No one fear, Jeb Bush says...

Affordable Care Act?

Not even close. If the government took over all insurance and allocated all the resources of all insurance for everyone at a common price with equal treatment then maybe. You can still get whatever insurance you want and pay whatever you want for it. There's no set price. Also- all they said was everyone has to have it because the government is tired of paying for the deadbeats that don't pay and then need need it and then we all pay for it which is much closer to "socialism"
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The model of capitalism falls apart when we're unable to tie a human's ambition (greed if you're more cynical) to having a job. For the first time in history, technology is destroying jobs faster than they're being replaced. The dark truth that you never hear politicians talk about is that THE JOBS AREN'T COMING BACK. Yes, we can throw money at the problem and create jobs, just for the sake of jobs, but the bottom line is that the future version of our country (and indeed, the planet) will need less and less labor. People who fail to claim one of the dwindling number of jobs SHOULD NOT LIVE IN POVERTY. It's not because they're lazy (although some are). It's not because they don't have the right skills (although some won't). It's a systematic shift in the economies of the world. If our social model doesn't shift with it, we're only headed in one direction... revolution. Don't be one of those people that can't see what's happening until it's right in their face. All of the trends are there. Act now. Vote Bernie. :)
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Not even close. If the government took over all insurance and allocated all the resources of all insurance for everyone at a common price with equal treatment then maybe. You can still get whatever insurance you want and pay whatever you want for it. There's no set price. Also- all they said was everyone has to have it because the government is tired of paying for the deadbeats that don't pay and then need need it and then we all pay for it which is much closer to "socialism"

The State requiring the public to have insurance and using the chattel of one segment of society to pay for another segment by redistribution is precisely right from the play book of socialism sir.
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The State requiring the public to have insurance and using the chattel of one segment of society to pay for another segment by redistribution is precisely right from the play book of socialism sir.

No it's not. And you were already paying for them out your pocket. Tennessee requires you to have car insurance so I guess Tennessee is a socialist state by your logic
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No it's not. And you were already paying for them out your pocket. Tennessee requires you to have car insurance so I guess Tennessee is a socialist state by your logic

Driving is a privilege. Terrible comparison. And yes, redistribution of wealth is a primary column of socialism.
Just to be clear- : per Merriam-Webster- "Socialism- way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies" Hardly the ACA
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Maybe one day you socialists will show us where it actually works without support from other countries. Namely the U.S.

They think "socialism" is a good thing because "OMG Scandinavia is so awesome!". Never mind the fact that those countries are more business-friendly than the USA and have flat income and consumption taxes. They can afford their welfare states because of capitalism, natural resources, and the fact that the we subsidize the defense of almost every NATO country.

If you want to see what socialism really does, look at Venezuela.
Driving is a privilege. Terrible comparison. And yes, redistribution of wealth is a primary column of socialism.

You know if you had said the bank bailout in 2008 I would have respected you more because it was more in the ballpark but that was done when W was President so I guess that's ok
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They think "socialism" is a good thing because "OMG Scandinavia is so awesome!". Never mind the fact that those countries are more business-friendly than the USA and have flat income and consumption taxes. They can afford their welfare states because of capitalism, natural resources, and the fact that the we subsidize the defense of almost every NATO country.

If you want to see what socialism really does, look at Venezuela.

Life is easier when you don't have to pay for defense for sure.
The only reason Europe has had peace as long as they have is because of our military presence. If we closed all bases in Europe there would be a continental war within a decade.
Not hard to understand really. Driving is a privilege not a right. Now I know you "state-ists" think whatever someone wants is a right. But that's not the case.

so getting sick and someone else paying for it is a "right" ? Sounds like communism
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The State requiring the public to have insurance and using the chattel of one segment of society to pay for another segment by redistribution is precisely right from the play book of socialism sir.

Socialist redistribution policies exist everywhere in America, and have for a long time, and it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not everyone pays in the same amount towards public goods/safety nets, but everyone of us benefit regardless of contribution (or lack thereof); roads, public schools, parks, police, fire fighters, 911, traffic signals, etc. Not to mention the military, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, free or reduced lunch for low income kids, WIC, subsidized housing, subsidized farming, food stamps, subsidized public colleges, federal student loans, Pell grants, filtered city water, etc. are all "socialist" ideas. You've never benefited from their existence?
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You know if you had said the bank bailout in 2008 I would have respected you more because it was more in the ballpark but that was done when W was President so I guess that's ok
Not at all. W is the most disappointing POTUS in my lifetime. Because I expected more from him and he let the US down.
The Saul Alinsky protégé in thw white house now hasn't disappointed me. I knew he'd be the train wreck that he has shown himself to be.
Socialist redistribution policies exist everywhere in America, and have for a long time, and it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not everyone pays in the same amount towards public goods/safety nets, but everyone of us benefit regardless of contribution (or lack thereof); roads, public schools, parks, police, fire fighters, 911, traffic signals, etc. Not to mention the military, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, free or reduced lunch for low income kids, WIC, subsidized housing, subsidized farming, food stamps, subsidized public colleges, federal student loans, Pell grants, filtered city water, etc. are all "socialist" ideas. You've never benefited from their existence?

And you think things are good? Check out the economy pal. Check out our debt. Check out the fact that our national credit rating has been down graded under the savior of Hope and Change.
They think "socialism" is a good thing because "OMG Scandinavia is so awesome!". Never mind the fact that those countries are more business-friendly than the USA and have flat income and consumption taxes. They can afford their welfare states because of capitalism, natural resources, and the fact that the we subsidize the defense of almost every NATO country.

If you want to see what socialism really does, look at Venezuela.

Capitalism and Socialism can coexist, with each keeping the other in check - this is how it is in the US and in the Scandinavian countries. Venezuela is to socialism as much as Westboro Baptist Church is to Christianity.
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Not at all. W is the most disappointing POTUS in my lifetime. Because I expected more from him and he let the US down.
The Saul Alinsky protégé in thw white house now hasn't disappointed me. I knew he'd be the train wreck that he has shown himself to be.

Yeah right. Things seem to be picking up around here according to the numbers
Pretty much everyone does which is why the state requires it

Ok. I can't discuss this with you because you're obviously a TFB. And logic will evade you.

But think about this. Does one have to drive or does one choose to drive?
Does one have to have health insurance or does one choose to have health insurance?

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