Newt on Biden...hard to argue

Newt is right. Biden has done far more with a super divided Congress than anyone thought was possible. Including me.

There has always been an easy path for the GOP. Stick to the economy and national security, stay out of people's bedrooms, private lives, doctor's offices, and stop forcing personal religiosity on everyone. They would probably win every Presidency. But that isn't the GOP these days, so yeah.

And everyone wants to feel like a victim and dims sure make them feel that way.
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Newt is right. Biden has done far more with a super divided Congress than anyone thought was possible. Including me.

There has always been an easy path for the GOP. Stick to the economy and national security, stay out of people's bedrooms, private lives, doctor's offices, and stop forcing personal religiosity on everyone. They would probably win every Presidency. But that isn't the GOP these days, so yeah.

You are correct with one exception. All the stuff the dems want to do for their diversities isn't free. Therefore, if republicans attempt to be fiscally responsive, it's twisted into being bigoted in one way or another. Dems are buying votes by selling favors, and you just can't fight that without falling into the rabbit hole. Wiping out student debt is a perfect example - not religious or targeting a minority, but it's still used in exactly the same manner. If you won't agree to fund stuff that doesn't need to be funded, it's twisted to be that you disagree on religious or other "ethical" reasons - not just one of fiscal responsibility. Don't fund unproven green policy, and you are killing people. It's the dem version of political terrorism.
I wanted to hear his reason(s), like I wrote earlier.
And using your own rationalization back I’m going to say we both know what you meant. That is a clear advocation for government provided healthcare unless you have some other entity in mind whom you think will pay for it. Also in another reply to me you asserted that there have been studies showing M4A is fiscally viable. So after all that you want to claim you’re not advocating for government provided healthcare?
GOP=decent economic policy
GOP=gay dude walking down the street

GOP=groomer! pedophile! mental illness! Force Christian prayer in schools! Make it illegal to say "i'm gay". We should be more like Qatar! (actual VolNation Politics poster).

This is why you fail. No one likes theocracy, or autocracy.

Why do you keep bringing up theocracy? Morals are not always religious based.
I dont need religion to tell me that killing life is wrong, or sticking a penis up an ass is normal.
Why do you keep bringing up theocracy? Morals are not always religious based.
I dont need religion to tell me that killing life is wrong, or sticking a penis up an ass is normal.
Actually on those two issues A) as long as it’s consensual to all parties involved what happens with said penis isn’t an issue requiring government intervention and B) there is no federal legislation on abortion so at the national level the answer just needs to be its up up the states.

That was my exchange with zep on this and I think what should be the response at the national level. Both parties largely need to butt out of things that arent within the federal purview or frankly any of their damn business. That’s my take anyway.
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Actually on those two issues A) as long as it’s consensual to all parties involved what happens with said penis isn’t an issue requiring government intervention and B) there is no federal legislation on abortion so at the national level the answer just needs to be its up up the states.

That was my exchange with zep on this and I think what should be the response at the national level. Both parties largely need to butt out of things that arent within the federal purview or frankly any of their damn business. That’s my take anyway.

I could give less **** what an individual does.
My point was we are not some theocracy, which he continues to advocate over and over.
I could give less **** what an individual does.
My point was we are not some theocracy, which he continues to advocate over and over.
Well he also said autocracy. And I do think that each party tries to act in that fashion when the scale tips ever so slightly in their favor even. Which is why I favor gridlock in Congress it largely forces bipartisanship if you’re gonna get anything done. Or it should anyway. Case in point, the article that started this thread 🤷‍♂️
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And using your own rationalization back I’m going to say we both know what you meant. That is a clear advocation for government provided healthcare unless you have some other entity in mind whom you think will pay for it. Also in another reply to me you asserted that there have been studies showing M4A is fiscally viable. So after all that you want to claim you’re not advocating for government provided healthcare?
Except that's not what I meant, as I have written several times already. If it was what I meant I would have argued the point. I don't think it was me that asserted that M4A is fiscally viable.
With the help of 10 to 12 RINO Republicucks in the Senate (including their leader) and about 25 in the House (including their leader). It’s going to take a while for the purge.

People like Susan Collins. Murkowski won again. McConnell, Romney and a few other dweeb.

I don't know the congress folks off the top of my head who are problems.

I think idiots like Lindsey Graham are problems. You gotta be pretty stupid to stick your foot in your mouth before a midterm election about abortion yet Lindsey Graham finds ways to do it. In some ways he appears to elude being labeled a plant. Then Trump blabbering off about running for POTUS near the midterms.

You can't write better scripts for fools.
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Well he also said autocracy. And I do think that each party tries to act in that fashion when the scale tips ever so slightly in their favor even. Which is why I favor gridlock in Congress it largely forces bipartisanship if you’re gonna get anything done. Or it should anyway. Case in point, the article that started this thread 🤷‍♂️

He uses theocracy all the time. You just haven't seen it.
Just as much as they do not accept religion being shoved down their throat, I dont support their agenda. being shoved down mine.
20 years ago, we did not have this problem..only taking it to the some social acceptance level that they keep pushing, makes them as aggregiuos as the pastor on the street that they lament.
And hitching homosexuality to tranny promotion, genital mutilation of children, all this BS gender non sense..well that is a line that I will stand against.
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Except that's not what I meant, as I have written several times already. If it was what I meant I would have argued the point. I don't think it was me that asserted that M4A is fiscally viable.
I asserted that there had been no analysis provided which passed non partisan review stating M4A was fiscally viable and you replied yes there is. There is only one logical inference to take from that.
If the .gov collects 10% of each worker's wages and another 10% from their employer and the government chips in another couple of trillion dollars, we might be able to make M4A skimp by. Of course there would have to be concessions made to the drug companies to make sure they get their $40B each month in profits and BCBS would need to manage the website for a trillion.

Yep, I can see this happening.
He uses theocracy all the time. You just haven't seen it.
Just as much as they do not accept religion being shoved down their throat, I dont support their agenda. being shoved down mine.
20 years ago, we did not have this problem..only taking it to the some social acceptance level that they keep pushing, makes them as aggregiuos as the pastor on the street that they lament.
And hitching homosexuality to tranny promotion, genital mutilation of children, all this BS gender non sense..well that is a line that I will stand against.
Oh I’m not disagreeing with you on the stance of those issues I’m just stating government, at least at the federal level, should largely be silent on most of this stuff. That goes for advocating for OR against it. Both parties need to shut the hell up and butt out.
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If the .gov collects 10% of each worker's wages and another 10% from their employer and the government chips in another couple of trillion dollars, we might be able to make M4A skimp by. Of course there would have to be concessions made to the drug companies to make sure they get their $40B each month in profits and BCBS would need to manage the website for a trillion.

Yep, I can see this happening.
It won’t even work then. Everything the federal government touches dies. Before they Jack up our healthcare even more let’s first see some success stories on effective and efficient oversight on a topic. Any topic.
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I asserted that there had been no analysis provided which passed non partisan review stating M4A was fiscally viable and you replied yes there is. There is only one logical inference to take from that.
Are you sure it was me? It doesn't ring a bell.
Are you sure it was me? It doesn't ring a bell.
Here is the reply you made to me stating M4A has never been shown to be fiscally viable. I only see one logical inference to make from your reply. Click on it and you can read the post you replied to.
Yes indeed it can. I'd like to see people's thoughts on why the government should not cover medical care for many or all. I gather that you believe the costs are too high. I'm curious what others think.
Here is the reply you made to me stating M4A has never been shown to be fiscally viable. I only see one logical inference to make from your reply. Click on it and you can read the post you replied to.
That' s me saying semantics can indeed go both ways.

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