New TN Bill will allow you to kill robbers

I could ask the same of you. There isn't one for your side either. You have to try to use forethought to see the results of the law. Hacking away further at the social fabric isn't what's needed right now. Trying to find ways to shore it up is.
You brought up an 'arms race', so the responsibility is on you to prove it. How on earth could I prove a negative? That's not how debate works, and not how any legal situation works. Get on it, honcho. We're all eagerly waiting for you to spin up something.
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So lets just extend that to anytime something inconvenient or uncomfortable happens. A guy gets smart at the gas station and gets in my face I should be able to kill him to make myself feel safe.
Only if you’re in real danger and it’s up to you to make that determination. And if upon brandishing a weapon the person retreats then the threat is passed. Also if you initiated the confrontation I’m pretty sure you don’t have a basis for self defense.

Go look up the convenient store shooting in FLA a year or so back. The shooter over stepped and all of us gun nuts said he was out of line to shoot. And he got indicted.
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Idk. I’ve dealt with quite a few criminals. Many of them are deterred by a security system sticker in your door. Most are looking for easy money, not a gunfight. I’m not sure I agree with the law but if it acts as a deterrent that would be ok.

I like it.
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It's all about what criminals expectations will be. They'll be inclined to be armed and/or attack people that they want to rob or vandalize thinking their actions might be met with deadly force. More violence is never the answer.
I would respond, that sometimes, it is.

The only answer.
I could ask the same of you. There isn't one for your side either. You have to try to use forethought to see the results of the law. Hacking away further at the social fabric isn't what's needed right now. Trying to find ways to shore it up is.
Texas has had this law for a while now. The number of people getting shot for stealing cars or lawn mowers hasn’t increased by any measure I’ve seen.
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So lets just extend that to anytime something inconvenient or uncomfortable happens. A guy gets smart at the gas station and gets in my face I should be able to kill him to make myself feel safe.
Yeah. That's the same thing exactly
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Or they will bring a bigger gun or friends with guns, etc.

If its that premeditated and they are that emboldened, they re probably coming armed regardless.

At that point, you are back to self defense and not from the aspect of defending your property or home.

In other words, the idea doesn't make sense.
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I'm waiting for you to prove your side by these standards as well.
When you decide to tell me how I am supposed to prove something isn't happening, I'll go out and dig up the data.

In the meantime, I will give you a hint- look up when Texas' Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground laws were expanded, and look at the trends of burglaries and robberies since.

You're not only flat wrong, you're humiliating yourself.
I could ask the same of you. There isn't one for your side either. You have to try to use forethought to see the results of the law. Hacking away further at the social fabric isn't what's needed right now. Trying to find ways to shore it up is.
If thats the case, go ahead and start where you should to begin with.

If you re not supposed to be there, don't be there. - If you are, thats not somebody elses fault. Its yours.
If that is not yours, dont take it. - If you do, thats not somebody elses fault. Its yours
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I can't really think of anything I own worth killing someone over.

It appears this is the first law to make death the penalty for stealing something. Not a great precedent
Why is it that some are always willing to defend the criminals and not the victims?
If someone steals then you execute an unarmed petty thief they are both criminals.
They are both wrong.

One just is more wrong and took something away that can't be replaced. Property can.

And who doesn't have homeowners or renters insurance anyway?
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If someone steals then you execute an unarmed petty thief they are both criminals.
They are both wrong.

One just is more wrong and took something away that can't be replaced. Property can.

And who doesn't have homeowners or renters insurance anyway?
So if you're insured, it's OK to come into their house and take their things?

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