Neyland Renovations, what should be next???

Replace Neyland Stadium fans with good ones. Ones who will make noise all game, will watch the game without looking at their phones, will stay the whole game and not "Boo" when the team is down or every time they don't like a play call.
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Hubbs recently said Neyland renovations would be the "next big project" on campus. According to the Neyland Stadium master plan on the Tennessee Fund website, the next phase would include the following:

1. Renovation of the south and east concourses, restrooms and concession stands
2. Replacement of Gate 10 ramp with stair towers and additional elevator service
3. Creation of Gate 10 entry plaza

While the current plan would be really nice, I wish they would invest in an entry plaza on the river side. There are some outdated engineering buildings there that could be torn down to make the space. River access is one of the most defining features of Neyland, and yet the view from that side is awful. What do you think?

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Enough room for your seats to be your seats, not the big boys and girls sitting next to you with the nachos and cheese and pizza. I would like to see them have a butt measuring station like they do for carry-on baggage on airplanes. If your butt doesn't fit into the test jig then you can't occupy the seat. Sorry if you are the nacho-cheese big boy.
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We need the monitors all the way around the stadium like the new Falcons stadium.

We also need a retractable roof so we can grow Bermuda grass year round and host bowl games.

120,000 comfortable seats.

Special acoustics engineering to make the stadium even louder for opponents.

If they would add a roof over the seats south end (scoreboard) end it would increase the acoustics.

Seats, I would love single seats with cup holder
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Just gets annoying. I don't care to stand and usually prefer it. But when you've got someone grousing behind you about paying to sit, whatever ailment prevents them from standing, being rude by standing, etc. it's like where would you like me to go? And the fat people get so indignant about it, our last season tickets had 2 on the left end that engulfed our 1st seat, another couple at the other end that would take most of the 4th. So basically 2 seats for 4 normal people. I'd ask the people to move down and they'd get all in a huff. Calling an usher is useless, they can't make the fat people not fat, and they paid for a ticket. It's something that needs to be addressed, this country is certainly not getting any smaller.

The chairback seat cushions you can buy are so worth it if for nothing else than to mark your territory.
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While the current plan would be really nice, I wish they would invest in an entry plaza on the river side. There are some outdated engineering buildings there that could be torn down to make the space. River access is one of the most defining features of Neyland, and yet the view from that side is awful. What do you think?

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Estabrook and Pasqua are going to be torn down to make room for a new Nuclear Engineering bldg. As soon as the funding goes through they are going to start on that. This is necessary because right now the NE department is scattered over three buildings. It is also one of the top 5 NE departments in the country, and this new facility will reflect that.
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Look at what Nashville has done taking advantage of the Cumberland river. Knoxville should do the same using Neyland as the anchor. If artificail tuff is much improved then that would be nice.
!. Better sound system for everything, it's terrible

2. Fix women's bathrooms and add stalls. You think men need more, try standing in line, every time you go, at any women's bathroom, during any part of the game, commercials, halftime, quarter breaks, before game, after game, etc.
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1) Find a way to expand the concord in the north end zone at top of lower level. It is an absolute disaster at half time. The concession stand line blocks the concord, and it turns into a mess.

2) Turf! We are a fast football team, and the crap surface we have now is only hurting us.
Diaper changeing stations available, for Baby Vols.

No offense, but Baby Vols should stay at home, too loud for "baby ears" to uncomfortable to sit there for 4 hours.. and You do know they need a ticket too, you cant hold them and only use 1 ticket.. Use that ticket for someone who will scream C*^$ $u@#$% M@^er ~u90#r at the opposing teams, fans, refs, and DeBord...:naughty:
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No offense, but Baby Vols should stay at home, too loud for "baby ears" to uncomfortable to sit there for 4 hours.. and You do know they need a ticket too, you cant hold them and only use 1 ticket.. Use that ticket for someone who will scream C*^$ $u@#$% M@^er ~u90#r at the opposing teams, fans, refs, and DeBord...:naughty:

That's true, but the OCC games like NTS, is a great game to take a baby, if the weather is nice. I've got 4 kids age of 1st games ranges from 2yrs to 7yrs, 7 is the still too young to scream with passion. Your right it does take two tickets. I was a teenage for my 1st game, and that's too old.

Go Vols!

Edit: totally unrelated. What's the max amount of years a player can be on campus, counting red hurts, is 6 the max?

Firstly there is no engineering buildings on the strip. I can only assume you are referring to the Min Kao building which is not on the Strip, since the strip refers to a specific part of Cumberland Avenue not the whole thing. The other building you are talking about is Tickle Engineering. Min Kao mostly consists of classrooms and Tickle is the same. A ton of proffessors have their offices in Dougherty, Perkins, Ferris Hall, and a few in Estabrook. Buildings that are all essentially right next to the stadium. The point is that those buildings serve the main function of the university, which last I checked it education. So maybe suggesting tearing them down so that the view from the river is a little nicer is I'll advised.

May I offer my sincere and utmost apologies for not checking with the authorities (i.e. you) before woefully misrepresenting the official transition between Cumberland Ave. and "The Strip" on a football message board.

Regarding tearing down the old buildings, it's likely inevitable as it's already been talked about at least once. Tearing them down for the sole purpose of beautifying the stadium would of course be "I'll" advised without a plan to relocate. Maybe just maybe there is a way to do both??? The business school accomplished this by building up instead of out.
Diaper changeing stations available, for Baby Vols.

I'm pretty sure they already have these in some bathrooms that I know of. I sit in section Q, and if IRC the men's restroom on the 2nd concourse just up from my section has one.

I'm sure they aren't in all of the bathrooms, but, they are there, you may just have to look a little bit more.
I'm pretty sure they already have these in some bathrooms that I know of. I sit in section Q, and if IRC the men's restroom on the 2nd concourse just up from my section has one.

I'm sure they aren't in all of the bathrooms, but, they are there, you may just have to look a little bit more.

We were in NN for the WC game and I was a hassle, the staff was nice, even said with they way the fans were showing up, they would be able to continue renovations and that NN area would be part of the next project.

Go Vols!

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