The universities do not want to categorize them for obvious purpose, which is what the students from NW are now trying to secure.They have no employment status.
They receive benefits for participating in a voluntary program for their development. They choose on their own free will to participate. There is nothing prohibiting them from taking other paths to their goals. To view it otherwise would be "entitlement."
By the way, if someone wins a court case stating that a not-for-profit school is required to compensate athletes that bring in revenue, expect a line of attorneys at the doors of your local public high schools.
So if the ncaa would lift all restrictions on student athletes being able transfer to other schools without penalty then you would see need to "pay" that what you are saying?
You wouldn't need to pay them, but if a school, booster or other wanted to... then why not? This is how everything else works in every other industry including students outside of the athlete world. I know it might surprise people but actually most student on athletic scholarships can receive money, or work, or other.... of course somehow this does not pertain to the big boy leagues and big boy sports... I wonder why? Not really a question, we know the answer... control and $$$$.
Like I said it's not directly a pay to play issue... it's a control issue i.e. freedom.
Your argument is seriously falling apart.
Just let boosters do as they please huh? If that's the case then why have any rules or regulations what so ever governing any college sport.
Hell, why you're at it, why not throw away the rule book when the games are being played too. Too many penalties anyway...just slows the games down....amiright....
You just flip flop back and forth from focusing on treating student athletes like any other student or calling them employees or whatever.
The fact of the matter is that the student athlete is compensated very well for their contributions to their university.
There is no need to change the current system except for the fact that a couple of players are feeling butt hurt over a sense of entitlement....
Ever wonder why no one really cares about the minor leagues in baseball...well if this continues down this path all major college sports (football, basketball, baseball) you will find out first hand. It will erode what few good things that are left in college sports and whats really sad is that you can't see that, or choose to ignore it... For the sake of college football I hope nothing comes of this lawsuit and in my best Forrest Gump voice... "and that's all I have to say bout that".
Hey I wish things were simple, unfortunately college football and basketball went pro a long time ago.
I actually agree with you in part, it will effect things greatly... but just because I have a self-serving interest doesn't make it legally correct to continue as is.
This is not going to end well for the NCAA and the schools, the longer they wait the worse it will be.
No employment contract
No wages
No taxes paid by players on benefits
No backing from NLRB
Hey I wish things were simple, unfortunately college football and basketball went pro a long time ago.
I actually agree with you in part, it will effect things greatly... but just because I have a self-serving interest doesn't make it legally correct to continue as is.
This is not going to end well for the NCAA and the schools, the longer they wait the worse it will be.
Are the players or their union going to sue me when I stop buying tickets or watching their events on TV?
Not having these is actually a problem.
I bring someone on.... they mow lawns for my business... I bring on 20 more. I do not pay them wages but give them housing and food instead. No taxes are paid.
= big problem
Are they employees? Most probably in most US States, Yes.
Are you possibility in trouble as the employer? Most probably if someone wanted to pursue since there are probably all kinds of statute and regulations being broken in the process.