Not a Mental Illness

The best description to me is that the left has turned into the class clown. The guy who was outrageous because that was the only way he could get attention because he wasn't intelligent enough to be acceptable much less remarkable. The "oh, how cute" crowd find it acceptable because they are remarkably unremarkable, too.
What school did you go to? I guess I'm missing on your analogy because in my school, it wasn't the intelligent kids that got the attention. Popularity wasn't attached to how smart you were. But if we're going to fall back on school comparisons, at the end of the day, everyone is trying to fit in, everyone wants to belong, to have a place where they feel accepted. Even the "class clown", though why you didn't simply say McDad is beyond me.

Seriously, if someone else offends your own sensibilities, then limit the amount of time you socialize with them. Hate is a waste of emotion.
There is no right wing cancel culture and that’s a good thing. The day both sides engage in this insanity is the day our country can no longer coexist.

Have their been attempts made by some members of the right to engage in cancel culture? Sure. Is it anywhere to the same level as the left? No.
I disagree. Just because the right doesn't carry enough popularity currently to actually cancel anything doesn't mean they haven't tried.
This is why I said in another thread most of the human condition could go back to some "mental illness". People just take exception to the various ones that offend them for whatever reason and try to assign a morality to it.
Good post IMO.
Kneeling - Again, you arrogant conservatives keep trying to tell people which cause they should be fighting for. It is like telling someone not to support an autism charity because cancer kills people.

Fauci - Scientific theory evolves with information, but you guys want to deny that instead of evolving with it.

Trump - He is the king of cancel culture but of course you want everyone to forget. Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol.
mom an independent.... I don’t care what cause you want to support..... I get the kneeling at sports bc I want to enjoy the game.... I want to enjoy sportwriters discussing the players.... it is my break from the real world...I don’t want to have all the conversion being about these players and their “cause”. Could you imagine doing that at any other profession?

I don’t care if trump or anyone else likes Fauci or not..... He has offered nothing doing this crisis.... His playbook against the pandemic is the same playbook used for over 100 years.... my biggest complaint is that he has been slow to react to data that we have figured out well in advance of him putting the info out there.

As for cancel culture.... I think it is ridiculous on either side but what have republicans actually cancelled? I have heard some b&tching.... some talks of protests but can’t remember anyone actually being cancelled.
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I disagree. Just because the right doesn't carry enough popularity currently to actually cancel anything doesn't mean they haven't tried.

It’s not a matter of popularity. The right has around 50% of the country same as the left. Have there been some attempts? Sure. But it’s not to the same level
It’s not a matter of popularity. The right has around 50% of the country same as the left. Have there been some attempts? Sure. But it’s not to the same level

The post I quoted, you say it doesn't exist on the right. Now you're saying it does, it's just not as prevalent as it is on the left. Those are two very different statements. And I think the current popularity of the left is what enables them to "cancel". The right doesn't enjoy that same popularity, so their attempts are not as successful.
The post I quoted, you say it doesn't exist on the right. Now you're saying it does, it's just not as prevalent as it is on the left. Those are two very different statements. And I think the current popularity of the left is what enables them to "cancel". The right doesn't enjoy that same popularity, so their attempts are not as successful.

Yeah, I shouldn’t have said it doesn’t completely exist and I’ve addressed that in a previous response.

But if you believe the left is so insanely popular I’d love to know what you’re basing that off. The right gained what 6 seats in the house? And won 47% of the presidential vote?

Do you believe 51 to 47 is an extreme disparity in popularity? Or can we agree the country is fairly evenly split?
Yeah, I shouldn’t have said it doesn’t completely exist and I’ve addressed that in a previous response.

But if you believe the left is so insanely popular I’d love to know what you’re basing that off. The right gained what 6 seats in the house? And won 47% of the presidential vote?

Do you believe 53 to 47 is an extreme disparity in popularity? Or can we agree the country is fairly evenly split?
By popular, I mean they basically control the MSM, social media, and Hollywood. I'm not choosing sides. I'm not a fan of either. But if you can't see the left currently has a much larger sphere of influence, I think you're choosing not to see it. Politics have infiltrated all aspects of life, places they have no place being, and the left has done a better job of positioning themselves to peddle their influence.
By popular, I mean they basically control the MSM, social media, and Hollywood. I'm not choosing sides. I'm not a fan of either. But if you can't see the left currently has a much larger sphere of influence, I think you're choosing not to see it. Politics have infiltrated all aspects of life, places they have no place being, and the left has done a better job of positioning themselves to peddle their influence.

Institutional control, yes. That I agree with. That’s different than popularity but you are correct that the left has infused their brand of politics into all aspects of society.
Institutional control, yes. That I agree with. That’s different than popularity but you are correct that the left has infused their brand of politics into all aspects of society.
And so has the right, just not as successfully.
I don't disagree, but I do question who gets to decide what is "bad" behavior? I see bad behavior as something that brings harm to another. Others see bad behavior as something that offends their personal sensibilities. For example, bad behavior to me involves murder, theft, rape, molestation, something that deprives someone else of their own unalienable rights. But for others, homosexuality, or transvestite-ism(or whatever the proper term is) is bad behavior. Yet neither of those deprive others of anything. I'm not a big fan of conformity. I believe in finding your own happiness, not relying on others to provide it for you.

I was more talking about bad behavior during early childhood.
Parents are no longer allowed to parent without being accused of abuse of some form or another.

I think that’s a cop out. Parents just don’t want to be bothered or they want to be their kids buddies.
I think that’s a cop out. Parents just don’t want to be bothered or they want to be their kids buddies.
It's kind of double-edged. I agree there are lazy parents that don't want to bother with actual parenting, but I also think there are parents who get interfered with by what society deems acceptable. Growing up, if I did wrong, I knew an ass-whoopin' was a possibility. Now, that's deemed "child abuse" by many. Anyone who's ever been whooped with a hickory switch knows how effective they are, yet using one now could possibly result in arrest.
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It's kind of double-edged. I agree there are lazy parents that don't want to bother with actual parenting, but I also think there are parents who get interfered with by what society deems acceptable. Growing up, if I did wrong, I knew an ass-whoopin' was a possibility. Now, that's deemed "child abuse" by many. Anyone who's ever been whooped with a hickory switch knows how effective they are, yet using one now could possibly result in arrest.

Yeah, you haven’t been able beat your kid in public for awhile and it’s best not to leave marks.
Yeah, you haven’t been able beat your kid in public for awhile and it’s best not to leave marks.
When I was 4 yo, my dad whooped my hind end in a K-Mart store because I had filled my pockets with some screws they were using to put together shelves. Learned not to take things that didn't belong to me that day. The lesson stuck.
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So what's the distinction here? Degree? Forgive me I am not familiar with how the varying stages compare.

I'm no expert and don't know, which is why I was asking in my OP. But to me the distinction is mental illness is something wrong chemically with your brain. Dyslexia, autism, and other disabilities present learning challenges. Autistic people aren't crazy, they just don't pick up on social cues.
When I was 4 yo, my dad whooped my hind end in a K-Mart store because I had filled my pockets with some screws they were using to put together shelves. Learned not to take things that didn't belong to me that day. The lesson stuck.

I got a couple public beatings myself. Learned my lesson.
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