Not a Mental Illness



revolUTion in the air!
Mar 19, 2011


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I’d say it is somewhat a mental illness but religion you could say is a mental illness too and I imagine most here are extremely religious.
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I’d say it is somewhat a mental illness but religion you could say is a mental illness too and I imagine most here are extremely religious.

I agree. Everyone on the left is extremely religious. It’s a cult really. You have to disown your family. Remove any dissenters. Ban all the things you disapprove of.
I’d say it is somewhat a mental illness but religion you could say is a mental illness too and I imagine most here are extremely religious.
This is why I said in another thread most of the human condition could go back to some "mental illness". People just take exception to the various ones that offend them for whatever reason and try to assign a morality to it.
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I agree. Everyone on the left is extremely religious. It’s a cult really. You have to disown your family. Remove any dissenters. Ban all the things you disapprove of.

Both sides are guilty of the snowflake cancel culture, so let's not try to take some sort of high road.
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the nfl
anyone who kneels
any public figure that disagrees with Trump.
geez I can go for days, snowflake
You clearly don't know the difference in people saying "I'm not watching the NFL" and those on your side who throw a fit until someone is canceled

Fauci is different because he's intentionally destroying peoples lives. He should have been fired a long time ago.
You clearly don't know the difference in people saying "I'm not watching the NFL" and those on your side who throw a fit until someone is canceled

Fauci is different because he's intentionally destroying peoples lives. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Distinctions with difference. Just trying to justify your hypocritical view point.
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the nfl
anyone who kneels
any public figure that disagrees with Trump.
geez I can go for days, snowflake
- wrt the NFL. I don't care what they do. I won't watch, nor spend any money on them. If YOU want to. go right ahead.
- Kneeling. As a veteran, I find it reprehensible because the majority are kneeling for the wrong reason imho. (94 homicides in Chicago ytd), and I'll bet you the -for example- Lady Vols cannot name ONE of those BLACK LIVES that were snuffed out. But they have the right to do that. I won't watch them either, but YOU can if you so choose.
- Fauci. That guy has changed his position more often than I change underwear. He has worn out his credibility as a doctor. As a politician, I think he fits in just fine. I don't care what he has to say.
- Trump. He's out of office. Why any of your leftist heroes are still talking about him is beyond me, but it keeps him relevant.

Oh.. and I watched about 10 minutes of an NBA game the other night purely because the Celtics were on, and I was hoping to see Grant Williams. I was reminded why I don't watch the NBA. It's BORING. (And Grant didn't play anyway) They can kneel and bow to China all they want.

Now could you please go get any of those Dr Seuss books and tell me what is so racist in them that I or my children shouldn't be allowed to read them? Will those kids become card carrying democrat KKK members if they read them?
Society and more importantly, medical people, have grown to misinterpret ideas like compassion and care. Little Johnny should be able to behave how he wants, because we love and care about him. That mentality is now pervasive in the adult world.
- wrt the NFL. I don't care what they do. I won't watch, nor spend any money on them. If YOU want to. go right ahead.
- Kneeling. As a veteran, I find it reprehensible because the majority are kneeling for the wrong reason imho. (94 homicides in Chicago ytd), and I'll bet you the -for example- Lady Vols cannot name ONE of those BLACK LIVES that were snuffed out. But they have the right to do that. I won't watch them either, but YOU can if you so choose.
- Fauci. That guy has changed his position more often than I change underwear. He has worn out his credibility as a doctor. As a politician, I think he fits in just fine. I don't care what he has to say.
- Trump. He's out of office. Why any of your leftist heroes are still talking about him is beyond me, but it keeps him relevant.

Oh.. and I watched about 10 minutes of an NBA game the other night purely because the Celtics were on, and I was hoping to see Grant Williams. I was reminded why I don't watch the NBA. It's BORING. (And Grant didn't play anyway) They can kneel and bow to China all they want.

Now could you please go get any of those Dr Seuss books and tell me what is so racist in them that I or my children shouldn't be allowed to read them? Will those kids become card carrying democrat KKK members if they read them?

Kneeling - Again, you arrogant conservatives keep trying to tell people which cause they should be fighting for. It is like telling someone not to support an autism charity because cancer kills people.

Fauci - Scientific theory evolves with information, but you guys want to deny that instead of evolving with it.

Trump - He is the king of cancel culture but of course you want everyone to forget. Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol.
Kneeling - Again, you arrogant conservatives keep trying to tell people which cause they should be fighting for. It is like telling someone not to support an autism charity because cancer kills people.

Fauci - Scientific theory evolves with information, but you guys want to deny that instead of evolving with it.

Trump - He is the king of cancel culture but of course you want everyone to forget. Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol.
There it is, the go to for the left, call any conservative a Nazi or a racist.

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