I was okay with the black jerseys since it was Halloween. But unless it's a home game on Halloween, forget about it.
I'm no Ducks fan, but the colors green and yellow are associated with the state, whether it be Oregon football or Billy Jack Haynes (I hope some of our wrestling buffs are reading this thread).
And that's the problem I've been having with the Ducks of late, and in general it seems; I don't really associate anything about it with the state of Oregon, aside from the Nike bits. It seems like it's all these outsiders coming in and propping things up, and the only local guy any of these bandwagoners can think of is Joey.
OSU, on the other hand, while naturally less successful over the last few years, has a bunch of figures throughout its history who are part of Oregon sports history and local legends, from Terry Baker, to Mitch Meeuwsen (who is a family friend), Mike Hass, etc. Of course there are famous figures who are non-natives, but it's not like the state produces tons of football talent. It's just that those that do spurn the Ducks, either to become Beavers or go elsewhere. Not to mention Mike Riley, who is from Corvallis.
Normally I'd be supportive of UofO football doing well, but as I see it, it's a bunch of native Californians whose fans mostly seem to be a bunch of people with no actual connection to the university and no genuine appreciation for football history (think Florida fans; football may as well have not existed before the mid-90's). I've spoken with multiple self-proclaimed "die hard fans" who have no idea who Rich Brooks is, or don't know anything more about Dan Fouts other than he is an NFL commentator.