Not a Mental Illness

You gotta know that the Chinese and Russians were in a bidding/killing war for it.

If you leak that you might know where Nancy's computer is, are you more likely to get a reward or be killed?
I feel like you’re being willfully ignorant right now. Once again, extent matters. Anyone arguing the right is doing this to the same extent as the left is blatantly lying.

WTF. You said "there is no cancel culture" and in the very next you imply it exists to an extent. My work on this topic seems finished.
ANYONE that commits suicide has a mental issue...period.

Normally I agree, but I do think that a person facing an incurable disease and doesn't want it to drag him and his family down with it might see suicide as a legitimate alternative.
WTF. You said "there is no cancel culture" and in the very next you imply it exists to an extent. My work on this topic seems finished.

Lol okay. Three people behind their keyboards trying to cancel Netflix, let’s pretends that’s equivalent of what occurs on the left.

My argument from the beginning has been that there is no equivalency. Yourself and others are clearly trying to pretend it (the equivalency) exists but we both know that’s not the case.
Normally I agree, but I do think that a person facing an incurable disease and doesn't want it to drag him and his family down with it might see suicide as a legitimate alternative.

Which is why I chose the word "issue".
Yep, when somebody thinks he/she isn't what he or she is, that's a real clue that something is wrong in his/her head. Politicians can play with semantics all day, but it doesn't change the fact that something isn't right.

Indeed. That it is discussed in any other way and attempts at legitimacy are made, says alot about this society. We hit straight up Idiocracy when our POTUS promoted a mentally ill person to HHS.
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Yep, when somebody thinks he/she isn't what he or she is, that's a real clue that something is wrong in his/her head. Politicians can play with semantics all day, but it doesn't change the fact that something isn't right.

And what I truly object to is encouraging and praising these people instead of actually helping them. Instead progressives continue the castration of gay men they started a century ago

I believe in 10 years we will have an epidemic of gay youth who’ve been convinced to castrate themselves by the left ironically based on gender norms (you prefer x to y? Maybe you’re a lady!) they claim to oppose.
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Interesting thing to track. Be kind of tough to track the further you go back, or are they isolating some gene from a kid in 1975 to determine he was gay?

The best part is the article he posted stated the complete opposite of what he claimed. He claimed the disparity had decreased due to our more open society. In actuality the article he posted stated the disparity was unchanged
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You should really read articles before you post them.

This is fkn stupid on multiple levels.

You ask for data.

I give you not one bias confirming study, but an article that aggregates many studies.

You ignore the ones that you don't like and latch onto these.

You assume my being fair means I didn't read.
This is fkn stupid on multiple levels.

You ask for data.

I give you not one bias confirming study, but an article that aggregates many studies.

You ignore the ones that you don't like and latch onto these.

You assume my being fair means I didn't read.

You made a claim. I asked for data regarding your claim. You provided an article that contradicted your claim. Lol and then you blame me?

You claimed this disparity in gay suicides was diminishing. Your own source disagrees. Your own source says you’re wrong.
And what I truly object to is encouraging and praising these people instead of actually helping them. Instead progressives continue the castration of gay men they started a century ago

I believe in 10 years we will have an epidemic of gay youth who’ve been convinced to castrate themselves by the left ironically based on gender norms (you prefer x to y? Maybe you’re a lady!) they claim to oppose.

The real words probably should be "aiding" and "abetting" as in fostering a crime. It's really criminal how some parents are encouraging their children to be all that they aren't because it's a thing these days. Part of what I most hated about Biden being elected was the fact that much of the forced "tolerance" that diminished during Trump's administration would be back with a vengeance. I just never thought the fool would encourage and actually put a victim of mental instability in the limelight.
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Distinctions with difference. Just trying to justify your hypocritical view point.

Here is the difference....I think cardi b's music is foul. It is geared towards young women and promotes a horrible life style.

I am not ever going to try to cancel her or cause her to lose her career. I simply do not allow my girls to listen to her nor do we buy her music.

If the reverse occurred the left would not stop until she lost everything.
The real words probably should be "aiding" and "abetting" as in fostering a crime. It's really criminal how some parents are encouraging their children to be all that they aren't because it's a thing these days. Part of what I most hated about Biden being elected was the fact that much of the forced "tolerance" that diminished during Trump's administration would be back with a vengeance. I just never thought the fool would encourage and actually put a victim of mental instability in the limelight.

Agreed. There’s plenty of decent people who I disagree with on issues of taxes, minimum wage, etc. what scares me is the cultural issues
You made a claim. I asked for data regarding your claim. You provided an article that contradicted your claim. Lol and then you blame me?

You claimed this disparity in gay suicides was diminishing. Your own source disagrees. Your own source says you’re wrong.

All this time acting like a smartass and you don't have enough sense to realize we are talking about suicide rate and the data you are seizing to contradict me is about suicide attempts (and the article mentions other problems with the study).

Take off the blinders. You're just looking for confirmation.
All this time acting like a smartass and you don't have enough sense to realize we are talking about suicide rate and the data you are seizing to contradict me is about suicide attempts (and the article mentions other problems with the study).

You provided the article. I’ve not attempted to be a smart ass. I asked for your source in good faith because I haven’t seen the data. So I didn’t know if you were right or wrong. So this data says the disparity in attempts haven’t changed? Okay? Still seems to harm your argument. So I’ll try again:

Do you have data that backs what you say? Because I genuinely don’t know. I’m as good as the info you give me here. I don’t know historical gay suicide rates off the top of my head. If you can back your claim, please do.
Lol okay. Three people behind their keyboards trying to cancel Netflix, let’s pretends that’s equivalent of what occurs on the left.

My argument from the beginning has been that there is no equivalency. Yourself and others are clearly trying to pretend it (the equivalency) exists but we both know that’s not the case.

3? Keep your head in the sand. I didn't make an equivalency argument. I just said it exists. You went extreme and said it does not.


This has been trending for days. 2k tweets per hour last night. 1k this morning and the west coast ain't up yet. It's all over my feed. Has it ever been this bad? I don’t recall. I'm interested to see what happens on the stock market.
The rioters at the capital were sure looking for their participation trophy.
LOL Yeah but they paled in comparison to the pros in Seattle, Portland, Ferguson, etc etc etc

94 in Chicago... but... George Floyd!
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3? Keep your head in the sand. I didn't make an equivalency argument. I just said it exists. You went extreme and said it does not.

That’s fair. I spoke in hyperbole. Obviously both parties are so large any issue on one side will exist to some level on the other.

Can we find common ground in the statement that cancel culture is a much larger thing on the left than the right?
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How can you continue to argue trans is not a mental illness? Between astronomical suicide rates, the massive correlation between autism and gender dysphoria, and the actual majority of transgender people being diagnosed with other mental illnesses.

What more could you possibly need?

Mental Health Diagnoses Among Transgender Patients in the Clinical Setting: An All-Payer Electronic Health Record Study
A mental illness that has been brain washed into our society.
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The best part is the article he posted stated the complete opposite of what he claimed. He claimed the disparity had decreased due to our more open society. In actuality the article he posted stated the disparity was unchanged

He probably missed my point also. If people used to be scared to admit they were gay, then of course rates would drop in a society where people are now more than willing to admit they are gay. Your denominator in that fraction exploded.
How can you continue to argue trans is not a mental illness? Between astronomical suicide rates, the massive correlation between autism and gender dysphoria, and the actual majority of transgender people being diagnosed with other mental illnesses.

What more could you possibly need?

Mental Health Diagnoses Among Transgender Patients in the Clinical Setting: An All-Payer Electronic Health Record Study

Seems odd to reference the prevalence of mental illness in trans folks as being evidence for transgenderism being a mental illness itself. What about the 42% of transgenders who don't have any other psychiatric diagnosis--are they mentally ill? Why?

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