Not General Booth's Salvation Army any more

Between those upset that the Salvation Army supports conversion therapy and once had policies antagonistic to LGBTQ and those upset that the Salvation Army has jumped on board the racial apology train, they should be folding from lack of support before too long.
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Between those upset that the Salvation Army supports conversion therapy and has policies antagonistic to LGBTQ and those upset that the Salvation Army has jumped on board the racial apology train, they should be folding from lack of support before too long.
What policies does the SA have that are antagonistic to LGB?
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It's a political movement that generally features a charismatic, often bombastic, leader who purports to side with the general public in a campaign against "the elites" while often enriching themselves and their higher level supporters at the cost of the loyal public.

That’s pretty vague and would include many politicians. What if you’re already enriched before campaigning versus becoming enriched while being a worthless career politician?
What policies does the SA have that are antagonistic to LGB?

I'm going to edit that part out. It appears (through their website and other independent media outlets) they have taken care of this issue. My friends in the LGBTQ community just aren't quite ready to believe them.
That’s pretty vague and would include many politicians. What if you’re already enriched before campaigning versus becoming enriched while being a worthless career politician?

Honestly, I distrust anyone who seeks office. People should be pushed in kicking and screaming and not really wanting to do it. That's about the only way I'd trust them,
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Honestly, I distrust anyone who seeks office. People should be pushed in kicking and screaming and not really wanting to do it. That's about the only way I'd trust them,
Maybe our politicians should be selected like Juries are?
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March Of Dimes would be one of those corrupt organizations. I worked for them for about 2 days years ago and heard them pitching the numbers of how much went to help kids, and it was like 12% of all money raised because the rest went to “operating expenses.” All the people in charge were driving luxury SUV’s. I walked out on them.
I would like to see 5031c status tied to some percentage of funds being used to the actual stated end goal of the organization. At least 80% must be spent on direct costs associated only with stated mission.
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What policies does the SA have that are antagonistic to LGB?
If you do not actively and continuously voice your extreme enthusiasm for LGBQTA (or whatever it is today) „rights“ and your unwavering support for people to publically flaunt whatever personal vision of self sexuality one wishes to display then you are seen as an obviously irredeemable bigot (or worse). Most Americans were fine with a „live and let live“ philosophy in which people could have whatever relationships they wanted with any other consenting adult or adults in the privacy of their own homes. But that was not enough for the activists. Mere tolerance wasn’t enough and now the demand is for affirmation or even celebration. Traditional Biblical Christianity can never condone sin and still be Christianity.
I'm going to edit that part out. It appears (through their website and other independent media outlets) they have taken care of this issue. My friends in the LGBTQ community just aren't quite ready to believe them.
Yea, the SA webpages are covered in Pro-LGB materials.
I got a copy of the page that is driving people crazy. I believe people are reading what they want to read and not talking time to sit in thought.

I got a copy of the page that is driving people crazy. I believe people are reading what they want to read and not talking time to sit in thought.

View attachment 416571
I have not seen anyone commenting on this specific page, but that first reflection question will for sure generate some discussion.

What on this page do you think people are misinterpreting?

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