Your 401K losing money today?
Actually, yes, today it is. And what's more, in all likelihood a large percentage of the gains we have seen in the last two years would have occurred anyway, as part of the natural cycle of stock market booms and busts.
And at any rate, we need long term sustained growth of the middle class, not short term hyper profits for investing.
Get released from your job?
No, but I would not have been, anyway.
Hate having that extra money in your check every month?
I don't have a bit more, I have a bit less due to inflation, which is lurking for everyone. And I think most people have by now figured out the shell game of the $1 k bonus announcements and what that was hiding in terms of buy backs and bonuses for the top.
Remember, Trump loves the guys you work for. And as long as he's happy, you should be happy too.
Trump's happiness is driven by exactly one thing: how much he thinks people like him. Because he has power, he is suddenly adored by the GOP? Nope, not buying it. Once the Dems take the House, he is ousted by the investigation, or he loses in 2020, he will go off the deep end because no one will be willing to sit there and yell and scream in support at his ridiculous statements and antics.