Neyland no longer SEC's biggest

IIRC, A&M is only going to have like 50 more seats than us. This news broke months ago, maybe longer. It'll still be fun to go to games and hopefully Neyland Stadium's volume gets back to what it should be.
Forget the stadium expansion. I won't knock folks discussing the cost of attending games, especially those living outside of Knoxville and/or Tennessee. I'm in no position (thankfully) to judge. Because I have the benefit of staying at a generous friend's guesthouse that is barely 2 miles away if that. Since we can prep meals in a kitchen if we choose among other things, I'm a very lucky and appreciative visitor.

But I do believe the UT should focus on widening seats. If I offend someone, I'm sorry but it remains the truth. There are so many fat azzed fans, they should be double charged when they take up so much space another paying fan can't sit comfortably or at all. I've seen 8-9 year olds forced to sit on their mom's or dad's lap because some semi rig butt squeezed them out of a seat. So I say any renovation should make wider seats a prirotiy. Not a knock on fatties, the FDA failed its job by letting the food industry run rampant all for the sake of profit and the health of citizens be damned. But those of us who avoided being converted to people with tractor tire sized rear ends shouldn't have to suffer being crushed for seats on planes, at stadiums, and elsewhere that we paid for. widen the seats.
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We should put like 51 more seats in just to vault them and go back and forth like we were doing for years with Michigan...
Positive things about going to games:

1. Don't have to deal with color commentators (This could be a pro or con, depending).
2. It's nice to say "I was there" when we get a huge win.
3. The tailgating is great.
4. The ability to scream so loud that you can't hear yourself.
5. Singing Rocky Top x1000 times....which is the only acceptable place to do so and not appear crazy.
6. Love all of the orange, and meeting Vol Nation family.

Benefits of watching at home:

1. No ticket prices. When one ticket for one game is more expensive than a month of cable, it's hard to justify going, especially when you wanna bring the whole family.
2. No crazy concession prices.
3. No traffic or parking charges, or 6 mile walks to the stadium.
4. Don't have to endure weather conditions.
5. Don't have to deal with rude fans, or people standing up in front of you.
6. You can't watch the game at Neyland in your Tennessee boxers...with no pants on eating Cheetos.

I enjoy both options. But going to every single game is something that is expensive. Though I'd love to do it.

You forgot a benefit of watching at home:
7. You don't have to squeeze a good ol boy butt into a seat designed for a 9 year old girl.
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Forget the stadium expansion. I won't knock folks discussing the cost of attending games, especially those living outside of Knoxville and/or Tennessee. I'm in no position (thankfully) to judge. Because I have the benefit of staying at a generous friend's guesthouse that is barely 2 miles away if that. Since we can prep meals in a kitchen if we choose among other things, I'm a very lucky and appreciative visitor.

But I do believe the UT should focus on widening seats. If I offend someone, I'm sorry but it remains the truth. There are so many fat azzed fans, they should be double charged when they take up so much space another paying fan can't sit comfortably or at all. I've seen 8-9 year olds forced to sit on their mom's or dad's lap because some semi rig butt squeezed them out of a seat. So I say any renovation should make wider seats a prirotiy. Not a knock on fatties, the FDA failed its job by letting the food industry run rampant all for the sake of profit and the health of citizens be damned. But those of us who avoided being converted people with tractor tire sized rear ends shouldn't have to suffer being crushed for seats on planes, at stadiums, and elsewhere that we paid for. widen the seats.

Comfort was obviously not a conisderation when allocating seat space. It's ridiculous. I had season tickets one year where we had the 5th seat in. The 4 outside seats were purchased by a larger than normal family. If they sat down on their seats, it removed a seat from our section. Therefore, we had to always beat them after the anthem to secure our butt space. And we were afraid to stand up at all because we could never get back in our seat.

NFL stadiums are awesome where everyone has an individual seat. You can watch a game and your back doesn't kill you from being cramped and kicked in the back repeatedly.
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Sir, I live in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina...a good 6 1/2 hour drive, and an entire weekend event. Then, I get home Sunday night and turn around 5 days later and do it all over again! Every year I go to the season opener, game 2, UF if it's home, the USC game (home or away), and either Vandy or KY. I went to the Mizzou game a couple of years ago when it went to 4 OT's and honestly I was just ready for the game to be over and Dooley to be gone. I might go to that game again this year, but we'll see how things are looking lol

I was a full fledged Dooley supporter until this game. It was amazing how it all changed for me in a heartbeat when the guy didn't go for the least TRY!!! Still pissed about that...
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Bama actually added more seating capacity than Neyland several years ago while Hamilton decided to reduce the size. Then Hamilton started claiming that TN's stadium capacity was bigger, But Neyland's 75 straight year reign as SEC attendance leader ended after the Bama expansion.
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Positive things about going to games:

1. Don't have to deal with color commentators (This could be a pro or con, depending).
2. It's nice to say "I was there" when we get a huge win.
3. The tailgating is great.
4. The ability to scream so loud that you can't hear yourself.
5. Singing Rocky Top x1000 times....which is the only acceptable place to do so and not appear crazy.
6. Love all of the orange, and meeting Vol Nation family.

Benefits of watching at home:

1. No ticket prices. When one ticket for one game is more expensive than a month of cable, it's hard to justify going, especially when you wanna bring the whole family.
2. No crazy concession prices.
3. No traffic or parking charges, or 6 mile walks to the stadium.
4. Don't have to endure weather conditions.
5. Don't have to deal with rude fans, or people standing up in front of you.
6. You can't watch the game at Neyland in your Tennessee boxers...with no pants on eating Cheetos.

I enjoy both options. But going to every single game is something that is expensive. Though I'd love to do it.

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LSU will be over 100,000 as well. Are they really going to be selling beer? If the AD department needs more $$$, that might be the wave of the future.
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I was a full fledged Dooley supporter until this game. It was amazing how it all changed for me in a heartbeat when the guy didn't go for the least TRY!!! Still pissed about that...

I'm completely flabbergasted that it took the majority of our fanbase that long to figure out Dooley was a moron.
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LSU will be over 100,000 as well. Are they really going to be selling beer? If the AD department needs more $$$, that might be the wave of the future.

Are you nuts!? Economically, you're right. But we already have issues with fans acting like creatures with centipedes for brains. Add alcohol and and even the centipede takes a leave of absence. We have kids at games and don't need to jeopardize them with enabling jackasses who enter the twilight zone for jackasses when drunk. i don't alcohol spilled on me or a kid, I don't want to have to knock the 'hail" out of anyone for being rude and obnoxious, I don't want to see a kid hurt during an alcohol fueled shuffle, i don't want a drunk falling on me, my wife, or some kid. or some drunk jerk fall to his or her death down the steep steps or over a railing to the section below. The revenue isn't worth the misery that comes with it. It's bad enough with people sneaking liquor in right now.
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Neyland stadium needs some renovations in bad way. Need another jumbotron or two smaller ones on the opposite side. Need to add wifi and get better cell service. It's all about fan experience these days and if they want more butts in seats they will have to make it more appealing. Winning will go a long to help but renovations will still be needed.

Agree. The Titans are upgrading the wifi and cell service inside the stadium and stated publicly it's what you have to do if you wants fans to put their butts in the seats.
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I was a full fledged Dooley supporter until this game. It was amazing how it all changed for me in a heartbeat when the guy didn't go for the least TRY!!! Still pissed about that...

I really thought we were going to win. I remember there being about a minute or more on the clock, we were right around the 45-50 yard line, and had 2 timeouts. First play was a bust, 2nd play was a small gain, 3rd down he laid on it and didn't use the timeouts and put the game into OT. We had the worst defense in the history of Tennessee football, and he put the game in their hands. At that point I knew he had no guts and would be gone very soon. I think it was a week later lol.
A couple of years I went on and counted every seat in every section....I must have been really bored.

By my math, there are about 96-97,000 seats in the stadium. I couldn't count the skyboxes so I figured that the 5-6K I was short.
Are you nuts!? Economically, you're right. But we already have issues with fans acting like creatures with centipedes for brains. Add alcohol and and even the centipede takes a leave of absence. We have kids at games and don't need to jeopardize them with enabling jackasses who enter the twilight zone for jackasses when drunk. i don't alcohol spilled on me or a kid, I don't want to have to knock the 'hail" out of anyone for being rude and obnoxious, I don't want to see a kid hurt during an alcohol fueled shuffle, i don't want a drunk falling on me, my wife, or some kid. or some drunk jerk fall to his or her death down the steep steps or over a railing to the section below. The revenue isn't worth the misery that comes with it. It's bad enough with people sneaking liquor in right now.

BEER! and a concealed carry permit for all liquor!
A&M expanding now is typically aggie. A day late and dollar short (although I def give aggie props for leaving the big 12 before texas bullies it into implosion).

The trend now is down-sizing.
If hacking it down to 95k max capacity meant Tennessee were relevant on the national title scene I would be all for it.
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Are you nuts!? Economically, you're right. But we already have issues with fans acting like creatures with centipedes for brains. Add alcohol and and even the centipede takes a leave of absence. We have kids at games and don't need to jeopardize them with enabling jackasses who enter the twilight zone for jackasses when drunk. i don't alcohol spilled on me or a kid, I don't want to have to knock the 'hail" out of anyone for being rude and obnoxious, I don't want to see a kid hurt during an alcohol fueled shuffle, i don't want a drunk falling on me, my wife, or some kid. or some drunk jerk fall to his or her death down the steep steps or over a railing to the section below. The revenue isn't worth the misery that comes with it. It's bad enough with people sneaking liquor in right now.

I have kids aged 13,11,8 and we have season tickets to Titans games. I have NEVER had an issue with someone being drunk that wasn't handled promptly (and I can only remember 1 instance in over 4 years of games). I am not saying I agree with selling beer at LSU, but I imagine as attendance drops, it might be a real possibility.
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Agree. The Titans are upgrading the wifi and cell service inside the stadium and stated publicly it's what you have to do if you wants fans to put their butts in the seats.

One of the problems UT faces in spending the money for upgrades is that the stadium is only used 8 times per year.

Does Knoxville still have an insanely high entertainment tax? If so, the city should cut that to get more things going on in the stadium...summer concerts, etc.

Jerry Jones spent $1Billion on that stadium but look at the number of events held there. There is something going on all the time.

I remember when the Carolina Panthers played their 1st season at Clemson. The NFL made the Panthers/ Clemson install beer lines to serve beer. I know fans are worried about drunken fans but $8 beers generates a ton of $$$.
Exactly! !!! Day late and a dollar short. A&M and LSU have gone full retard expanding now. LSU ' S little mini run is about to end soon and A&M has never been relevant enough to handle over 100k. I'm sure the little brother syndrome A&M has will drive them to dig a big ditch that runs beside their stadium and call it a "river".

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