Neyland Renovations, what should be next???

All 3rd down for what does is encourage the other team to get a 3rd down!! There has to be another gimmick.

Here is my opinion: when they get the ball, the crowd gets loud, as they approach the line for 1st down the crowd goes bananas. Watch 1st down then get load, as they approach the line the crowd goes bananas. Repeat for third down and forth down as needed. It's my understanding that the purpose of crowd noise is to disrupt their offense and encourage our defense. We get loud as they are coming to the line, while they are in the huddle calling the play we are either not as loud or not loud at all, waiting for them to break the huddle( to those that don't know, that's when the QB calls the play along with the count), if we were so loud that they can't hear the call wouldn't that help our defense even more. Crowd noise can create false starts, poor communication of play and count, impossible to check off(QB change play based off defensive alignment), and can force them to burn a timeout( unless we call one and bail them out, my bad, I couldn't resist), it's to our advantage if they burn up all their timeouts early.

Go Vols!

Edit: The purpose of third down for what is to let anybody that don't know when they have the ball stand and get loud for the reasons listed above, it does NOT mean "waive your hands in the air, like you just don't care", this ain't Opryland!
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Here is my opinion: when they get the ball, the crowd gets loud, as they approach the line for 1st down the crowd goes bananas. Watch 1st down then get load, as they approach the line the crowd goes bananas. Repeat for third down and forth down as needed. It's my understanding that the purpose of crowd noise is to disrupt their offense and encourage our defense. We get loud as they are coming to the line, while they are in the huddle calling the play we are either not as loud or not loud at all, waiting for them to break the huddle( to those that don't know, that's when the QB calls the play along with the count), if we were so loud that they can't hear the call wouldn't that help our defense even more. Crowd noise can create false starts, poor communication of play and count, impossible to check off(QB change play based off defensive alignment), and can force them to burn a timeout( unless we call one and bail them out, my bad, I couldn't resist), it's to our advantage if they burn up all their timeouts early.

Go Vols!

Edit: The purpose of third down for what is to let anybody that don't know when they have the ball stand and get loud for the reasons listed above, it does NOT mean "waive your hands in the air, like you just don't care", this ain't Opryland!

I didn't just "Like" this post...

I L-O-V-E EVERY single thing about it!!!
I think it works well when played at the correct time. The issue is that the DJ or whoever starts it often waits too long to start the song. In general people aren't making much noise while the song is playing, which would be fine if the song stopped a good 20 seconds before the other team starts lining up so that there is time for the crowd to get loud. But often the song plays until the other team is lined up and has their checks in.

Just to let you know, the DJ that plays it is Sterling Henton, quarterback of the Vols in the late 1980's, and VFL. You can see him Sunday Mornings at 11 am on the Sports Source.
We need a secure phone line installed so the "coaches" on Volnation can give their advice directly to Butch...

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