Now Biden is coming for your washing machine


When Cincinnati firefighter Ed Wallace bought a high efficiency Whirlpool washing machine, he came to regret the decision almost immediately. The machine used less water—not enough to clean Wallace's work clothes—and his colleagues at the firehouse quickly took notice. "I walked past my guys and they say, 'Dude, you stink!'" Wallace said. "I smelled myself, and yeah, that's me stinking."
First they came for your toilet and shower head. Then your incandescent light bulbs. Then they came for your internal combustion engine powered automobile. Then they came for your high protein meat diet. Now they are coming for your gas stove and your washing machine.
I am kind of tired of my own government trying to reduce my own standard of living.
If I wanted to be regulated into a controlled, micromanaged, second class subject like this, I would just move to Great Britain or France and live the Eurowennie lifestyle authentically.
Well, gotta go see if Wal Mart has dried crickets on sale so I can eat my Davos approved dinner.
When Cincinnati firefighter Ed Wallace bought a high efficiency Whirlpool washing machine, he came to regret the decision almost immediately. The machine used less water—not enough to clean Wallace's work clothes—and his colleagues at the firehouse quickly took notice. "I walked past my guys and they say, 'Dude, you stink!'" Wallace said. "I smelled myself, and yeah, that's me stinking."
I'm confused. The article is about proposed mandates. This dude has BO and is complaining about his current machine. The proposed mandates aren't in effect. Sounds like this dude just has terrible hygiene and wants someone to blame. And not surprisingly, you guys eat it right up.

Let the record show my washing machine is from 2004 and I have a backup set from the 90's in my basement. I cannot stress enough how much I hate newer washing machines. But y'all are REACHING.
I'm confused. The article is about proposed mandates. This dude has BO and is complaining about his current machine. The proposed mandates aren't in effect. Sounds like this dude just has terrible hygiene and wants someone to blame. And not surprisingly, you guys eat it right up.

Let the record show my washing machine is from 2004 and I have a backup set from the 90's in my basement. I cannot stress enough how much I hate newer washing machines. But y'all are REACHING.


Cut it out.
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I'm confused. The article is about proposed mandates. This dude has BO and is complaining about his current machine. The proposed mandates aren't in effect. Sounds like this dude just has terrible hygiene and wants someone to blame. And not surprisingly, you guys eat it right up.

Let the record show my washing machine is from 2004 and I have a backup set from the 90's in my basement. I cannot stress enough how much I hate newer washing machines. But y'all are REACHING.
Can you even read?

He's purchased the type of machine that would be required under the law. I have one in my apartment. It plain doesn't work.
Can you even read?

He's purchased the type of machine that would be required under the law. I have one in my apartment. It plain doesn't work.
So he made a bad purchase and was mad? He could have purchased a simple one or better yet an older set off Marketplace
Again, you're missing the point. Do you understand examples? Anecdotes?
1 dude smells like ass and somehow gets in a news article blaming washing machines. HE machines have been the standard for 10+ years now. Just wash your pits and ass with soap.
I already run an extra wash cycle as a rinse cycle.

The washer I "inherited" at the other house is a relatively new and expensive top loader without a real agitator. I always wind up using the deep water wash and at least one extra rinse - otherwise stuff never seems to go under water. It's terrible with things like a blanket. It's so lightly sprung that the tub hits the side of the cabinet if anything gets beyond slightly unbalanced ... and you have to wait forever for the spin to stop so the lid will unlock to move stuff around. We got a new high end Bosch dishwasher when the old dishwasher finally became unrepairable. Neither of us like the new dishwasher ... the wife uses "hate" ... I'm a little more moderate, but I want the damn heating element back so dishes get dry without chemical additives. We are regressing on appliances - they used to do what they were supposed to do.
The washer I "inherited" at the other house is a relatively new and expensive top loader without a real agitator. I always wind up using the deep water wash and at least one extra rinse - otherwise stuff never seems to go under water. It's terrible with things like a blanket. It's so lightly sprung that the tub hits the side of the cabinet if anything gets beyond slightly unbalanced ... and you have to wait forever for the spin to stop so the lid will unlock to move stuff around. We got a new high end Bosch dishwasher when the old dishwasher finally became unrepairable. Neither of us like the new dishwasher ... the wife uses "hate" ... I'm a little more moderate, but I want the damn heating element back so dishes get dry without chemical additives. We are regressing on appliances - they used to do what they were supposed to do.
We agree on this. But this has been happening over the course of the last 10-15 years.
When Cincinnati firefighter Ed Wallace bought a high efficiency Whirlpool washing machine, he came to regret the decision almost immediately. The machine used less water—not enough to clean Wallace's work clothes—and his colleagues at the firehouse quickly took notice. "I walked past my guys and they say, 'Dude, you stink!'" Wallace said. "I smelled myself, and yeah, that's me stinking."
Mr Wallace needs to learn how to wash clothes then. The instruction manual on his new washer would be a good place to start.
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He can have it. I hate my front loader. Going back to a top loader next go around.

Had a Maytag Neptune semi-front loader (tub was on a bout a 30 degree angle) that humped it for 20 years and still going strong the day we ditched it. A very solid built machine when buying a Maytag meant a Maytag, but it still had all the mold and odor issues around the front seals as a straight front load.

We went to a LG HE top load with the agitator. Excellent machine. Most people that complain the machines don't clean as well now prob chose a model w/o the agitator.

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