That list of HC candidates for Baylor is a list of ACTUAL proven winners. That is the type of list that we should have had when we replaced Holly. Regardless of what Kellie apologists think, we are Tennessee and we are so concerned with getting a former player that we didn’t bother to kick the tires on any of the splash hires. Again, I truly hope Kellie wins here, but she seems to be taking us back to the 80s with her “vision” of what the team needs to be. The game is way more skilled now and the players don’t all have to be taller than 6 feet. So tired of the “tallest team in America” claim to fame. How about working towards the “most athletic” or “the team that will shoot you out of the gym”??? Defense and rebounding doesn’t cut it! It’s important, but you need so many other elements. So frustrating watching us get left behind in WBBK!!! What player on this team did Kellie recruit that gets you excited? A player that you say, her future is so bright? A player that will lead us back to the Final 4? There’s not one!