Not General Booth's Salvation Army any more

The Salvation Army loses all credibility in these discussions because they're claiming they didn't say certain things, but they will no longer grant access to the materials. I took a look at that Racism Guide before they removed it, and it was extremely offensive. I kick myself for not having saved a copy of it. I thought that I had done so.

If the Salvation Army thinks its materials are so clearly defensible, then they should re-publish unedited versions of those materials so that everyone can see for themselves. They won't because they know how bad they were.
In plain language, can you provide a definition using non-derogatory terms?

To me, “woke” is a combination of things.

1. Believing that only white people can be racist or that all white people are racist. Or you could even say blaming current white people for the actions of previous ones

2. Believing that all of America’s institutions are inherently racist

3. Forcing me to acknowledge someone’s preferred gender rather than their biological one

4. Believing in an intersectional hierarchy where if you’re a white person, your opinion doesn’t mean as much as someone who is black. Gender also factors in. Or maybe even the belief that a white person can’t have an opinion on racial issues simply because they’re white.

5. All the fat pride nonsense.

6. Reparations (kind of falls under my first point)

The woke “culture” is the permeation of these lines of thinking in corporate boards, academia, and government.
To me, “woke” is a combination of things.

1. Believing that only white people can be racist or that all white people are racist. Or you could even say blaming current white people for the actions of previous ones

2. Believing that all of America’s institutions are inherently racist

3. Forcing me to acknowledge someone’s preferred gender rather than their biological one

4. Believing in an intersectional hierarchy where if you’re a white person, your opinion doesn’t mean as much as someone who is black. Gender also factors in. Or maybe even the belief that a white person can’t have an opinion on racial issues simply because they’re white.

5. All the fat pride nonsense.

6. Reparations (kind of falls under my first point)

The woke “culture” is the permeation of these lines of thinking in corporate boards, academia, and government.
You used a derogatory term in point #5

You receive an F.

Please re-submit. And for the love of God, please follow Ash’s instructions this time.
You used a derogatory term in point #5

You receive an F.

Please re-submit. And for the love of God, please follow Ash’s instructions this time.
To be fair , Ash seems like a pretty reasonable poster who leans left.

I wouldn’t bother giving such a detailed response to someone like Luther for example.
To be fair , Ash seems like a pretty reasonable poster who leans left.

I wouldn’t bother giving such a detailed response to someone like Luther for example.

Made it 13 years without putting anybody on ignore...until the other day and I gotta say I do not even have a cursory pass of that drivel now
He certainly can be. He’s just been pretty bitchy here lately.

It's the end of the semester and my students are trying to make me as stressed as they are. I should do better and it's my responsibility to not be bitchy here.

Once I'm past Sunday's Super Mega Holiday Concert of Doom and into office week, I'll be better able to cool my jets.
To me, “woke” is a combination of things.

1. Believing that only white people can be racist or that all white people are racist. Or you could even say blaming current white people for the actions of previous ones

2. Believing that all of America’s institutions are inherently racist

3. Forcing me to acknowledge someone’s preferred gender rather than their biological one

4. Believing in an intersectional hierarchy where if you’re a white person, your opinion doesn’t mean as much as someone who is black. Gender also factors in. Or maybe even the belief that a white person can’t have an opinion on racial issues simply because they’re white.

5. All the fat pride nonsense.

6. Reparations (kind of falls under my first point)

The woke “culture” is the permeation of these lines of thinking in corporate boards, academia, and government.

1. I can agree with this as written.

2. I can agree with this one as well.

3. I just go path of least resistance on this one. I've found that it's best to call someone a turnip if they say they're a turnip. I don't have to believe they're a turnip, but I don't want to put up with the incessant complaining either. As far as bathroom politics go on this one, I follow the passport guideline: you are what your passport says you are.

4. Thank you for clarifying specifically which issues you have with intersectionality. I understand where you're coming from and value your intent; there are many people who have abused this subject. At the same time, I see intersectionality through a new lens now that I'm disabled. That might be an enjoyable topic at some point.

5. I am fat. I do not want to be fat. I do not see how anyone can want to be fat. I love myself for who I am... Inside. I am actively working to change the outside so I can be around longer for my family. Love the skin you're in, but take good care of it.

6. Yep. I believe we as a country have made well-documented good faith efforts to level the playing field and provide opportunities for minorities. We still have a long way to go (policies and practices such as sliding scale housing that traps tenants, for one), but I definitely see quality maintenance of effort.

I see the "woke" as more of "bandwagon activists," they've never seen a cause they couldn't appropriate for their own benefit.
I have not seen anyone commenting on this specific page, but that first reflection question will for sure generate some discussion.

What on this page do you think people are misinterpreting?

When I look at the question bank, Question 1 jumps out to me as being an individual issue rather than a group issue. I also don't read non-religious collectivism into the following paragraphs. It looks quite a bit like the Sunday School material I grew up on in the independent Baptist churches I went to, only with less scripture.

Switching my mindset and going in looking for collectivism, I found it easily. In the same question and paragraphs.

To me, it's all about what the reader is looking for.

This answer/reply is applicable to the provided page only; if other pages are shared that explicitly state a collectivist lens is to be used, I will adapt accordingly.
Is this true? The SA has claimed from the beginning that these were all voluntary materials to look at.

In January, active officers in The Salvation Army's western territory were trained in matters of racial equity in a compulsory manner. The agenda for the Territorial Virtual Officers' Councils on Racial Equity workshop mirrored the "Let's Talk About Racism" resource put out by the commission and was required of current officers.

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