Not to be outdone in the race to advance the U.S. as a (so-called) Christian nation, Oklahoma says the Bible is to be included in the curriculum



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005

So last week the Louisiana legislature passed a bill requiring that the Ten Commandments be posted in every classroom. In the race to the bottom demonstrating an utter lack of understanding of even the most rudimentary understanding of and respect for the concept of separation of church and state, Oklahoma announces that the Bible is going to be part of the curriculum.

So take that, Louisiana! Oklahoma says it can be even more unconstitutional and repressive of religious liberty than you! (Cue banjo music here).

So last week the Louisiana legislature passed a bill requiring that the Ten Commandments be posted in every classroom. In the race to the bottom demonstrating an utter lack of understanding of even the most rudimentary understanding of and respect for the concept of separation of church and state, Oklahoma announces that the Bible is going to be part of the curriculum.

So take that, Louisiana! Oklahoma says it can be even more unconstitutional and repressive of religious liberty than you! (Cue banjo music here).
What do you expect..yalls side is pushing extremist progressive issues, so one should expect counter push back in all matters of policy. Your party changed, we didnt.
What do you expect..yalls side is pushing extremist progressive issues, so one should expect counter push back in all matters of policy. Your party changed, we didnt.

Will be interesting to see if this comes up in the debate tonight.
Well, there is no separation of church and state in the constitution so this is perfectly constitutional. Hopefully it ends up in front of this court and they can correct a past wrong by the court.

This is dumb, even though it's constitutional it's stupid and I hope the people of OK correct this through their state and local elections.
List them any one. I am open to a change of opinion.
Seems you young ones only think so.
List things like the right foaming at the mouth to reelect a guy who runs trillion dollar deficits, signs multi trillion giveaways and added $8T to the deficit?

Things like that?
So did Reagan..the founder of modern conservatism. We have had this debatebefore and you only use a fish eye lense. Whatever, I dont really care.

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