Not General Booth's Salvation Army any more

To me, “woke” is a combination of things.

1. Believing that only white people can be racist or that all white people are racist. Or you could even say blaming current white people for the actions of previous ones

2. Believing that all of America’s institutions are inherently racist

3. Forcing me to acknowledge someone’s preferred gender rather than their biological one

4. Believing in an intersectional hierarchy where if you’re a white person, your opinion doesn’t mean as much as someone who is black. Gender also factors in. Or maybe even the belief that a white person can’t have an opinion on racial issues simply because they’re white.

5. All the fat pride nonsense.

6. Reparations (kind of falls under my first point)

The woke “culture” is the permeation of these lines of thinking in corporate boards, academia, and government.
By that definition, I do not know a single "woke" person.
To me, “woke” is a combination of things.

1. Believing that only white people can be racist or that all white people are racist. Or you could even say blaming current white people for the actions of previous ones

2. Believing that all of America’s institutions are inherently racist

3. Forcing me to acknowledge someone’s preferred gender rather than their biological one

4. Believing in an intersectional hierarchy where if you’re a white person, your opinion doesn’t mean as much as someone who is black. Gender also factors in. Or maybe even the belief that a white person can’t have an opinion on racial issues simply because they’re white.

5. All the fat pride nonsense.

6. Reparations (kind of falls under my first point)

The woke “culture” is the permeation of these lines of thinking in corporate boards, academia, and government.
I’m on board for most of your post, but what is this “fat pride” nonsense?
It's the end of the semester and my students are trying to make me as stressed as they are. I should do better and it's my responsibility to not be bitchy here.

Once I'm past Sunday's Super Mega Holiday Concert of Doom and into office week, I'll be better able to cool my jets.
I embrace my bitchy ness here. Suck it bitches!!! 😎
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The Salvation Army Roanoke Corps asks for help with Red Kettle Campaign

The Roanoke Corps said it’s significantly behind on its annual red kettle donations, saying it is $25,000 behind where it was at this time in 2020. The goal for 2021 is $150,000 and not hitting that goal will impact its programs in 2022.
The Salvation Army Roanoke Corps is also in need of volunteer bell ringers. Right now it is only able to man just over 25% of the total locations available to the organization.”
I received another fund raising letter yesterday so that is three in the past month.

I suppose that they expect to get money from people who think it is still General Booth's Salvation Army.

December 15, 2021 | Sundance | 162 Comments
At first blush this story seemed too bizarre to be true; alas it is not. [h/t Gateway Pundit] As noted by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, a few weeks ago the Salvation Army stepped into the social justice arena and began promoting the premise of white guilt.
According to an “internal study guide” from the charitable organization intended to “foster positive conversations and grace-filled reflection among Salvationists“, the white members and donors to the Salvation Army were requested to reflect on their inherent racism. According to the Salvation Army’s “International Social Justice Commission” this was presumably of some charitable value.
Obviously this request stirred up some controversy. In an era where the toxic issues around Critical Race Theory being taught in schools has been in the headlines, there is likely not worse time for a charitable group to join the social justice cause and push CRT toward the aggregate public.
Many people were surprised by the decision of the Salvation Army to push the divisive issue of racism in what appeared to be an effort by the organization to enter the orbit of wokeism.
Quite frankly, I cannot reference a more ridiculous organizational decision than this example in recent memory. However, that said, while the original decision was nuts, the effort to clean up the mess they created for themselves is exponentially more nuts. Amid the backlash, the Salvation Army released the following statement:


The first thought of ‘what where they thinking‘, becomes compounded by realizing the Salvation Army is a partner with something called the “International Social Justice Commission.” I mean, seriously, what the heck is this all about?
Mistake one might be taking the intent of a historic organization from away from charitable giving and into the toxic and divisive world of racial politics. Mistake number two is doubling down on the decision to engage with race in some ill-fated effort to establish politically correct bona fides.
If you wanted to completely destroy the guiding mission of a charity, the Salvation Army is showing everyone exactly how to do it.
I’m not sure the qualifications or prisms that others use, but myself as a donor I want to see my money used by a charity in such a way as to care for people who are in the most need – and that has absolutely nothing to do with race or any other qualification. I am literally stunned by the intent of the Salvation Army in this mess and their cleanup effort is even worse.
This is one of the biggest disappointments of the year, and yet again shows that organizations can lose their entire purpose by following leadership making stupid decisions.
Jim Hoft follows up the issue with a highlight showing the Salvation Army is in a crisis now because people are not giving to the charity at the time of year when the Christmas Season Salvation Army kettles usually raise a lot of money.
(Fox-13) […] Not only is the nonprofit organization short on donations, they also are in desperate need of bell ringers to staff the red kettles seen at businesses around the country. (read more)
Well, DUH! What exactly did The Salvation Army expect to happen?
The SA has a history of bad PR, too. Many blast them for their point if contact with homeless, hungry, and disaster-stricken peilople.
Charleston Salvation Army kettle drive behind 2020 level - WV MetroNews

Just over a week to go until Christmas and the Charleston Salvation Army reports donations in the 2021 Kettle Drive are lagging behind where they were at this same time a year ago.

A lot of factors have played into the 2021 season. May said he had fewer volunteer bell ringers this year, fewer organizations getting involved in the effort, and few locations which are allowing for the kettles to be place. He said in particular they lost the Town Center Mall in Charleston as a location.
They know they are being shunned. I observed several aggressive ringers speaking at those ignoring them.
I had a street person ask me for $5 one time as I was going down the sidewalk. Said he was trying to save up money to join the Salvation Army. That line of BS got him a good laugh and an extra $5. And probably a small rock.
5 bucks for creativity.
So predictable. So dumb.

The organization’s national commander, Kenneth G. Hodder, refuted that claim in an open letter Wednesday, writing: “The Salvation Army has never been about politics.” Hodder wrote that the op-ed negatively impacted donations for The Salvation Army across the United States.

Salvation Army of Vancouver sees 40% drop in donations

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