Non-Lady Vol Basketball News 2024-25

If you don’t like what we serve for dinner here, you can always eat somewhere else…I mean it’s our forum and we don’t have to “be nice” to people who invite themselves to our party. If you are seeking praise for your program, go make a chicken boneyard where you guys can squawk together…I’m just saying.
Wasn't looking for praise.....we just won the national championship. Why would I need praise for our team ?
I said I was going to leave and let you guys fight among yourselves. I never said I wasn't going to post here again. Putting words in my mouth ? That's not very nice.

neither was you downplaying our 8 national titles by calling them a cakewalk but here you are lol... Now that wasn't very nice either was it😂
It means we aren't living 200 years ago. Moving forward and if you choose to live with the mindset of 200 years ago, continue to live there and be miserable. Pingeton is and has been a respected coach for many years and because she brought in a volatile player who decided to make bad decisions, break rules as she saw fit and the coach disciplines Said player for creating the issue, now you got a problem. The problem is Ajiah Blackwell. That is why she was suspended for so many games. Not the coach. If I remember right there were more than just Blackwell suspended on that team. Where is your concern about the rest of them?
Mizzou has a race problem and has for years. This is NOT my first time saying this and it won’t be my last. I’m from St. Louis, this was going on when I was in school. I’m the mother of a Black son (and I’ve said this here a million times) I don’t care if they offer him the sun and the moon, he won’t ever step foot on campus.
This board is off the chain this morning. This is turning into drama TV board. Atlanta House Wives can't keep up with us, That's y every other fans wants to be here.
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Mizzou has a race problem and has for years. This is NOT my first time saying this and it won’t be my last. I’m from St. Louis, this was going on when I was in school. I’m the mother of a Black son (and I’ve said this here a million times) I don’t care if they offer him the sun and the moon, he won’t ever step foot on campus.
So as a mother, I hope you teach your Son to follow rules, and if on a team, follow the team rules. Cause it does not matter where he is, any program in the country that has morals and ethical values will not allow him to break those rules without consequence. If they do, they are selling your son short and not teaching him the life lessons he should be learning. When you are playing a team sport, you should not be getting cited by the police for possession of marijuana when i am sure it is right in the code of conduct provided to and signed by most college athletes on teams. Actions have consequences. This wasn't a racial issue; it was a bad behavior issue and issue of violating team rules.
So as a mother, I hope you teach your Son to follow rules, and if on a team, follow the team rules. Cause it does not matter where he is, any program in the country that has morals and ethical values will not allow him to break those rules without consequence. If they do, they are selling your son short and not teaching him the life lessons he should be learning. When you are playing a team sport, you should not be getting cited by the police for possession of marijuana when i am sure it is right in the code of conduct provided to and signed by most college athletes on teams. Actions have consequences. This wasn't a racial issue; it was a bad behavior issue and issue of violating team rules.

She is speaking on something deeper than basketball goes. I am quite sure she is going to teach her son all of those things along with many many many more lessons he will need to know as not only a young man but a young black man.

While Blackwell's issue may not have been a race one why she/ the poster won't send her son to that school seems to be one of personal experience and deeper than basketball.
So as a mother, I hope you teach your Son to follow rules, and if on a team, follow the team rules. Cause it does not matter where he is, any program in the country that has morals and ethical values will not allow him to break those rules without consequence. If they do, they are selling your son short and not teaching him the life lessons he should be learning. When you are playing a team sport, you should not be getting cited by the police for possession of marijuana when i am sure it is right in the code of conduct provided to and signed by most college athletes on teams. Actions have consequences. This wasn't a racial issue; it was a bad behavior issue and issue of violating team rules.
I’m an attorney and have been involved in many cases in Boone County for the last 10+ years. There is a huge disparity in the way Black students and white students with the same charges are treated. You should stop talking about things you don’t have knowledge about. This is a deeper, systemic issue in the county and the university. Aijha is not without fault, but neither was Sophie Cunningham…only one of them was ever suspended.
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I’m an attorney and have been involved in many cases in Boone County for the last 10+ years. There is a huge disparity in the way Black students and white students with the same charges are treated. You should stop talking about things you don’t have knowledge about. This is a deeper, systemic issue in the county and the university. Aijha is not without fault, but neither was Sophie Cunningham…only one of them were ever suspended.

💥 Boom 💥
She is speaking on something deeper than basketball goes. I am quite sure she is going to teach her son all of those things along with many many many more lessons he will need to know as not only a young man but a young black man.

While Blackwell's issue may not have been a race one why she/ the poster won't send her son to that school seems to be one of personal experience and deeper than basketball.
At the same time, the above poster is calling out Robin Pingeton for Racial bias and that is an unfair assessment of that coach. One may have an issue with past violations of an institution, however, when one personalizes a commentary against a well-respected coach because of their own biases towards an institution and is now making those claims against a person who has never shown those biases, it is derogatory and without facts.
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I’m an attorney and have been involved in many cases in Boone County for the last 10+ years. There is a huge disparity in the way Black students and white students with the same charges are treated. You should stop talking about things you don’t have knowledge about. This is a deeper, systemic issue in the county and the university. Aijha is not without fault, but neither was Sophie Cunningham…only one of them were ever suspended.
And your cases were within or directly related to the women's basketball team at the University of Missouri? As an attorney, you do know the facts outweigh speculation in a courtroom. Got it.
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At the same time, the above poster is calling out Robin Pingeton for Racial bias and that is an unfair assessment of that coach. One may have an issue with past violations of an institution, however, when one personalizes a commentary against a well-respected coach because of their own biases towards an institution and is now making those claims against a person who has never shown those biases, it is derogatory and without facts.

Didn't this start because of the unfair assessment of people calling Dawn racist ? Racism is wrong in any form and doesn't matter who it comes from and as a black person i stand on that!

What i will say is i dont know what facts the above poster has or what has been shared with her as an attorney in that area. Nobody can know what she knows or doesn't know.

This is an open and free forum so people can post what they want she can and you can as well. I just try not to downplay anyones personal experience.

I will also say none of us and perception or reception of posts is a big thing. Upon first inspection one could think you were questioning her parenting skills by "hoping" she would teach her son those lessons while others might assume she would do that as a mom who is in law. Again i think perception on here is a big thing.

Regardless you both feel strong about your positions and that's ok what i do know is we gonna TAME those tigers next year 😂😂😂
Please note that I said the best IVE SEEN. Not you or no one else. I too watched Candace and Aja play in HS and my point still stands. Hell Watkins is already regarded higher than Kelsey Plum ever was. Yeah I know Plum went on to be the NCAA Leading scorer but JuJu is drawing comparisons to the greats Cynthia Cooper, Cheryl Miller and Lisa Leslie. All the players I mentioned are also highly ranked and their all on the right tracks.
Candace, Catch, Holdsclaw ….best ever. That’s it.
At the same time, the above poster is calling out Robin Pingeton for Racial bias and that is an unfair assessment of that coach. One may have an issue with past violations of an institution, however, when one personalizes a commentary against a well-respected coach because of their own biases towards an institution and is now making those claims against a person who has never shown those biases, it is derogatory and without facts.
I NEVER one time called Robin a racist. Not once. This again, is deeper than the women’s program, it’s an institutional problem. She has to work within the system she is part of and if you think she has complete autonomy of her program, you’re more out of the loop than I thought. Don’t put words in my mouth. If anything, you’ve made outlandish statements about a young woman that you know zero about.
And your cases were within or directly related to the women's basketball team at the University of Missouri? As an attorney, you do know the facts outweigh speculation in a courtroom. Got it.
I have represented many athletes affiliated with the university. Again, I know what I’m talking about. This isn’t speculation it’s fact.
A question - are any of you rooster fans concerned about getting the Avian Flu?

I wonder why you enjoy pontificating on why U R Rite on the Lady Vol site. Does not the members of the SC board give you enough attention? Do you visit the UConn board with such intelligent content they could not do without? And be clear if you and other fans of another team cease to visiting while we fight and share, and have fun YOU will not be missed.
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We'll see at seasons end next year. This bravado has been playing out for years here. From the "Dawn hasn't won, we have the better players, she can't win a title." I have been here since 2008 and it's always the same. The tide turned and the people here trashed our program more and more. I was always nice and I still try to like you make it difficult. Just give credit where credit is due. That's what I do. You should try it. It makes you less miserable. Tennessee's program is on the upswing but Dawn has the national spotlight for now. She is making the rounds on national television. You should check it out.
Okay no offense to you but why are you on a Tennessee message board, seeming almost offended about Lady Vol fans talking about a rival school?😂😂😂 your fighting a losing battle bud but best of luck to you

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