New TN Bill will allow you to kill robbers

If someone steals then you execute an unarmed petty thief they are both criminals.
They are both wrong.

One just is more wrong and took something away that can't be replaced. Property can.

And who doesn't have homeowners or renters insurance anyway?

They wouldn’t be criminals if this passes.
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Well, it sort of does, in that, if you don't rob and run, you don't get shot with a gun.

What he is saying is that if the crook is quick enough to snatch and turn his back to you, he gets a pass on getting shot.
If someone steals then you execute an unarmed petty thief they are both criminals.
They are both wrong.

One just is more wrong and took something away that can't be replaced. Property can.

And who doesn't have homeowners or renters insurance anyway?
What are you supposed to do when in the middle of the night, you hear someone in your house. You have a wife and kids asleep and the first thing you care about is their safety. I’m personally not going to sit around and wait. I don’t know his/her intentions but I have to assume they are nefarious.
I don’t know if I’d kill someone for simple theft if my property like from detached garage or something but I don’t have a problem with those that would.

Play stupid games, win the stupid prize.
Pretty much where I’m at. In TX I can do it but I’d have to think hard about what property I own that I’d be willing to kill for.
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What are you supposed to do when in the middle of the night, you hear someone in your house. You have a wife and kids asleep and the first thing you care about is their safety. I’m personally not going to sit around and wait. I don’t know his/her intentions but I have to assume they are nefarious.
I think that’s a separate issue isn’t in? In TN do you not have a similar castle doctrine right to self defense? I believe this bill addresses property theft specifically?
I think that’s a separate issue isn’t in? In TN do you not have a similar castle doctrine right to self defense? I believe this bill addresses property theft specifically?
It just said property and didn’t specify whether inside the house or not. However, like others have said, if they’re stealing from a pile of bricks I have in the back yard then no I’m not going to kill them. My general rule of thumb is if they enter my house, they are fair game.
If someone steals then you execute an unarmed petty thief they are both criminals.
They are both wrong.

One just is more wrong and took something away that can't be replaced. Property can.

And who doesn't have homeowners or renters insurance anyway?
Do you understand cause and effect? It seems like you do not.
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It just said property and didn’t specify whether inside the house or not. However, like others have said, if they’re stealing from a pile of bricks I have in the back yard then no I’m not going to kill them. My general rule of thumb is if they enter my house, they are fair game.
I agree with your limits too. Like I said earlier I don’t know what I own I’d be willing to kill for property wise including my vehicles. But if you break into my home I guarantee you will be staring down the muzzle of a pistol if I’ve got time to get to it.

In Texas we already have similar property protection rights and I can’t remember seeing an incident on the news. I’m sure they’ve happened but they aren’t common.
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It just said property and didn’t specify whether inside the house or not. However, like others have said, if they’re stealing from a pile of bricks I have in the back yard then no I’m not going to kill them. My general rule of thumb is if they enter my house, they are fair game.
Your last part is addressed by current law. It appears this makes it legal to shoot as they run away and are no longer a threat. I just don't agree with that at all
I agree with your limits too. Like I said earlier I don’t know what I own I’d be willing to kill for property wise including my vehicles. But if you break into my home I guarantee you will be staring down the muzzle of a pistol if I’ve got time to get to it.
They will be more than staring if it's my house.

My wife is armed and will shoot.
I agree with your limits too. Like I said earlier I don’t know what I own I’d be willing to kill for property wise including my vehicles. But if you break into my home I guarantee you will be staring down the muzzle of a pistol if I’ve got time to get to it.

In Texas we already have similar property protection rights and I can’t remember seeing an incident on the news. I’m sure they’ve happened but they aren’t common.
The only property I have outside that I would kill for is my Biden/Harris 2020 flag.
The only property I have outside that I would kill for is my Biden/Harris 2020 flag.
I hope that was a gift and you didn’t spend actual money on it? That’s not a partisan comment either I wouldn’t spend money on that crap 😂

And yes I’m guessing you’re just joking.
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If some burglar tries to steal my baseball cards, he/she is going to have a close encounter with my Mossberg. This bill being discussed changes nothing for me.

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