I'm shocked about LSU! Agree about the future focus of our matchup with SC. Already sick of Rhyne Howard, and I've only seen them play once this season.
Speaking of Howard, the game I saw Nikki Fargas was one of the commentators, and she used the word "lazy" at when point in the convo about Howard, and I strongly agreed. Sometimes she looks downright bored and disinterested, and that drives me crazy. She sometimes just hangs out if things aren't going great, and it looks lazy to me.
Gawd, with all that natural talent, if she ever were to get truly serious about the full game instead of just picking and choosing her moments, she will become one of the best ever. She's one of those naturally gifted athletes who has always been the best player on every team she has played on, so that has been enough for her. But to MY eye, she rarely has been as good as she COULD be even though her 75% has obviously been good enough to be SEC-POY twice already.
For what I see as a mentally lazy approach to the game, Rhyne H. is one of my least favorite "big name" players. Aliyah Boston, for having decided to finally take the game seriously, is one of my favorites.