Not a Mental Illness

How can you continue to argue trans is not a mental illness? Between astronomical suicide rates, the massive correlation between autism and gender dysphoria, and the actual majority of transgender people being diagnosed with other mental illnesses.

What more could you possibly need?

Mental Health Diagnoses Among Transgender Patients in the Clinical Setting: An All-Payer Electronic Health Record Study
Wow. I had just been reading an article on this very thing.
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Kneeling - Again, you arrogant conservatives keep trying to tell people which cause they should be fighting for. It is like telling someone not to support an autism charity because cancer kills people.

Fauci - Scientific theory evolves with information, but you guys want to deny that instead of evolving with it.

Trump - He is the king of cancel culture but of course you want everyone to forget. Conservative are still bowing to him and paying for the chance to touch his golden idol at event in which he spoke from a stage shaped like a nazi symbol.
What in the hell do you expect? The NA was a time of sacred respect to honor our country and those who have served to keep it free. Hijacking that with a blatant disregard to the offense it would cause is stooooooopid.
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Seems odd to reference the prevalence of mental illness in trans folks as being evidence for transgenderism being a mental illness itself. What about the 42% of transgenders who don't have any other psychiatric diagnosis--are they mentally ill? Why?
If a person was diagnosed with one mental disorder would you argue that they don’t have that disorder because they don’t have the other disorders?
Seems odd to reference the prevalence of mental illness in trans folks as being evidence for transgenderism being a mental illness itself. What about the 42% of transgenders who don't have any other psychiatric diagnosis--are they mentally ill? Why?

Of course they are. Anybody who is unable to see things for what they are has a problem, and not being able to accept how you were born is a major problem when it's one or the other. I accept there is a minute percentage that actually do have ambiguity, but the rest are basically wackos caught up in a populist movement.
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If a person was diagnosed with one mental disorder would you argue that they don’t have that disorder because they don’t have the other disorders?

But what's at issue is whether transgenderism is a mental disorder. That's independent from whether X% transgender people have been diagnosed with, say, depression or anxiety.
But what's at issue is whether transgenderism is a mental disorder. That's independent from whether X% transgender people have been diagnosed with, say, depression or anxiety.

How could transgenderism not be a mental disorder? Of course there's the Clinton methodology - just diddle with the definition. You might argue that someone who tries on clothing belonging to the opposite sex is normal, wearing it visibly in public is not normal, but actually believing you are one gender in another gender's body is nutty as a fruitcake.
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Cut your penis off or have a fake one put on. I don’t care. Honestly.

All I ask is don’t expect my tax dollars to pay for it and stop letting minors receive treatment.
And you’ll soon be at risk of losing your career for saying such things.
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Both sides are guilty of the snowflake cancel culture, so let's not try to take some sort of high road.
I'm glad you can admit that both sides are guilty of it, because it is true. For every Kaepernick jersey burner, there are an equal number of people that went apoplectic over a Confederate statue or flag.

I'm sick of both of you all.
You provided the article. I’ve not attempted to be a smart ass. I asked for your source in good faith because I haven’t seen the data. So I didn’t know if you were right or wrong. So this data says the disparity in attempts haven’t changed? Okay? Still seems to harm your argument. So I’ll try again:

Do you have data that backs what you say? Because I genuinely don’t know. I’m as good as the info you give me here. I don’t know historical gay suicide rates off the top of my head. If you can back your claim, please do.

This wiki article links to 5 studies supporting overall suicide attempt rate and rate among lgb declining. It's hard to get accurate data because sexual orientation is not data collected by officials. You kept on mentioning "disparity" but IDK why since I never used that word. But let's be honest, it's just common sense that if you feel alone you're more likely to suicide yourself and all studies have demonstrated that.

Suicide among LGBT youth

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But what's at issue is whether transgenderism is a mental disorder. That's independent from whether X% transgender people have been diagnosed with, say, depression or anxiety.

Why is depression or anxiety a mental disorder?
I guess I missed where the NFL and Fauci have been removed from TV and media publication.

Failing doesn't make you better than those that succeed.

Dr. Seuss isn't actually canceled and I'm sure you made that point in that thread.
This wiki article links to 5 studies supporting overall suicide attempt rate and rate among lgb declining. It's hard to get accurate data because sexual orientation is not data collected by officials. You kept on mentioning "disparity" but IDK why since I never used that word. But let's be honest, it's just common sense that if you feel alone you're more likely to suicide yourself and all studies have demonstrated that.

Suicide among LGBT youth

View attachment 355852

I keep using the term disparity because only a narrowing in the disparity would support your argument that more tolerance/acceptance of gays has lead to a lower suicide rate. Instead what you’ve shown is that both straight and gay suicide rates have decreased and that the disparity has remained constant.

Unless you can show the gap is closing, you can’t make the claim you’re attempting to make. That seems pretty straightforward to me
Failing doesn't make you better than those that succeed.

Dr. Seuss isn't actually canceled and I'm sure you made that point in that thread.

Except for the fact that you’re intentionally ignoring (failure means less participation).
Not one of your better posts.
If we took religion out the picture for a second and I wrote on paper I think there’s a man in the clouds who created everything with his magical powers you wouldn’t think I have a mental illness? I guess you won’t understand, people with mental illnesses don’t think they have a illness afterall do they?
Both sides are guilty of the snowflake cancel culture, so let's not try to take some sort of high road.
I've been making the "both sides are corrupt" argument for years, but it didn't, and still doesn't, stop those on the left from ridiculously trying to claim the high road when it comes to Trump. There are no high roads in politics.
I don’t think anyone is trying cancel “trannyism”. The problem is people are being forced to normalize it.
We all create our own normals. People need to stop looking for acceptance from others and find their own happiness.
I think the real problem is that we excuse bad behavior as a mental disorder and instead of implementing discipline we prescribe drugs and make excuses for bad parents.
I don't disagree, but I do question who gets to decide what is "bad" behavior? I see bad behavior as something that brings harm to another. Others see bad behavior as something that offends their personal sensibilities. For example, bad behavior to me involves murder, theft, rape, molestation, something that deprives someone else of their own unalienable rights. But for others, homosexuality, or transvestite-ism(or whatever the proper term is) is bad behavior. Yet neither of those deprive others of anything. I'm not a big fan of conformity. I believe in finding your own happiness, not relying on others to provide it for you.
You cannot read. I didn't call anyone a nazi.
You allowed yourself plausible deniability while choosing your words to maximum effect to offend. It's the human condition. Someone pissed you off so you chose to respond in kind. Easily 90% of the posts in this forum are made to piss off "the other side".
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