We'll see at seasons end next year. This bravado has been playing out for years here. From the "Dawn hasn't won, we have the better players, she can't win a title." I have been here since 2008 and it's always the same. The tide turned and the people here trashed our program more and more. I was always nice and I still try to be....but.....fans like you make it difficult. Just give credit where credit is due. That's what I do. You should try it. It makes you less miserable. Tennessee's program is on the upswing but Dawn has the national spotlight for now. She is making the rounds on national television. You should check it out.
Not y’all in here going off this morning!it’s too early y’all!
Who in the hell do you think you are coming on here telling someone how to raise their son!!!!???!!!So as a mother, I hope you teach your Son to follow rules, and if on a team, follow the team rules. Cause it does not matter where he is, any program in the country that has morals and ethical values will not allow him to break those rules without consequence. If they do, they are selling your son short and not teaching him the life lessons he should be learning. When you are playing a team sport, you should not be getting cited by the police for possession of marijuana when i am sure it is right in the code of conduct provided to and signed by most college athletes on teams. Actions have consequences. This wasn't a racial issue; it was a bad behavior issue and issue of violating team rules.
The person who brought up her son in a conversation is who I was addressing because she seemed to want to bring him into the conversation. I don't think I asked for your opinion, Lucy. Reading is fundamental. I don't recall saying anything about a stereotype with pot. I made a statement about being in possession of POT and being cited for it as a college athlete knowing that it is against team rules as the players on Missouri's womens basketball team were this past season, hence, leading to their suspensions.Who in the hell do you think you are coming on here telling someone how to raise their son!!!!???!!!
You can also take that stereotype about pot and stick it up ………
No. This started because the poster feels Blackwell is being treated unfairly due to her race rather than her actions and the reasons for her suspension this past season.Didn't this start because of the unfair assessment of people calling Dawn racist ? Racism is wrong in any form and doesn't matter who it comes from and as a black person i stand on that!
What i will say is i dont know what facts the above poster has or what has been shared with her as an attorney in that area. Nobody can know what she knows or doesn't know.
This is an open and free forum so people can post what they want she can and you can as well. I just try not to downplay anyones personal experience.
I will also say none of us and perception or reception of posts is a big thing. Upon first inspection one could think you were questioning her parenting skills by "hoping" she would teach her son those lessons while others might assume she would do that as a mom who is in law. Again i think perception on here is a big thing.
Regardless you both feel strong about your positions and that's ok what i do know is we gonna TAME those tigers next year![]()
I want to back up here. So you are saying that Sophie Cunningham was smoking pot, got caught, and was cited for it? If this is the case, this would be very unfair. When did Sofie get caught with weed and let off?I’m an attorney and have been involved in many cases in Boone County for the last 10+ years. There is a huge disparity in the way Black students and white students with the same charges are treated. You should stop talking about things you don’t have knowledge about. This is a deeper, systemic issue in the county and the university. Aijha is not without fault, but neither was Sophie Cunningham…only one of them was ever suspended.
You didn’t ask for my opinion but you are going to get it! Bringing a personal experience with a child into a post does not give you any sort of right to tell that person how they should parent. How arrogant of you to think that. Regarding reading comprehension I feel confident in my reading abilities. Again, how arrogant of you.The person who brought up her son in a conversation is who I was addressing because she seemed to want to bring him into the conversation. I don't think I asked for your opinion, Lucy. Reading is fundamental. I don't recall saying anything about a stereotype with pot. I made a statement about being in possession of POT and being cited for it as a college athlete knowing that it is against team rules as the players on Missouri's womens basketball team were this past season, hence, leading to their suspensions.
Again, don’t put words in my mouth. You’re not clever and you’re not slick. I’m saying some kids are never cited for certain behavior and other kids are. I’m saying Black students there are routinely charged and often times overcharged for things their white counterparts never have to answer to. I can’t make you understand something you’re dead set on not trying to comprehend. Race is a factor in this country regardless if you want to acknowledge it or not.I want to back up here. So you are saying that Sophie Cunningham was smoking pot, got caught, and was cited for it? If this is the case, this would be very unfair. When did Sofie get caught with weed and let off?
I can definitely accept that race may play a role in the community you live as it does in a lot of communities, unfortunately, and I live in one of the most diverse communities in the country, but i cannot accept personalizing to a coach who has a stellar history, and then now you are bringing Sophie Cunningham's name into the conversation saying she did the same things and got away with it, when in fact you don't know for certain she did do those same things. That is bias and opinion and if you are indeed an attorney, you know that. Those words I am not putting in your mouth, you just keep saying them.Again, don’t put words in my mouth. You’re not clever and you’re not slick. I’m saying some kids are never cited for certain behavior and other kids are. I’m saying Black students there are routinely charged and often times overly charged for things their white counterparts never have to answer to. I can’t make you understand something your dead set on not trying to comprehend. Race is a factor in this country regardless if you want to acknowledge it or not.
How do you know what goes on behind the scenes? You don’t.I can definitely accept that race may play a role in the community you live as it does in a lot of communities, unfortunately, and I live in one of the most diverse communities in the country, but i cannot accept personalizing to a coach who has a stellar history, and then now you are bringing Sophie Cunningham's name into the conversation saying she did the same things and got away with it, when in fact you don't know for certain she did do those same things. That is bias and opinion and if you are indeed an attorney, you know that. Those words I am not putting in your mouth, you just keep saying them.
You either can’t read, have trouble comprehending or you’re purposely being obtuse. Either way, I won’t entertain you any longer.I can definitely accept that race may play a role in the community you live as it does in a lot of communities, unfortunately, and I live in one of the most diverse communities in the country, but i cannot accept personalizing to a coach who has a stellar history, and then now you are bringing Sophie Cunningham's name into the conversation saying she did the same things and got away with it, when in fact you don't know for certain she did do those same things. That is bias and opinion and if you are indeed an attorney, you know that. Those words I am not putting in your mouth, you just keep saying them.
Ask, and it shall be given,Lol now I’m a troll because you didn’t like what was said lol. I think some of y’all need to look up the definition of some trolling.
There is a difference between confidence (Lady Vols coaches and players) and arrogance. Dawn dances, Dawn claims she is the first to send pieces of championship net to other Black head coaches (Pashen Thompson, a Lady Vol, did it first by sending a piece of the Lady Vols' championship net to Carolyn Peck), Dawn puts up an attendance banner, Dawn puts up a statue, Dawn is the first REAL D1 Black head coach (No1 will and what you call ego some call confidence.