Now trending - Bare Shelves Biden

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Pete's at home breast feeding those two babies. He hasn't got time to serve America in the job given to him. He likes to stay home & get a check for doing no work too.
Just a decade ago, you would have been laughed out of the room if you suggested two men needed two months of maternity leave.
Sadly, if Trump were President the media would have to spend all their time explaining that bleach is not a viable substitute for chicken nuggets.
Rent. Free.

Actually you get a pass on this one. Trump was referenced in the OP. While I have every confidence you’d pull a but Trump eventually, he was already in play when you got triggered.
Rent. Free.

Actually you get a pass on this one. Trump was referenced in the OP. While I have every confidence you’d pull a but Trump eventually, he was already in play when you got triggered.

The question was asked. I answered it.

What on earth ever gave you that impression?

You: I hate the media because they blame **** on the president they don't like.

Also you: Watch me blame **** on the president I don't like.

I’d place more blame on his party as a whole (due to lockdowns) but he deserves blame too. His administration has been very open about going after businesses for increasing prices. Despite his policies that cause increased prices.

If you don’t allow the market to adjust prices, you get empty shelves
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Ah the good old days. When there was enough ice cream that everyone got a scoop, and there was still enough left over for our President to go back for more!

Not happening under bare shelves Biden! Sad.
View attachment 427400

I look back at this stuff and think...God these people are unhinged.
Probably can’t find any bleach
My BIL works in logistics for Clorox. They are way over saturated with cleaning supplies. He says the American people realized that dousing everything in bleach was stupid about 3 months ago.
My BIL works in logistics for Clorox. They are way over saturated with cleaning supplies. He says the American people realized that dousing everything in bleach was stupid about 3 months ago.

I think back to all the talk about overuse of antibiotics and how they are running out of quivers
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Apparently, so I'm told, the shortage of cream cheese is related to a cyber attack. How long before China/Russia/Other hostile country initiates a wide ranging, long lasting cyber attack that sends us into total chaos? I think all of these cyber attacks over the past few years are simple trial runs for something bigger in the future.
China and Russia don't have to do a damn thing. We are doing a good job of destroying ourselves. Idiocracy mixed with corruption...

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