I believe jewelry is against the rules as a safety concern, along with long fingernails. Unless it has recently changed.Dang! Having to surgically remove Hildago's nose ring, which is only a tiny stud not an actual ring, on the sideline while the game goes on! Apparently been playing with it all year, even though there's a no jewelry rule, and NOW it has to dug out after refs objected. Reminds me of when that ref randomly went off about the color of RJ's leg sleeve, the same one she'd worn all season, and she had to change right before the game.
Yes but many, including HH, have been wearing these all year, including all thru warmups today. And she already had it covered w tape. You chose an ingame moment to make her go get it dug out? Like they just that moment noticed? I'd say at least wait til halftime, esp since it was a dig out and not just a ring removal.I believe jewelry is against the rules as a safety concern, along with long fingernails. Unless it has recently changed.