a mask.

America is only as good as its people, and I see a lot to gain by striving to keep Americans healthy. At the same time, I would not want to support an overreach of government. I find it difficult to make a strong argument for not wearing masks.

I think a lock down would be effective in combating the spread, but there is a line in the sand for me, and I will not support that idea. I think if everyone actually masked up and made a conscious effort to distance, a lock down would not make a difference any faster.
That’s because you still have people who think this whole thing is a hoax. I can’t tell you the crazy crap I’ve heard from people I know. Trump marched around the country all cavalier even after getting this stuff, fueling this part of his base. He is well ONLY because of the therapeutics he was able to receive that others don’t have access to.

I was stopping at a drive in on my back from a hike and there was a 20 vehicle Trump train that had lighted there. Call me condescending, but as a conservative, these ain’t my people. Sorry, but this hyper patriotic, lifted truck, camo wearing, inbred bunch of Trumpers are the biggest bunch of losers I’ve ever seen. THAT is your anti masker population.
I'm sick of hearing this ****. I have a coworker that's in ICU now from this crap. He was exposed by older family member who wouldn't wear mask and that person is now on vent.
Wear a frigging mask. If it helps even moderately, so be it. I'm not surprised to see rise in cases. I've seen the lapse in caution and people outright throwing caution to the wind.
I’m sorry, but masks aren’t going to end the pandemic. They may slow the spread, but that’s it.
I wear a mask when I go somewhere that requires or requests it, but that’s it.
Show me where I redirected?
If I remember correctly, you asserted trumps great impact on the economy.
Then, when confronted with graphs showing otherwise, you devolved into generalities.
Clinton benefited greatly from the internet boom
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I’m sorry, but masks aren’t going to end the pandemic. They may slow the spread, but that’s it.
I wear a mask when I go somewhere that requires or requests it, but that’s it.
Ok. Then slow the ****ing spread, geez.. God forbid you take the initiative to protect others you might come in contact with. Try this experiment, sneeze or cough with a mask and without. Which one mitigates risk of spread?
Can you control when you sneeze or cough? I'm guessing you're like the rest of us and don't have magic powers over involuntary responses.

Slowing the spread is a way we can stop it. You certainly aren't going to stop it by increasing the risk and spread. The fact is there are countries where the virus is virtually contained. The reality is that no one should have to be MADE to wear a mask. They ought to do it, out of respect for their fellow man, instead of politicizing it.
Ok. Then slow the ****ing spread, geez.. God forbid you take the initiative to protect others you might come in contact with. Try this experiment, sneeze or cough with a mask and without. Which one mitigates risk of spread?
Can you control when you sneeze or cough? I'm guessing you're like the rest of us and don't have magic powers over involuntary responses.

Slowing the spread is a way we can stop it. You certainly aren't going to stop it by increasing the risk and spread. The fact is there are countries where the virus is virtually contained. The reality is that no one should have to be MADE to wear a mask. They ought to do it, out of respect for their fellow man, instead of politicizing it.

That last part sounds just like what Luther would say to you about the 2a and firearms ..because it’s the “rational and reasonable “ thing to do .
Should you have freedom of choice to drive drunk? Drunk drivers do not kill nearly as many people per year as the maskless people who spread covid. Not saying masks would shut the whole thing down, but it would prevent a lot of it.
Drunk Drivers do have the choice and freedom to drive drunk...... our government decides to punish drunk drivers after the fact.... just like drunk drivers..... each individual is responsible for their self..... I typically don’t go out late on special events such as New Year’s Eve bc I know that there will be several drunk drivers out on the roads..... it compare to the way each individual should approach this virus...... if you are worried about the virus then set up your life to avoid people and stay sheltered if needed..... it’s really that one else has to change their life to keep you safe.
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Here is some of the hypocritical things we have seen from our leadership:

1. De Blasio breaking his rules and going to the gym and to a park across town
2. Pelosi going to hairdresser that was banned for common folk
3. Biden preaching about masks but caught outside a couple of his events talking to other people without a mask or maintaining social distancing
4. Several politicians breaking their own travel bans
5. Media doing stories talking about how bad citizens are for not wearing a mask and then being filmed not wearing masks just as soon as the cameras are off
6 Dr Fauci not wearing his mask when sitting right beside another individual
7. Being told not to have a thanksgiving for more than 10 people while Pelosi and GOP leaders plan huge thanksgiving bash for new members.

The list could go on and on
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Ok. Then slow the ****ing spread, geez.. God forbid you take the initiative to protect others you might come in contact with. Try this experiment, sneeze or cough with a mask and without. Which one mitigates risk of spread?
Can you control when you sneeze or cough? I'm guessing you're like the rest of us and don't have magic powers over involuntary responses.

Slowing the spread is a way we can stop it. You certainly aren't going to stop it by increasing the risk and spread. The fact is there are countries where the virus is virtually contained. The reality is that no one should have to be MADE to wear a mask. They ought to do it, out of respect for their fellow man, instead of politicizing it.
Odds of dying from a head injury are much higher for young people..... make them wear helmets
Brain Injury Facts & Statistics | Brain Injury Alliance of Connecticut
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Between good to turpentine, more runs than not are good now though. I went several years without practice after my granddad passed so it’s taken me a while to get the mojo back.

Back in my 20s I knew an older black gentleman that lived about 7 miles from the house that had a standing monthly order . Once a month I would make a trip to his house to watch him take out a mason jar and pour some in it from the gallon milk jug , swirl it around to see if all the bubbles made a complete ring around the glass jar .. then he would smile and pay me . Lol ( memories )
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That last part sounds just like what Luther would say to you about the 2a and firearms ..because it’s the “rational and reasonable “ thing to do .
Drunk Drivers do have the choice and freedom to drive drunk...... our government decides to punish drunk drivers after the fact.... just like drunk drivers..... each individual is responsible for their self..... I typically don’t go out late on special events such as New Year’s Eve bc I know that there will be several drunk drivers out on the roads..... it compare to the way each individual should approach this virus...... if you are worried about the virus then set up your life to avoid people and stay sheltered if needed..... it’s really that one else has to change their life to keep you safe.
So, quit a job? This is the same stupid **** that’s got us to this place. How about if you dont care about the health of people who HAVE TO be out, stay the **** home.

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