Now Biden is coming for your washing machine

If you have to use a heavy duty cycle and extra rinses to get things clean and properly rinsed, the chances are you've used more water - and maybe more electricity than the older "less efficient" model would have used. However, regulators can show they cut water and power use (for "normal use"), manufacturers can claim they complied, and the consumer is frustrated and probably doing no better on resource use. There's just no common sense in the process, and most regulatory agencies are run by lawyers and political appointees rather than people who understand systems and how to make systems realistically more efficient - if possible. I don't believe in the long run that EVs are more efficient or will reduce emissions because we didn't keep investing in nuclear power and renewables aren't going to meet the 24/7/365 need - that's without even considering battery production pollution.
agreed. The actual green movement died in 2009 when Obama took over. There was a lot of cool green tech ideas out there. People actually wanted better things. Then the government got involved and all the real innovation and changes died in the name meeting of baseless government quota.
That's apparently a fire hazard.
I have heard this too. know of a case of a bunch of them catching on fire in a student housing project (not one of my firms). They apparently require more air space around them than the previous models to keep cool. The supposition in my firm is that the new units are more efficient in moving heat around, so they are dumping more heat in the same time as the older units, and with the old distances there isn't enough space to get enough airflow to keep the units functioning properly, and they overheat, but keep dumping out heat, until there is a fire. one of my engineers thinks there needs to be a new regulator or some fancy termed equivalent to shut them off it they get too hot to avoid fire.
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We didn’t like our front loader for that reason.. it got gunked up and moldy (LG) and we could not get the seal out or ever get it entirely clean lol.. it will make your clothes stinky permeates the barrel, and you have to use this stuff to ‘clean the washing machine’ lmao.. we went with whatever we could find that was the most basic, closest to old school washer we could find.. now what I really hate is the low flow toilets 😂 if anyone thinks they are coming after my convection oven, or my gas stove or grill, they are going to have to fight me
We did the exact same thing. Couldn't get rid of the front loader set fast enough.
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