New Nationwide Lockdown Coming?

Would you listen to our government and comply with a lockdown?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 27 20.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 91 68.4%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 15 11.3%

  • Total voters
Wearing masks doesn't reduce transmission. They don't filter out the virus and I dunno how many maskidiots I see rubbing their eyes and touching their face.

I see masks as just a great vehicle for herd immunity . It’s like a like a big sponge soaking up all that rona , waiting for people to pull it down to pick their nose or rub their eyes while they are walking around in the store focusing on other things .
Wearing masks doesn't reduce transmission. They don't filter out the virus and I dunno how many maskidiots I see rubbing their eyes and touching their face.

Ah. You know more than the CDC and AMA. Good to know.
There are still essential things and bills don't stop. Unless you want bills to stop as well.

He doesn’t mention essential services like trucking. If trucks are on the road, truck stops have to be open. If truck stops are open, their employees have to staff them. Same thing with grocery stores. And if grocery stores are open, their suppliers have to open as well.

Do you begin to see why a nationwide lockdown is completely unfeasible? Keeping grocery stores open would put millions of people on the roads and in close contact with each other.
As much **** as I’ve given you over the years....This hurts me to may be the most consistent poster on this board in your beliefs regardless of who is in charge.
Awww thanks

I just don't understand how beliefs change based on that. Maybe that's because I start from the point of trusting no politicians to do the right thing. They are people and people consistently disappoint
A SNF I work at..... we had over 100 cases and around 15 deaths..... we wear N95 masks with a surgical mask/faceshield combo over the top of it..... masks did very little to slow down this virus.

Monty reads what you said and dismisses it as anecdotal so he can keep on living in fear under the taskmasters whip , in 3..2..1..
A SNF I work at..... we had over 100 cases and around 15 deaths..... we wear N95 masks with a surgical mask/faceshield combo over the top of it..... masks did very little to slow down this virus.

Did you become infected?
Biden Covid advisor says U.S. lockdown of 4 to 6 weeks could control pandemic and revive economy

Shutting down businesses and paying people for lost wages for four to six weeks could help keep the coronavirus pandemic in check and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed, said Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden.
Osterholm, who serves as director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said earlier this week that the country is headed toward “Covid hell.” Cases are rising as more people grow tired of wearing masks and social distancing, suffering from so-called “pandemic fatigue,” he said Wednesday. Colder weather is also driving people indoors, where the virus can spread more easily.

A nationwide lockdown would drive the number of new cases and hospitalizations down to manageable levels while the world awaits a vaccine, he told Yahoo Finance on Wednesday.

“We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments. We could do all of that,” he said. “If we did that, then we could lock down for four to six weeks.”

Osterholm was appointed to Biden’s 12-member Covid “advisory board” on Monday. The panel of advisors is co-chaired by former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner David Kessler and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith of Yale University. Other task force members include Dr. Atul Gawande, a professor of surgery and health policy at Harvard, and Dr. Rick Bright, the vaccine expert and whistleblower who resigned his post with the Trump administration last month.

# # #

What say ye? Would you listen to our government and comply, or if not, why?
Shut down the economy to heal the economy.... Brain trust.
Look I hate wearing masks as much as anyone else. Felt claustrophobic in IKEA yesterday after an hour (not my choice of a trip btw). But, to reduce transmission, it's just common sense.
What’s the point of reducing transmission? Are we still trying to flatten the curve?

Why not let it run it’s course through the not at-risk population?
Awww thanks

I just don't understand how beliefs change based on that. Maybe that's because I start from the point of trusting no politicians to do the right thing. They are people and people consistently disappoint
That’s where I am.
To me, common sense rather than a lockdown seems better:

(1) If in public places (indoors), mandatory mask wearing;
(2) Maintain social distancing;
(3) Wash your hands; and
(4) If you're old and/or vulnerable, stay the F at home.

This is where I am, except that in discrete geographic areas where there is a breakout, I think its okay to have a 10-14 day shut down basically as we did before. At least for purposes of heightening people's concerns so they do 1- 4 more.
The lab provider I work for suffered a tremendous loss in revenue when COVID first hit. Employees Lost 401k contributions, hour reductions, and many lost jobs. Business is back to normal and the livelihood of everyone is solid. If this dumb idea comes to fruition it will be disastrous.
This is where I am, except that in discrete geographic areas where there is a breakout, I think its okay to have a 10-14 day shut down basically as we did before. At least for purposes of heightening people's concerns so they do 1- 4 more.


Why can't you get it through your thick head that once we accept the local, state, federal government has that power they will use it again and again for lesser and lesser emergencies?
This is where I am, except that in discrete geographic areas where there is a breakout, I think its okay to have a 10-14 day shut down basically as we did before. At least for purposes of heightening people's concerns so they do 1- 4 more.
8 months to flatten the curve
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