New Nationwide Lockdown Coming?

Would you listen to our government and comply with a lockdown?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 27 20.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 91 68.4%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 15 11.3%

  • Total voters

Why can't you get it through your thick head that once we accept the local, state, federal government has that power they will use it again and again for lesser and lesser emergencies?

LG understands this, remember he's with the brown shirts.
The lab provider I work for suffered a tremendous loss in revenue when COVID first hit. Employees Lost 401k contributions, hour reductions, and many lost jobs. Business is back to normal and the livelihood of everyone is solid. If this dumb idea comes to fruition it will be disastrous.

Dont worry, harris wants to do away with employers getting tax write offs for 401k employer contributions. So it will not natter any more.
So, then why wash your hands after you piss and sh*t? I mean, hey, it's the same thing right? If you get sick, you get sick.
Well no, because when we get sh!t on our hands we know that contains strands of E. Coli that could make us sick and almost certainly at least cause pink eye. Those are bacterial issues, this is a virus and its going to go through one way or the other. Even Faucci is saying now that it won't be long until the pandemic is over and we just have to use normal cautious as we would with some similar to the flu ( I'm paraphrasing ). Do I think people should wear mask indoors? Sure if that what makes you comfortable however I think the idea of another lockdown is highly irresponsible, driven by control and not by science.
It’s for the betterment of society, if you don’t build up your immune system , I’ll do it for you . My poop has magical properties since it doesn’t stink , be grateful that I help you out . Thought I’d get this in while NGV is asleep . 😊
Coming from someone who washes her hands 70 times a night...😆
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I work in construction so I use my fair share of portajohns. But if you're using a restroom with soap and running water you ought to wash your hands after wiping your ass or touching your dick.
When I did trim carpentry with all guys, I got a real education.
His pre frontal lobe cortex....naaaaa..... It's just hummin with greatness. Yes I'm making fun of your brain Monty.
No, but hear tell Donald Sr. is considering a 122nd trimester abortion of Don Jr.
Still doesn't explain why you are so worried about roe versus wade? Do you have daughters who can't be responsible for themselves? Or are you one of those "I'm an ally" type dudes who gets friend zoned their entire lives?
Can’t help but wonder how many people committed suicide because they lost everything, how many divorces there are because spouses don’t need to spend every second together and how many more domestic abuse cases there has been
I see the results in ICU, suicides are up.
Still doesn't explain why you are so worried about roe versus wade? Do you have daughters who can't be responsible for themselves? Or are you one of those "I'm an ally" type dudes who gets friend zoned their entire lives?
Why are people worried about Roe v Wade when we have a rapist on the SC? Surely he's 100% pro choice.

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