Now Joe Says He Will Debate

Staring context, first to blink loses...

Thats either AI generated/altered...or hes had so much Botox injected into his entire face that only his mouth moves. Doesnt even looks like one of those 80s or 90s commercials where the dogs or cats were made to "talk". Where only the mouth was affected, and you could tell it was poorly done. So weird. I can't believe that demented career politician that has never accomplished anything in 50 straight years of being a grifter political hack is actually the President of the United States...what a disgrace.

This is why we need to lock the MSM out of the debate.

Shall I also cherry pick footage from Fox or Breitbart where they say nonsensical or completely false things so as to assert that all right leaning media must be barred from the debates?

No matter what, you will never satisfy everyone on this because whichever side comes out on the weaker end of the debate will claim bias, either in a question or by the questioner. The best you can do it leave it to the viewer to decide whether a question is fair or agenda-driven.

And I'll add that even if a question is agenda-driven, that does not mean it is not fair. If someone points out Biden gaffes and apparent unsteadiness on his feet and asks whether his age is a factor in his ability to serve four more years, it may be uncomfortable but it is fair and a relevant topic.

Likewise, if during the debates someone turns to Trump and points out that no court has ever sustained any or the myriad challenges to the balloting, that attacks on the voting system were disproven and his agents ordered to pay millions in damages for making false claims, and should we be worried that he will repeat the same falsehoods this go 'round, those questions would be uncomfortable for him but they are completely fair and relevant.
Shall I also cherry pick footage from Fox or Breitbart where they say nonsensical or completely false things so as to assert that all right leaning media must be barred from the debates?

No matter what, you will never satisfy everyone on this because whichever side comes out on the weaker end of the debate will claim bias, either in a question or by the questioner. The best you can do it leave it to the viewer to decide whether a question is fair or agenda-driven.

And I'll add that even if a question is agenda-driven, that does not mean it is not fair. If someone points out Biden gaffes and apparent unsteadiness on his feet and asks whether his age is a factor in his ability to serve four more years, it may be uncomfortable but it is fair and a relevant topic.

Likewise, if during the debates someone turns to Trump and points out that no court has ever sustained any or the myriad challenges to the balloting, that attacks on the voting system were disproven and his agents ordered to pay millions in damages for making false claims, and should we be worried that he will repeat the same falsehoods this go 'round, those questions would be uncomfortable for him but they are completely fair and relevant.

Funny, your long winded retort should have stopped before it started since Fox is included in the MSM.

I'm saying if you really want fair these days, there are any number of podcast hosts that are very neutral, though well ask tough questions to both parties. And people trust them. Trust them way more than CNN, Fox, ABC, et al.

There is nothing to be gained by having broke ass media "moderating" debates except "we've always done it this way."

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