AR came from a coach who allowed it, so not a surprise. And certainly any player or coach has a right to do it. But the player should stop being surprised that alot of people don't like it. And definitely don't try to drag in unrelated cultural issues, which are already divisive and sensitive, to explain your choice of behavior.
I'd say even permissive coaches like Kim might get a little p.o.ed when the antics cost the team points. Like when she got a tech, or when she gave up an uncontested layup while getting tv face time. Maybe not though, maybe Kim's trading 2 or 4 pts for AR's 30.
As far as our players doing it, I sit 20 rows from the floor and see almost none of it, and when it does happen it's usually directed at the refs. If they can do it, stay in the flow of the game, and not have it noticed, go to town!