New York City

I’m really enjoying the “we really didn’t like that guy anyway” downplaying 😂. The fact is GOP NYers don’t want to immediately replace Adams either since anybody on the short list would be farther left and way more progressive
Saying Eric Adams sucks, which many New Yorkers have been saying his entire term, is not “downplaying” anything lol

And yet we have a New York City thread in a forum based around a team in Knoxville, TN lol
I don't know about you, but for me having worked in NY for almost 15 years and watching the corruption and ineptness, not to mention the continual re-election of those that made it all possible... it's pure schadenfreude.

I'll have another Old Smokey (thanks @DinkinFlicka )
Remember this one?

Hmm, Flynn was not an elected official nor did he hold any government office when he was lobbying for Turkey so that tweeter and those reposting it are idiots.

Plus Flynn quit getting paid by Turkey when he to the NSA job.

Flynn stopped lobbying after he became national security adviser, but he then played a role in formulating policy toward Turkey, working for a president who has promised to curb the role of lobbyists in Washington.

Mike Flynn attended intelligence briefings while a lobbyist for Turkey
That's because the vast majority of Americans don't GAS about what goes on in NYC. Besides, the left's track record of throwing their useful idiots under the bus when no longer useful is well documented. The sad thing is that he won't take anyone down with him. Party over everything else.

Notice that there hasn't been any complaints about Adams until now that they've received the heads up that it's ok to complain about him publicly. They're all in now.

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