I got off work at 5 this am and stopped at a gas station on Brooks rd south Memphis, I figured I'd put a quart of oil in my 94 Explorer before jumping on the interstate home, 2 thugs were in the store with tatted faces and pants hanging down past their knees being obnoxious and messing with people,( I being a ccw holder and strap on my S&W shield every time I get off and head home, ) in order to be sure I didn't get mixed up in the BS these detriments to society were causing I went back to my truck and said Efff it I'll just go home and I'm sure my truck would be fine,
I'll be damned if the pos didn't start! And I just happened to park next to the fools, so after trying to crank my truck several times I gave up, put it in Neutral and coasted backwards to a gas pump and one of the azzholes jumped on my hood ! While I was wasn't looking and I about lost it!!
A slammed on the brakes and got out and told him to gtfo my truck. He and his buddies were talking Shiz I couldn't understand so I got back in my truck and just let them ramble drunk slurs at me and smiled at them.
The Gas station clerk was on the phone with the cops and the thugs proceeded to yell "F the police! I'll kill them pigs " as well other clever phrases.
The lady walked down to my truck where 3 of them were standing in front of. And told they should leave before the cops arrived.
They started yelling at her and I couldn't take it anymore, I got out and took my jacket off and told them I don't need cops to take out the trash for me and they should leave immediately, one thug took me seriously and got into the Buick they were in and told them to gtfo in the car, they drove off holding pistols indexed to their temples swerving out of the gas station.
Immediately after they left the cops showed up and helped me get my truck started and I went home.
Arm yourselves folks, don't be a victim.