Not a Mental Illness

Kneeling - Again, you arrogant conservatives keep trying to tell people which cause they should be fighting for. It is like telling someone not to support an autism charity because cancer kills people.

Fauci - Scientific theory evolves with information, but you guys want to deny that instead of evolving with it.

Trump - He is the king of cancel culture but of course you want everyone to forget. Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol.

You are better than this post.
Kneeling - Again, you arrogant conservatives keep trying to tell people which cause they should be fighting for. It is like telling someone not to support an autism charity because cancer kills people.

Fauci - Scientific theory evolves with information, but you guys want to deny that instead of evolving with it.

Trump - He is the king of cancel culture but of course you want everyone to forget. Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol.

Theory can kill. Facts save lives. "One mask isn't working as well as we thought. Let's say TWO MASKS!!!!!"
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Kneeling - Again, you arrogant conservatives keep trying to tell people which cause they should be fighting for. It is like telling someone not to support an autism charity because cancer kills people.

Fauci - Scientific theory evolves with information, but you guys want to deny that instead of evolving with it.

Trump - He is the king of cancel culture but of course you want everyone to forget. Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol.
You dems love Fauci only because he encourages politicians to try to control us and force unconstitutional mandates on us and dem politicians are very excited to accommodate.
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Society and more importantly, medical people, have grown to misinterpret ideas like compassion and care. Little Johnny should be able to behave how he wants, because we love and care about him. That mentality is now pervasive in the adult world.

I think the real problem is that we excuse bad behavior as a mental disorder and instead of implementing discipline we prescribe drugs and make excuses for bad parents.
I think the real problem is that we excuse bad behavior as a mental disorder and instead of implementing discipline we prescribe drugs and make excuses for bad parents.

The best description to me is that the left has turned into the class clown. The guy who was outrageous because that was the only way he could get attention because he wasn't intelligent enough to be acceptable much less remarkable. The "oh, how cute" crowd find it acceptable because they are remarkably unremarkable, too.
Kneeling - Again, you arrogant conservatives keep trying to tell people which cause they should be fighting for. It is like telling someone not to support an autism charity because cancer kills people.

Fauci - Scientific theory evolves with information, but you guys want to deny that instead of evolving with it.

Trump - He is the king of cancel culture but of course you want everyone to forget. Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol.
You dems love Fauci only because he encourages politicians to try to control us and force unconstitutional mandates on us and dem politicians are very excited to accommodate.
I think the Yankees need to seriously look at him when they need to get a guy out running to first, he got skillz.
I inferred nothing. I didn't even imply.
You're not getting off easy by just denying it.
"Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol."
These are the exact words you wrote. So by saying that he spoke from a stage that you said was shaped like a nazi symbol means nothing? You might be a lawyer, but you better hope that someone like me is never on a jury of someone you defend.

This post makes zero sense with the edit forced upon it.
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the nfl
anyone who kneels
any public figure that disagrees with Trump.
geez I can go for days, snowflake

Except the nfl is still doing fine, Fauci is employed, and being a public figure who disagrees with trump only helps your status.

Can you provide any actual examples?

We may agree to this, that some on the right have attempted to engage in their own version of cancel culture. But it’s never been enough of the right to make it in any way substantial.
It was inferred by claiming that the stage was styled after a Nazi SS symbol. Defend it if you want, but you knew what you were doing and insinuating.

Wanna bet most of the "highly educated" anti-Trump crowd don't even know the history of the swastika - that it was around for centuries before Hitler borrowed it. Generally the bars at the end of the cross go left rather than the right as the Nazi's did it. The original Sanskrit means "well-being" - and is commonly used by Buddhists and other very peaceful religions. The origin of the Confederate flag goes way back also to the St Andrew's cross; it's seen in the Scottish flag and part of the superimposition of member flags that make up the British Union Jack.

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You're not getting off easy by just denying it.
"Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol."
These are the exact words you wrote. So by saying that he spoke from a stage that you said was shaped like a nazi symbol means nothing? You might be a lawyer, but you better hope that someone like me is never on a jury of someone you defend.

My implication if their was one was that conservatives are treating him like some sort of demi god who can do no wrong.

You will never be on one of my juries. I make sure they know the difference between infer and imply before I accept them.
My implication if their was one was that conservatives are treating him like some sort of demi god who can do no wrong.

You will never be on one of my juries. I make sure they know the difference between infer and imply before I accept them.
I got under your skin, I win.
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How can you continue to argue trans is not a mental illness? Between astronomical suicide rates, the massive correlation between autism and gender dysphoria, and the actual majority of transgender people being diagnosed with other mental illnesses.

What more could you possibly need?

Mental Health Diagnoses Among Transgender Patients in the Clinical Setting: An All-Payer Electronic Health Record Study

Is autism mental illness? I don't think that it is.

Suicide rate means nothing since people that feel they are rejected by society have high suicide rates.

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