No one fear, Jeb Bush says...

Ok. I can't discuss this with you because you're obviously a TFB. And logic will evade you.

But think about this. Does one have to drive or does one choose to drive?
Does one have to have health insurance or does one choose to have health insurance?

Do you want to pay for all the people that choose to not pay for health insurance? Because it sounds like you do
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Ok. I can't discuss this with you because you're obviously a TFB. And logic will evade you.

But think about this. Does one have to drive or does one choose to drive?
Does one have to have health insurance or does one choose to have health insurance?

And to your original point on the ACA I still fail to see how it was a complete takeover of private industry which would make it "socialist" it's not socialist. It either is all of the definition or none. And you argument doesn't meet that definition
And you think things are good? Check out the economy pal. Check out our debt. Check out the fact that our national credit rating has been down graded under the savior of Hope and Change.

Our GDP is at the highest its been since the recession and inflation has been low. I agree that the national debt is ridiculously high, but it grew tremendously under GW's administration too. Not to mention, it grew 190% under Reagan, more than in Bush or Obama's terms. Also, the Federal budget deficit has shrunk to under $500 billion (down from a trillion). If we returned to pre-1986 Reagan tax rates and increased the cap on Social Security taxable earnings, we could improve even more, maybe get back to Clinton-era surplus. Oh, and not spend $700 billion in military spending every year.

Also, S&P placed much of the credit downgrade responsibility on the Republicans for their debt ceiling hostage situation.

Now, do you or have you ever benefited from the socialist aspects of America I listed previously?
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Our GDP is at the highest its been since the recession and inflation has been low. I agree that the national debt is ridiculously high, but it grew tremendously under GW's administration too. Not to mention, it grew 190% under Reagan, more than in Bush or Obama's terms. Also, the Federal budget deficit has shrunk to under $500 billion (down from a trillion). If we returned to pre-1986 Reagan tax rates and increased the cap on Social Security taxable earnings, we could improve even more, maybe get back to Clinton-era surplus. Oh, and not spend $700 billion in military spending every year.

Also, S&P placed much of the credit downgrade responsibility on the Republicans for their debt ceiling hostage situation.

Now, do you or have you ever benefited from the socialist aspects of America I listed previously?

Your question should be "are you a net zero taxpayer leech or have you paid for the services you receive from our infrastructure?"

Your straw man is stupid. Of course he has. The problem isn't the half of Americans that give up half their income by the time state fed property payroll capital gains etc etc. Taxes get done with their earnings. The problem is the ever growing handout seeking deadbeat worthless humans that live off of MY HARD WORK. Get a grip on reality. Under the Obama administration millions of people have been approved for LIFETIME DISABILITY for headaches or fictitious fibromyalgia...medicaid enrollment is all time high. Same for food stamps and section 8 housing. THE HALF OF THIS COUNTRY THAT WORKS THEIR ASSES OFF CANNOT SUPPORT THE HALF THAT IS TOO LAZY TO GO TO WORK. WAKE UP KID. YOU WILL FIGURE IT OUT WHEN YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PUT YOUR KIDS THROUGH COLLEGE BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPORTING ANOTHER FAMILY IN THE HOOD OR TRAILER PARK DOWN THE STREET. WE ARE SCREWED...AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF COMMUNIST LEGISLATION. IT IS YOUR FAULT...AND VOTERS JUST LIKE YOU . YOU SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF AMERICA. ONE LEECH AT A TIME. STOP THE BLEEDING.
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Your question should be "are you a net zero taxpayer leech or have you paid for the services you receive from our infrastructure?"

Your straw man is stupid. Of course he has. The problem isn't the half of Americans that give up half their income by the time state fed property payroll capital gains etc etc. Taxes get done with their earnings. The problem is the ever growing handout seeking deadbeat worthless humans that live off of MY HARD WORK. Get a grip on reality. Under the Obama administration millions of people have been approved for LIFETIME DISABILITY for headaches or fictitious fibromyalgia...medicaid enrollment is all time high. Same for food stamps and section 8 housing. THE HALF OF THIS COUNTRY THAT WORKS THEIR ASSES OFF CANNOT SUPPORT THE HALF THAT IS TOO LAZY TO GO TO WORK. WAKE UP KID. YOU WILL FIGURE IT OUT WHEN YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PUT YOUR KIDS THROUGH COLLEGE BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPORTING ANOTHER FAMILY IN THE HOOD OR TRAILER PARK DOWN THE STREET. WE ARE SCREWED...AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF COMMUNIST LEGISLATION. IT IS YOUR FAULT...AND VOTERS JUST LIKE YOU . YOU SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF AMERICA. ONE LEECH AT A TIME. STOP THE BLEEDING.

Okay, Mr. O'Reilly. If he is employed, of course he pays a part of it, but a vast majority of the cost of those things were paid by others. And when both of you were too young to work, and thus pay taxes, you likely benefited from the tax payments of others. Aspects of socialism is live and well in the US, and has been for over a century. Also, explain how the current administration is communist, please.
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Your question should be "are you a net zero taxpayer leech or have you paid for the services you receive from our infrastructure?"

Your straw man is stupid. Of course he has. The problem isn't the half of Americans that give up half their income by the time state fed property payroll capital gains etc etc. Taxes get done with their earnings. The problem is the ever growing handout seeking deadbeat worthless humans that live off of MY HARD WORK. Get a grip on reality. Under the Obama administration millions of people have been approved for LIFETIME DISABILITY for headaches or fictitious fibromyalgia...medicaid enrollment is all time high. Same for food stamps and section 8 housing. THE HALF OF THIS COUNTRY THAT WORKS THEIR ASSES OFF CANNOT SUPPORT THE HALF THAT IS TOO LAZY TO GO TO WORK. WAKE UP KID. YOU WILL FIGURE IT OUT WHEN YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PUT YOUR KIDS THROUGH COLLEGE BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPORTING ANOTHER FAMILY IN THE HOOD OR TRAILER PARK DOWN THE STREET. WE ARE SCREWED...AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF COMMUNIST LEGISLATION. IT IS YOUR FAULT...AND VOTERS JUST LIKE YOU . YOU SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF AMERICA. ONE LEECH AT A TIME. STOP THE BLEEDING.

Why do you think that social program enrollment is at an all-time high? Do you believe that class mobility is as easy as it should be? Do you even believe that class mobility is part of what America should be about?

This idea that your status in life was because of your own hard work IS A LIE. I don't know you, obviously, but EVERYONE is a product of many, many factors that are outside of their control. Even someone's work ethic is in large part (we can argue about how much exactly) a product of factors that you didn't have control over (quality of parents, social influences, life experiences). This is the most important point because, when you drop your pride and really stop to consider how you got to where you are in life, you'll realize that empathy for people that didn't have the advantages you did is the only reasonable response. Not calling them leaches. Not helping to maintain a state where they have no upwards mobility. We're the richest country in the history of the world. We don't have to treat our fellow citizens like this.
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Why do you think that social program enrollment is at an all-time high? Do you believe that class mobility is as easy as it should be? Do you even believe that class mobility is part of what America should be about?

This idea that your status in life was because of your own hard work IS A LIE. I don't know you, obviously, but EVERYONE is a product of many, many factors that are outside of their control. Even someone's work ethic is in large part (we can argue about how much exactly) a product of factors that you didn't have control over (quality of parents, social influences, life experiences). This is the most important point because, when you drop your pride and really stop to consider how you got to where you are in life, you'll realize that empathy for people that didn't have the advantages you did is the only reasonable response. Not calling them leaches. Not helping to maintain a state where they have no upwards mobility. We're the richest country in the history of the world. We don't have to treat our fellow citizens like this.

That is an excellent way of putting it, man. Good job.
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Why do you think that social program enrollment is at an all-time high? Do you believe that class mobility is as easy as it should be? Do you even believe that class mobility is part of what America should be about?

This idea that your status in life was because of your own hard work IS A LIE. I don't know you, obviously, but EVERYONE is a product of many, many factors that are outside of their control. Even someone's work ethic is in large part (we can argue about how much exactly) a product of factors that you didn't have control over (quality of parents, social influences, life experiences). This is the most important point because, when you drop your pride and really stop to consider how you got to where you are in life, you'll realize that empathy for people that didn't have the advantages you did is the only reasonable response. Not calling them leaches. Not helping to maintain a state where they have no upwards mobility. We're the richest country in the history of the world. We don't have to treat our fellow citizens like this.

Why would class mobility be easy at all? Why would it ever be easy to get rich? That's fantasy land thinking. Of course it's difficult. Anything worth having requires hard work in this world. That is life.

To say that a person's status in life doesn't co me from their hard work is not a lie. That is reality for 99 percent of people. Perhaps 1 percent of people are born with a silver spoon and parents that will reward theM for being lazy. Everyone else had to hoe their own row. The problem is many are too lazy or short sighted to improve their situation OR THEMSELVES. They make terrible financial decisions and life choices and the rest of us have to pay for their stupidity or lack of morals.

Do you know how many blue collar idiots I see buying scratch offs or lottery tickets at the gas station before and after work? Stupid. How many drink a 12 pack or smoke massive weed instead of saving money to put down on a house VS. throwing away money renting. Gambling drugs alcohol etc. Gobble up their paychecks then taxpayers have to pay for their rent and groceries. It's criminal.

There is plenty of work put there for those who are willing. Most would rather draw a check for nothing. It's sad and embarrassing for hardworking Americans like me to see how crappy society is as a whole. I was born into very humble beginnings. Started a family very early so had no college. Have worked construction for 23 out of my 38 years of life to provide for my little family. We live within our means. People don't even know what that means anymore. Both our vehicles are paid for. We are not getting new ones. We eat at home. Because it's half price of eating out not because we enjoy washing dishes. We buy clothes from consignment stores. My work jeans etc. Come from goodwill. This affords me the luxury of spending 10k a year to keep both my kids in Christian school even though I only make 55 to 60k a year. The problem isn't the system. Capitalism works. The problem is the same problem that has been the downfall of every great civilization the world has ever known....the people. People today are lazy and impatient. They feel like the world owes them everything...and right now. They should have a bigger nicer house than their they should have a 300hp car and a boat. Now. They should have every electronic device known to man. Now. Without ever earning it. If they don't have all these ridiculous things it is everyone's fault but their own. It's the system. It's their parents. It's the man holding them down. Bullcrap.

It's life. It's hard. It's gonna get harder. Buckle up buttercup.
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Why would class mobility be easy at all? Why would it ever be easy to get rich? That's fantasy land thinking. Of course it's difficult. Anything worth having requires hard work in this world. That is life.

To say that a person's status in life doesn't co me from their hard work is not a lie. That is reality for 99 percent of people. Perhaps 1 percent of people are born with a silver spoon and parents that will reward theM for being lazy. Everyone else had to hoe their own row. The problem is many are too lazy or short sighted to improve their situation OR THEMSELVES. They make terrible financial decisions and life choices and the rest of us have to pay for their stupidity or lack of morals.

Do you know how many blue collar idiots I see buying scratch offs or lottery tickets at the gas station before and after work? Stupid. How many drink a 12 pack or smoke massive weed instead of saving money to put down on a house VS. throwing away money renting. Gambling drugs alcohol etc. Gobble up their paychecks then taxpayers have to pay for their rent and groceries. It's criminal.

There is plenty of work put there for those who are willing. Most would rather draw a check for nothing. It's sad and embarrassing for hardworking Americans like me to see how crappy society is as a whole. I was born into very humble beginnings. Started a family very early so had no college. Have worked construction for 23 out of my 38 years of life to provide for my little family. We live within our means. People don't even know what that means anymore. Both our vehicles are paid for. We are not getting new ones. We eat at home. Because it's half price of eating out not because we enjoy washing dishes. We buy clothes from consignment stores. My work jeans etc. Come from goodwill. This affords me the luxury of spending 10k a year to keep both my kids in Christian school even though I only make 55 to 60k a year. The problem isn't the system. Capitalism works. The problem is the same problem that has been the downfall of every great civilization the world has ever known....the people. People today are lazy and impatient. They feel like the world owes them everything...and right now. They should have a bigger nicer house than their they should have a 300hp car and a boat. Now. They should have every electronic device known to man. Now. Without ever earning it. If they don't have all these ridiculous things it is everyone's fault but their own. It's the system. It's their parents. It's the man holding them down. Bullcrap.

It's life. It's hard. It's gonna get harder. Buckle up buttercup.

That's really cool, man. Genuinely. I don't think he meant you or other people didn't work hard or were born on 3rd base with a silver spoon in your mouth. He was talking about how we all enjoy opportunities that previous generations didn't or other people didn't because of the collective contributions of a lot of people (socialism).

For example, my life would be much more difficult without being able to associate with educated and literate people that attended public schools. Getting goods across the country efficiently if Eisenhower had not instituted the interstate highway system would have been impossible. My housewife grandmother would have no income if not for the social security she draws from my deceased grandfather. My dad would not have been able to afford his cancer treatment if not for Medicare. I would not have been able to attend university without crippling debt if not for low interest federal loans and Pell Grants.

I think that's what he was talking about when he said none of us truly get where we are without the help of everyone else.

Edit: as for upward mobility, that is what the American Dream is talking about. And it has more to do with moving out of poverty and into the middle class than getting super rich. In America, an inordinate number of children don't see much upward mobility, compared to other comparable countries.
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Why would class mobility be easy at all? Why would it ever be easy to get rich? That's fantasy land thinking. Of course it's difficult. Anything worth having requires hard work in this world. That is life.

To say that a person's status in life doesn't co me from their hard work is not a lie. That is reality for 99 percent of people. Perhaps 1 percent of people are born with a silver spoon and parents that will reward theM for being lazy. Everyone else had to hoe their own row. The problem is many are too lazy or short sighted to improve their situation OR THEMSELVES. They make terrible financial decisions and life choices and the rest of us have to pay for their stupidity or lack of morals.

Do you know how many blue collar idiots I see buying scratch offs or lottery tickets at the gas station before and after work? Stupid. How many drink a 12 pack or smoke massive weed instead of saving money to put down on a house VS. throwing away money renting. Gambling drugs alcohol etc. Gobble up their paychecks then taxpayers have to pay for their rent and groceries. It's criminal.

There is plenty of work put there for those who are willing. Most would rather draw a check for nothing. It's sad and embarrassing for hardworking Americans like me to see how crappy society is as a whole. I was born into very humble beginnings. Started a family very early so had no college. Have worked construction for 23 out of my 38 years of life to provide for my little family. We live within our means. People don't even know what that means anymore. Both our vehicles are paid for. We are not getting new ones. We eat at home. Because it's half price of eating out not because we enjoy washing dishes. We buy clothes from consignment stores. My work jeans etc. Come from goodwill. This affords me the luxury of spending 10k a year to keep both my kids in Christian school even though I only make 55 to 60k a year. The problem isn't the system. Capitalism works. The problem is the same problem that has been the downfall of every great civilization the world has ever known....the people. People today are lazy and impatient. They feel like the world owes them everything...and right now. They should have a bigger nicer house than their they should have a 300hp car and a boat. Now. They should have every electronic device known to man. Now. Without ever earning it. If they don't have all these ridiculous things it is everyone's fault but their own. It's the system. It's their parents. It's the man holding them down. Bullcrap.

It's life. It's hard. It's gonna get harder. Buckle up buttercup.

Most people want a job. Stop watching Fox
News and listening to people like Donald Trump
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Most people want a job. Stop watching Fox
News and listening to people like Donald Trump

Most people want a high paying job that requires very little work or effort. There are many decent paying hard jobs that are available yet go unfilled.
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Most people want a high paying job that requires very little work or effort. There are many decent paying hard jobs that are available yet go unfilled.

Yep. There are more jobs available now than we have had in around 10 years.

Not giving any credit to Obama ,the House or Senate. I giving credit to the US business people that refused to give in.
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Most people want a job. Stop watching Fox
News and listening to people like Donald Trump

No. People want an office job in an air conditioned environment where they can play on Facebook all day and make at least 100 grand a year. That doesn't exist. There are many many unfilled positions in charlotte that pay 35k and up. Trades such as mechanical ekectrical and plumbing are all so understaffed they are turning down work and breaking contracts for big commercial projects. Only Latinos are willing to work. These are jobs that pay a living wage. I am a commercial superintendent. I see it everyday.

Americans are too damn lazy to work hard for a living. I don't mean scrubbing toilets or digging ditches. I mean skilled labor and apprenticeships. It's honestly embarrassing . White guys want 3o an hour to do as little as possible. Amigos. Will work their fingers to the bone for half that...AND NEVER COMPLAIN. I am white btw. I can't speak about blacks in my field because I never see them. Ever.
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No. People want an office job in an air conditioned environment where they can play on Facebook all day and make at least 100 grand a year. That doesn't exist. There are many many unfilled positions in charlotte that pay 35k and up. Trades such as mechanical ekectrical and plumbing are all so understaffed they are turning down work and breaking contracts for big commercial projects. Only Latinos are willing to work. These are jobs that pay a living wage. I am a commercial superintendent. I see it everyday.

Americans are too damn lazy to work hard for a living. I don't mean scrubbing toilets or digging ditches. I mean skilled labor and apprenticeships. It's honestly embarrassing . White guys want 3o an hour to do as little as possible. Amigos. Will work their fingers to the bone for half that...AND NEVER COMPLAIN. I am white btw. I can't speak about blacks in my field because I never see them. Ever.
Check the prisons.
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