Not a Mental Illness

Is autism mental illness? I don't think that it is.

Suicide rate means nothing since people that feel they are rejected by society have high suicide rates.
What would you call it?

Or is this is a semantics game about illness and being able to fix an illness?
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One of them, at least temporarily, got themselves a sweet ass podium. I would say that's a pretty sweet trophy.

Funny we still haven't heard about Nancy's computer ... if one was actually taken.
Is autism mental illness? I don't think that it is.

Suicide rate means nothing since people that feel they are rejected by society have high suicide rates.

Where’s your study to back up this claim of social rejection leading to suicide? I would argue that black Americans have been socially rejected for decades and yet commit suicide at very low rates.

I guess you’d prefer calling autism a neurological disease? Either way the point remains that their brain is not properly functioning. if your brain is functioning improperly I believe we should attempt to help you through the use of medical science. Not through castration.
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Lol, what?

There is no right wing cancel culture and that’s a good thing. The day both sides engage in this insanity is the day our country can no longer coexist.

Have their been attempts made by some members of the right to engage in cancel culture? Sure. Is it anywhere to the same level as the left? No.
You think R's are absolved because they failed?

The entire reason they failed is because so few of them participated. The extent matters, obviously. So if 5% of republicans engage in this, that’s bad. But if it’s 40% of Democrats, that’s clearly worse. There’s objective studies showing this is the case too (don’t quote me on those exact numbers, I just picked them out of the air, but the study did show left leaning people far more likely to engage in this).
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Where’s your study to back up this claim of social rejection leading to suicide? I would argue that black Americans have been socially rejected for decades and yet commit suicide at very low rates.

I guess you’d prefer calling autism a neurological disease? Either way the point remains that their brain is not properly functioning. if your brain is functioning improperly I believe we should attempt to help you through the use of medical science. Not through castration.

Blacks have a large community for support. You don't feel alone when you get rejected together.

I'm basing my opinion that social outcasts have a high suicide rate on the fact that the traditionally high suicide rate of gays is declining as homosexuality becomes more and more accepted.
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There is no right wing cancel culture and that’s a good thing. The day both sides engage in this insanity is the day our country can no longer coexist.

Have their been attempts made by some members of the right to engage in cancel culture? Sure. Is it anywhere to the same level as the left? No.

Sure thing, man.

Blacks have a large community for support. You don't feel alone when you get rejected together.

I'm basing my opinion that social outcasts have a high suicide rate because of the fact that the traditionally high suicide rate of gays is declining as homosexuality becomes more and more accepted.

Can you provide data on that?
I feel like you’re being willfully ignorant right now. Once again, extent matters. Anyone arguing the right is doing this to the same extent as the left is blatantly lying.
The party of personal responsibility hates being personally responsible.
The party of personal responsibility hates being personally responsible.

The host of the bachelor is a great example here. What’s he being held responsible for? For stating a normal opinion that the bachelor himself originally agreed with?

Maybe it’s not about personal responsibility at all but rather about bowing to the leftist mob or being eaten by it?
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How can you continue to argue trans is not a mental illness? Between astronomical suicide rates, the massive correlation between autism and gender dysphoria, and the actual majority of transgender people being diagnosed with other mental illnesses.

What more could you possibly need?

Mental Health Diagnoses Among Transgender Patients in the Clinical Setting: An All-Payer Electronic Health Record Study

Good link, however, I've never needed a study to tell me Trans or any other alphabet people are mentally ill.
When science ans politics mix, science becomes corrupted

Which is the unfortunate aspect of public universities now. Either your findings confirm with leftist opinion or the mobs come for you. One of the scientist who studied the correlation between trans youth and autism fell victim to the mobs
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Good link, however, I've never needed a study to tell me Trans or any other alphabet people are mentally ill.

They’re called LGBTQQIAAP!

Edit: I originally forgot an A. Please don’t cancel me. It was an honest mistake and I have great respect for all members of the first A and second A community
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Good link, however, I've never needed a study to tell me Trans or any other alphabet people are mentally ill.

Yep, when somebody thinks he/she isn't what he or she is, that's a real clue that something is wrong in his/her head. Politicians can play with semantics all day, but it doesn't change the fact that something isn't right.

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