Nobody Likes Ted Cruz

Or idly sitting by while your VP is hiding from the mob you sent to kill him.

How's that J6 committee coming along? Seems they are getting a little long in trying to find anything on Trump. Second hand information isn't a good look by the left.
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What's worse, supporting a party member who called your wife ugly or naming the lady who called you racist your VP?
Falls in line with your old boss saying "don't underestimates Joes ability to f' things up"

Didn't care for Cruz quoting "The American President" movie in regards to the ugly wife comment.

These people are such scumbags. Remember it when people start throwing words like terrorism around. They're all reading from that same script that doesn't include you having a nice ending.

Don't use their terms or agree with their narratives. Every time their lies get repeated more people believe it.
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