New York City

They found out there were many incidents of people pushing people onto the tracks. That may be hilarious to you but I find your reaction dissociative.
“Poles” are in subway trains and wouldn’t address that at all. I’ve never once seen someone clutching a column in a station for dear life, your friends were being dramatic. If you’re that scared just stand back
“Poles” are in subway trains. I’ve never once seen someone clutching a column in a station for dear life, your friends were being dramatic

So you're analysis of being aware of the surroundings were that they were being dramatic. Do you find being angry about a NYPD officer being shot to death by an criminal previously arrested 21 times being dramatic? Women being punched in the face walking down the street being dramatic? At what point is it not delusion for you and not dramatic? Is it when your love ones or you personally is struck by violence? Is that real or will you say the perpetrator has been a systemic victim and you can understand them being upset by your privilege?
So you're analysis of being aware of the surroundings were that they were being dramatic. Do you find being angry about a NYPD officer being shot to death by a criminal previously arrested 21 times being dramatic? Women being punched in the face walking down the street being dramatic? At what point is it not delusion for you and not dramatic? Is it when your love ones or you personally is struck by violence? Is that real or will you say the perpetrator has been a systemic victim and you can understand them being upset by your privilege?
The “surroundings” include a platform that is at least 20 feet wide and a bunch of witnesses. I ride the subway every day, if some tourist is deathly afraid of getting somehow thrown 20 feet onto the tracks because like 20 people out of 1 billion (with a B) are pushed onto the tracks each year (many of whom were in fights in the first place), then yes those tourists are being extremely dramatic lol. You probably have a larger chance of having your taxi get in a wreck
So you're analysis of being aware of the surroundings were that they were being dramatic. Do you find being angry about a NYPD officer being shot to death by an criminal previously arrested 21 times being dramatic? Women being punched in the face walking down the street being dramatic? At what point is it not delusion for you and not dramatic? Is it when your love ones or you personally is struck by violence? Is that real or will you say the perpetrator has been a systemic victim and you can understand them being upset by your privilege?
Most of this has nothing to do with the subway and is just you also being dramatic lol. Crime rates are public info and are low and decreasing and you’re being a drama queen about some tabloid story you read instead
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They found out there were many incidents of people pushing people onto the tracks. That may be hilarious to you but I find your reaction dissociative.
And I believe the poles might be sections of pipe, since NYC has basically outlawed typical forms of protective weapons.
And I believe the poles might be sections of pipe, since NYC has basically outlawed typical forms of protective weapons.

She told me the story about two years ago. I know people stand back and hold on to things. I'm not sure about the exact description today.
And I believe the poles might be sections of pipe, since NYC has basically outlawed typical forms of protective weapons.
There is not some massive wave of people carrying sections of pipe into subway stations to fight lol, people are reading too many tabloids
If you’ve been to NYC before, I bet you rode the subway without curling up into a ball of tears. If you haven’t, you should probably listen to the people who live there

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