This is a perfect example of why many basketball fans despise the man. Wooden had an incredible run, but very few were revolted by his character or accused him of being classless.
Auriemma's public mind games with his players is reminiscent of domestic abusers. Sarcastically "take the blame" for perceived failings of the partner, who then pleads, "No, was all my fault for burning the roast! Don't give up on me! I'l do better, I promise!" Or like the dad who withholds his love in order to get the child to be "perfect" and lose weight. Then, after that manipulating tactic, switch to publicly humiliating then within their earshot ("the
really good guards are on the bench").
Auriemma's defenders will point to his record and say he's just pushing buttons to make them mad and get them in an "I'll show you!" mode, which past players have admitted got the results he wanted. And if anyone couldn't take "the treatment," well, they just aren't cut out for "the Husky Way." Bob Knight had his defenders, too, after he wiped his butt in the locker room and then showed it to his players to illustrate how they were playing, threw a chair across the floor, throttled one of his players, etc. By whatever means necessary, right?
CONN likes to brag about how their program provides the most pressure in all of women's basketball. But if this is what it takes to win ball games, well, that just screams "toxic culture." I can't imagine any parent wanting to see his daughter subjected to this on a daily basis, even if that parent could stomach the rest of the coach's repulsive personality.
As Horston said about Kellie, "She knows us individually, and she knows when to push us and when to get on us and when to pull back and encourage us. And I really appreciate that." I can't imagine Kellie ever publicly insulting her players in a presser or interview. And, as fans, we can really appreciate that.