Doctor at Vandy today gave me a year. Says either they find me a liver or I go to Heaven. And yes, he actually used the word Heaven. First time a doctor has given me a time table on the progression of my disease.
Doctor at Vandy today gave me a year. Says either they find me a liver or I go to Heaven. And yes, he actually used the word Heaven. First time a doctor has given me a time table on the progression of my disease.
Doctor at Vandy today gave me a year. Says either they find me a liver or I go to Heaven. And yes, he actually used the word Heaven. First time a doctor has given me a time table on the progression of my disease.
Doctor at Vandy today gave me a year. Says either they find me a liver or I go to Heaven. And yes, he actually used the word Heaven. First time a doctor has given me a time table on the progression of my disease.
Doctor at Vandy today gave me a year. Says either they find me a liver or I go to Heaven. And yes, he actually used the word Heaven. First time a doctor has given me a time table on the progression of my disease.
Dr. Seuss was awesome. Well, except for the whole cheating on his wife and driving her to kill herself, then marrying his mistress like 8 months later. But other than that, he was awesome.